>>>>什么是Rails Girls? Rails Girls项目是一个免费的公益活动,该项目为女性提供为时1天的Web开发入门工作坊。...Rails Girls项目起源于芬兰,到目前为止,Rails Girls 已经在全球很多国家成功地组织了工作坊。...With more volunteers, a greater number of Chinese girls will get access to learning how to code."...The point of the workshop is to let people do and build something," Le Henaff said....coaches delivered the concept that software development is not rocket science but something anyone can do
If you use rails, then you should know how to use RSpec to test your rails app....' gem 'factory_girl_rails' #give us some test data to play with end group :test do gem 'capybara...Five: Controller In this short article, I will just test create, update and destroy, and skip index etc...:destroy, id: @user }.to change(User,:count).by(-1) end it "redirects to users#index...invalid_user) expect(response).to render_template :edit end end end Resources Documentation How
do....Objects for Sanity The example above has only one service object, but in the real world, things can get...the_exchange_account, amount: the_amount, currency: original_currency ) # get...end # get the exchange rate from an API class ExchangeRateGetter < ApplicationService ......Where do I put my code in Rails when it doesn't fit in a model or controller?
创建rails项目 以blog项目为例: rails new blog 只需几秒钟就会得到一个基本的rails项目结构: ?...修改 config/routes.rb 文件配置路由,修改如下: Rails.application.routes.draw do get "hello/index" root "hello#index...接下来定义控制器: class HelloController < ApplicationController def index end end rails足够智能可以自己在视图文件夹寻找名为 index.html.erb...的视图文件,将视图文件写入以下内容 hello, rails 此时,浏览器中打开 / 和 /hello/index/ 路径都将返回同样的内容 ?...文章的列举 我们利用 index action 列举所有的article,定义 index 方法 def index @article = Article.all end 定义视图: List
I do later on....Get your team to use Git and you’ll be using CI....How do I avoid manual deploys?...So how do I do this? Here’s where it gets interesting. I like to deploy master directly to staging....But if master deploys to staging, how do we deploy to production?
You will get a better understanding of filter and session stuff in rails!...If you get stuck, you can have a look at my code as a poor reference, Lol, come here....action, there should be index.html.erb or index.html.haml....So we do not need to handle that....should looks somewhat like this: do
I’ll show you how to do this below using Google search, but first it’s important to understand how the...Let’s take a look at how this works....To find them, you need to know how to use the search query in Google that I’m going to show you how to...Here’s a search for developer/engineering roles that require specialization in the Ruby on Rails coding...Do the former to be the first to apply to remote jobs. Do the latter to get a higher volume of
50 : How do you split a list into evenly sized chunks?...1686230 : How do I read a file line-by-line into a list?...1682307 : Iterating over dictionaries using 'for' loops in Python 1569205 : How to get the size of a...list 1554755 : How do I install pip on Windows?...分别是 How do I check whether a file exists using Python?
Rails.application.routes.draw do ......:format) articles#index POST /articles(....:format) articles#destroy root GET / welcome#index 看了Rails...Java后期的一些开源项目也开始向Rails学习。比如,使用Spring Data JPA的项目后,我们也可以写出类似Rails的代码。...$ bin/rails generate controller Welcome index 总结 看接口的一个方法是找主线,看风格。先找到一条功能主线,对项目建立起结构性的了解。
h202 blog]# rails generate controller welcome index Running via Spring preloader in process 11871...create app/controllers/welcome_controller.rb route get 'welcome/index' invoke erb...do get 'welcome/index' root 'welcome#index' end [root@h202 blog]# ---- 进行访问 直接刷新页面 注意,我修改了配置和服务...,但并没有对服务进行重启,而可以直接加载出新的内容,说明 Rails 可以进行动态加载 In development mode, Rails does not generally require you...下面是访问过程中产生的日志 Started GET "/" for at 2016-04-22 20:13:15 +0800 Cannot render console from
frequently a layered structure demonstrating what sort of projects can or ought to be assembled and how...Ruby on Rails Ruby on Rails incorporates everything expected to make a database-driven web application...Checkout: "What is OAuth and How it works?"...dynamic framework ready to fabricate total customer side applications, and there's such a great amount to do...to get things done, and you'll discover numerous likenesses between frameworks, even crosswise over
1.生成railsAPI项目 rails new 项目名 --datebase=postgresql 2.创建model的User模型,username与密码字段 rails g model user...g controller tokens create 12.路由中 Rails.application.routes.draw do get 'tokens/create' resources...config.load_defaults 5.2 config.generators.system_tests = nil config.middleware.insert_before 0, Rack::Cors do...allow do origins '*' resource '*',headers: :any, methods: [ :delete..., :put, :patch, :get, :psot, :options ] end # Settings in config/environments
在生产服务器上,更新apt-get: sudo apt-get update 然后使用以下命令安装PostgreSQL: sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib...listen 80; server_name localhost; root /home/deploy/appname/public; try_files $uri/index.html...准备生产Git Remote 在生产服务器上,使用apt-get安装git: sudo apt-get install git 然后为远程存储库创建一个目录。...仅此一项就可以在项目的整个生命周期中为您节省大量时间。 本教程仅介绍了“post-receive”hook,但还有其他几种类型的挂钩可以帮助改善部署过程的自动化。...参考文献:《How To Deploy a Rails App with Git Hooks on Ubuntu 14.04》
运行以下两个命令来安装RVM并为Ruby创建系统环境: curl -L get.rvm.io | bash -s stable source /etc/profile.d/rvm.sh 最后,要在我们的系统上完成...运行以下命令下载并安装Mina: gem install mina 使用Mina 在将mina引入项目时,首先需要在项目目录中启动mina。...例如: desc "Deploys the current version to the server." task :deploy => :environment do deploy do...:db_migrate' invoke :'rails:assets_precompile' to :launch do queue "touch #{deploy_to...---- 参考文献:《How To Deploy With Mina: Getting Started》
resources :comments, only: [:index, :new, :create] end resources :comments, only: [:show, :edit...concern :image_attachable do resources :images, only: :index end 使用: resources :messages, concerns...: :index end 从对象创建路径和RUL地址 除了使用路由辅助方法,Rails还可以从参数数组创建路径和URL地址,假如有以下路由: resources :magazine do resources...'photos/:id', to: 'photos#show', defaults: {format: 'jpg'} Rails会把 /photos/12 路径映射到 Photos#show 动作上,...请求 unicode 字符路由 声明路由时,可以直接使用 Unicode 字符: get "忽如寄" , to: 'welcome#index' 自定义资源路由 指定控制器 :controller 选项用于显式指定资源使用的控制器
更新包索引文件: deploy@droplet:~$ sudo apt-get update 然后,安装Nginx: deploy@droplet:~$ sudo apt-get install curl...| bash -s stable 此命令使用curl从https://get.rvm.io中下载RVM安装脚本。...首先将这些行添加到Gemfile Rails应用程序中: Gemfile group :development do gem 'capistrano', require: false...在您的Rails项目目录中创建config/nginx.conf,并向其添加以下内容(再次,替换为您的参数): config/ nginx.conf upstream puma { server unix.../ { gzip_static on; expires max; add_header Cache-Control public; } try_files $uri/index.html
图片第一种方式:仅引入 Bootstrap创建 Rails 项目首先使用 rails new 命令创建 Rails 项目:图片图片如果创建项目的时间过长,可以考虑更换 Ruby 的 Gem 源,使用 RubyChina...@import "bootstrap";// ...测试 Bootstrap使用 rails g controller 命令创建一个 home_controller 以及 index 函数:图片参考 Bootstrap...s 命令启动 Rails 应用,在浏览器中输入 localhost:3000/home/index 查看 index 页面图片出现该页面说明引入的 Bootstrap 已经生效。...第二种方式:引入 Bootstrap 和 jQuery添加 Bootstrap 和 jQuery 的 Ruby Gem创建一个新的项目 rails-bootstrap-jquery,之后再项目的 Gemfile...s 启动 Rails 项目,查看图片
第一种方式:仅引入 Bootstrap 创建 Rails 项目 首先使用 rails new 命令创建 Rails 项目: 如果创建项目的时间过长,可以考虑更换 Ruby 的 Gem 源,使用 RubyChina...测试 Bootstrap 使用 rails g controller 命令创建一个 home_controller 以及 index 函数: 参考 Bootstrap Navabar 的样式修改 app...s 命令启动 Rails 应用,在浏览器中输入 localhost:3000/home/index 查看 index 页面 出现该页面说明引入的 Bootstrap 已经生效。...第二种方式:引入 Bootstrap 和 jQuery 添加 Bootstrap 和 jQuery 的 Ruby Gem 创建一个新的项目 rails-bootstrap-jquery,之后再项目的 Gemfile...s 启动 Rails 项目,查看
下面是访问过程中产生的日志 Started GET "/welcome/index" for at 2016-04-22 20:16:03 +0800 Cannot render...root@h202 blog]# vim config/routes.rb [root@h202 blog]# grep -v ' #' config/routes.rb | grep -v "^$" Rails.application.routes.draw...do resources :articles root 'welcome#index' end [root@h202 blog]# rake routes Prefix Verb...:format) articles#destroy root GET / welcome#index [root@h202...的对应关系 我们尝试访问其中的一个链接,/articles/new 得到如下反馈 报错的原因为没有 ArticlesController ---- 创建控制器 [root@h202 blog]# bin/rails
cd /tmp 从https://get.rvm.io中下载RVM安装程序脚本。...sudo pkg install node-devel 第5步 - 创建测试项目 现在Rails安装完成了,让我们通过在/tmp目录中创建一个空项目来测试它。...cd /tmp 使用该rails命令创建一个名为test-project的新项目(或任何您喜欢的项目)。 rails new test-project 输入项目目录。...exit 结论 在本教程中,您学习了如何在FreeBSD 10.1服务器上设置Ruby on Rails。您现在可以使用FreeBSD服务器作为Rails项目的开发环境!...---- 参考文献:《How To Install Ruby on Rails on FreeBSD 10.1 using RVM》
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