pet,PetStore store) { String sql = "select * from petowner where id=?"...= new PetStoreServiceImpl(); PetStore petStore = store.getPetStore(pet.getStoreId());...} return pet; } /** * 购买宠物 */ public void buy(Pet pet,PetStore store) {, int type,PetStore petStore) { PetStoreService store = new PetStoreServiceImpl(); if(,store); } /** * 宠物商店出售宠物 */ public static void storeSell(PetStore
id,name,typeName,health,love,birthday,owner_id,store_id from pet "; conn = getConn(); // 得到数据库连接...public void buy(Pet pet,PetStore store); } /** * */ package service; import entity.Pet; /**..., PetOwner petOwner, PetStore store); /** * 修改宠物主人信息 */ public int modifyOwner(PetOwner...owner, Pet pet, int type); /** * 根据宠物商店标识符查询宠物商店 */ public PetStore getPetStore(long id);.../** * 修改宠物商店信息 */ public int modifyStore(Pet pet, int type,PetStore petStore); /**
-- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `pet`; CREATE TABLE `pet` ( `id` int(4) NOT DEFAULT NULL, `birthday` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL, `owner_id` int(4) DEFAULT NULL, `store_id...` int(4) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `fk_pet_petOwner` (`owner_id`), KEY `fk_pet_petStore...` (`store_id`), CONSTRAINT `fk_pet_petStore` FOREIGN KEY (`store_id`) REFERENCES `petstore` (`id`),...-- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `petstore`; CREATE TABLE `petstore` ( `id` int
Petstore 很早以前看过了的,听说是什么学JAVA必看,时间长了都没什么印象了,今天再看一篇,觉得又学了不少东西。。看来好东西还是得经常看啊。。...下面对Petstore的代码做一个简单的分析和梳理,以便下次看的时候更快捷。。...更细的在这四个下面再分好来(按包名): 1.domain POJO部分 2.persistence 数据持久层 3.service 对持久层数据的操作 4.struts 业务逻辑与前端数据显示 Petstore
宠物主人 --登录 登录后 1:购买宠物(先查询出库存宠物) (1)扣除宠物主人元宝数 (2)添加宠物商店余额 (3)更新宠物表,store_id...设为null,ownerid是主人ID Pet pet = petDao.findPetById(id); pet.setOwnerId(null); (4)添加帐户表一条记录...先查询出当前登录主人的宠物) (1)指定卖出的宠物,以及售予的商家(查出商家列表) (2)添加宠物主人元宝数 (3)扣除宠物商店余额 (3)更新宠物表,store_id...宠物商店 --登录 登录后 1:购买宠物 (参考主人购买宠物,业务类似) 2:卖出宠物 (参考主人卖出宠物,业务类似) 3:培育宠物 --新增宠物,添加pet...表 4:查询待售宠物 --查询pet表,owner_id为null的宠物 5:查看商店结余 6:开宠物商店 --添加宠物商店记录(petstore表) pet
const data = await response.json(); console.log(data); }; //With liblab SDK import { Category, Pet..., Petstore, Tag, Status } from 'petstore'; (async () => { const petstore = new Petstore({ token: '...const tag: Tag = { id: 8, name: 'dog-tag', }; const status = Status.AVAILABLE; const pet...: [tag], status: status, }; const { data } = await, { yourQueryParameter...petstore = new Petstore(config); Pet response = petstore.petService.getPetById(1); System.out.println
Research and preparation Humans love their pet dogs in the same way as they do their children, and the...Researchers found that the hormone oxytocin spikes in both human and pets brains when a pet is gazing...known to play a strong role in triggering feelings of unconditional love and protection when owner and pet
(ApiOperation.class)) .build(); } 3.在API上做一些声明 //本controller的功能描述 @Api(value = "pet...其他可以忽略 @ApiOperation(value = "Add a new pet to the store", notes = "", response = Void.class, authorizations...= { @Authorization(value = "petstore_auth", scopes = { @AuthorizationScope(scope...object that needs to be added to the store" ,required=true ) @RequestBody Pet body); } 案例 package com.test.mybatis.web.controllers... 2.github:
(ApiOperation.class)) .build(); } 3.在API上做一些声明 //本controller的功能描述 @Api(value = "pet...其他可以忽略 @ApiOperation(value = "Add a new pet to the store", notes = "", response = Void.class, authorizations...= { @Authorization(value = "petstore_auth", scopes = { @AuthorizationScope(scope...object that needs to be added to the store" ,required=true ) @RequestBody Pet body); 案例: package com.test.mybatis.web.controllers...:// 2.github:
添加以下属性名称和值:"x-ISC_CORS":true例如,OpenAPI XData 块可能包含以下内容: "post":{ "description":"Creates a new the store..../json" ], ...添加 x-ISC_CORS 属性,如下所示: "post":{ "description":"Creates a new the store....在这种情况下,将修改 XData 块,如下所示: "swagger":"2.0", "info":{ "version":"1.0.0", "title":"Swagger Petstore
/v2/")] public interface IPetApi : IHttpApi { /// /// Add a new pet to the store.../// /// Pet object that needs to be added to the store...object that needs to be added to the store /// the store with form data /// /// ID of pet that needs to be...:// [4] 可选][#:
/v1/pet.proto:42:10:Field name "petID" should be lower_snake_case, such as "pet_id". proto/pet/v1/pet.proto...:47:9:Service name "PetStore" should be suffixed with "Service"....-service PetStore { +service PetStoreService { rpc GetPet(GetPetRequest) returns (GetPetResponse)...associated with the given request into the PetStore. func (s *petStoreServiceServer) PutPet( ctx...version: v1 managed: enabled: true go_package_prefix: default:
client客户端 POST use gostd::net::http; fn main() -> Result { let url = ""; let postbody = r#"{"id":0,"category":{"id":0,"name":"string"},"name":"doggie","photoUrls.../v2/pet"; let postbody = r#"{ "id": 0, "category": { "id": 0, "name".../v2/pet/findByStatus?.../v2/pet/findByStatus?
static文件夹 oepetstore/static/css/petstore.css 是我们的 CSS 文件。...oepetstore/static/js/petstore.js包含应用程序的JavaScript 代码。...部件–> instance.oepetstore.HomePage=instance.web.Widget.extend({ start:function(){ console.log(“ home page loaded”); }, }); instance.web.client_actions.add(‘petstore.homepage’,’instance.oepetstore.HomePage...当我们点击‣Pet Store ‣ Pet Store ‣ Home Page菜单项时,客户端action让部件显示出来。 HomePage 部件有一个 start() 方法。
下面显示了一个示例: "swagger":"2.0", "info":{ "version":"1.0.0", "title":"Swagger Petstore", "description...":"A sample API that uses a petstore as an example to demonstrate features in the swagger-2.0 specification...,请将 x-ISC_RequiredResource 属性添加到定义该端点的操作对象,如下例所示: "post":{ "description":"Creates a new the store.
context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("s104/services.xml", "s104/daos.xml"); // 从上下文中获取名为"petStore...-- services --> petStore" class="io.yulin.learn.spring.s104.PetStoreServiceImpl" >...--命名别名--> petStore" alias="petStoreAlias" />对应bean如下。其中这些bean也就是简单的业务bean。 {"buy pet: {}", pet);; itemDao.minus(pet);...("minus pet num: {}", pet.getNum()); }}@Slf4jpublic class AccountDao { public void store(Pet pet
基于BERT+PET方式文本分类模型搭建 一、实现模型工具类函数 目的:模型在训练、验证、预测时需要的函数 代码路径:/Users/**/PycharmProjects/llm/prompt_tasks.../PET/utils utils文件夹共包含3个py脚本、metirc_utils.py以及 1.1 目的:定义一个...导入必备的工具包 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import os from typing import Union, List from pet_config import * pc...import * import sys sys.path.append('/Users/ligang/PycharmProjects/llm/prompt_tasks/PET/data_handle'...床铺柔软舒 适,晚上休息很安逸,隔音效果不错赞,下次还会来': '酒店' } 总结 实现了基于BERT+PET模型的构建,并完成了训练和测试评估
我们看一个swagger自带的 petstore open api 例子: { "swagger": "2.0...", "info": { "description": "This is a sample server Petstore server....", "version": "1.0.3", "title": "Swagger Petstore", "termsOfService": "下载到本地之后,我们可以通过如下命令来生成rest client: java -jar swagger-codegen-cli-2.4.12.jar generate \ -i private PetApi petApi; @GetMapping("/api/findAvailablePets") public ListPet
7.1、低剂量2重建结果 第一张是低剂量2的PET图像,第二张是full剂量PET图像,第三张是网络重建的PET图像。...7.2、低剂量4重建结果 第一张是低剂量4的PET图像,第二张是full剂量PET图像,第三张是网络重建的PET图像。...7.3、低剂量10重建结果 第一张是低剂量10的PET图像,第二张是full剂量PET图像,第三张是网络重建的PET图像。...7.4、低剂量20重建结果 第一张是低剂量20的PET图像,第二张是full剂量PET图像,第三张是网络重建的PET图像。...7.5、低剂量50重建结果 第一张是低剂量50的PET图像,第二张是full剂量PET图像,第三张是网络重建的PET图像。
– Pet Shop DAL configuration settings....productId)) return new ProductInfo(); // Get the product from the data store
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