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    首先登场的是Kali Linux,它是基于Debian的Linux发行版,在数字取证和渗透测试有较大的优势。你可以在你的笔记本上安装该系统,然后就可以用它破解周边的Wi-Fi,套取账号或者测试蓝牙漏洞了。不过如果你是个遵纪守法的人,可别做的太过,因为利用该系统黑进别人受保护的网络是触犯法律的,而且罪过还不小,很有可能会因为违反计算机安全法案遭到起诉。所以,要想一试身手就拿自家的网络来吧。      另外我们还需要一块树莓派开发板,它是一款针对电脑业余爱好者、教师、小学生以及小型企业等用户的迷你电脑,预装Linux系统,体积仅信用卡大小,搭载ARM架构处理器,运算性能和智能手机相仿。如果能将它和Kali Linux结合起来,就可以得到一台超便携的网络测试机。本文我们将告诉你如何在这台小电脑上运行Kali,这样你就不用在你的电脑上面做测试了。      所需设备      一台树莓派(最好是Model B+或者2)    一块电池组(只要能输出5V电压并带有USB接口就行)    一张WiFi无线网卡    一张8G的SD卡    一块能与树莓派配套使用的触摸屏(如果你不在乎便携性,还可以选用官方的7英寸触摸屏)    一个保护套(随身携带的时候还是带个套吧)    一套键盘鼠标(无线且便携的最优)    一部电脑(用于给树莓派安装Kali)


    Scrcpy - 开源免费在电脑显示手机画面并控制手机的工具 (投屏/录屏/免Root)

    Scrcpy 可以视为开源免费版的 Vysor 替代品,可以将安卓手机的画面投屏到电脑桌面显示上并进行操控。简单地说,就是可以让你在电脑上控制手机!它支持鼠标控制、键盘输入、电脑剪切板复制粘贴、拖放文件传输到手机、以及拖放 APK 文件进行安装。 Scrcpy 实际的投屏效果非常理想,画面清晰流畅,基本无明显延迟,相比 Vysor 要付费后才能设置高码率,Scrcpy 可以自定义视频码率这点显得十分良心。软件支持自动横屏,操作很灵敏,实用性非常的高。 你可以方便地利用 Scrcpy 来测试 APP 应用、玩游戏、高效完成一些需要在手机上进行的复杂工作、更高效地办公;也能更方便地进行 Android 屏幕录像、截屏;甚至还能方便你上班时摸鱼划水。应用场景非常多,无论是开发者还是普通个人用户都相当的实用。如果经常有电脑上操控手机的需求,那么 Scrcpy 可谓是妥妥的神器! Scrcpy 是一款命令行工具,没有图形界面,但这并不妨碍它成为一款出色好用的开源软件!其实它的使用也并不复杂。


    hostapd 配置「建议收藏」

    hostapd is an IEEE 802.11 AP and IEEE 802.1X/WPA/WPA2/EAP/RADIUS Authenticator. This page is dedicated to the Linux documentation of it’s implementation and use. Please refer to the hostapd home page for information for other Operating Systems. As far a Linux is concerned, out of the old drivers you can only use these 3 drivers with hostapd: HostAP madwifi prism54 All new mac80211 based drivers that implement AP functionality are supported with hostapd’s nl80211 driver. The mac80211 subsystem moves all aspects of master mode into user space. It depends on hostapd to handle authenticating clients, setting encryption keys, establishing key rotation policy, and other aspects of the wireless infrastructure. Due to this, the old method of issuing ‘ iwconfig <wireless interface> mode master’ no longer works. Userspace programs like hostapd now use netlink (the nl80211 driver) to create a master mode interface for your traffic and a monitor mode interface for receiving and transmitting management frames. Getting hostapd Using your distributions hostapd It is advisable to try your distributions version of hostapd before taking the time to compile and install your own copy. This will make future maintenance easier as you’ll be able to use the init scripts shipped by the distro and hostapd will be updated by it as well. If your distribution ships 0.6.8 or later, you can test with this bare minimum config by creating the file hostapd-minimal.conf: #change wlan0 to your wireless device interface=wlan0 driver=nl80211 ssid=test channel=1 If that config errors out with something like: hostapd $ sudo hostapd ./hostapd-minimal.conf Configuration file: ./hostapd-minimal.conf Line 2: invalid/unknown driver ‘nl80211’ 1 errors found in configuration file ‘./hostapd-minimal.conf’ that means that your distro is not shipping hostapd with nl80211 driver support and you’ll need to follow the building instructions that follow. If it works, you can skip down to the configuring hostapd secti
