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    randrepeat=boolForrandomIOworkloads,seedthegeneratorinapredictablewaysothatresultsarerepeatableacrossrepetitions.Defaultstotrue.randseed=intSeedtherandomnumbergeneratorsbasedonthisseedvalue,tobeabletocontrolwhatsequenceofoutputisbeinggenerated.Ifnotset,therandomsequencedependsontherandrepeatsetting.fallocate=strWhetherpre-allocationisperformedwhenlayingdownfiles.Acceptedvaluesare:noneDonotpre-allocatespaceposixPre-allocateviaposix_fallocate()keepPre-allocateviafallocate()withFALLOC_FL_KEEP_SIZEset0Backward-compatiblealiasfor'none'1Backward-compatiblealiasfor'posix'Maynotbeavailableonallsupportedplatforms.'keep'isonlyavailableonLinux.IfusingZFSonSolaristhismustbesetto'none'becauseZFSdoesn't support it. Default: 'posix'. fadvise_hint=bool By default, fio will use fadvise() to advise the kernel on what IO patterns it is likely to issue. Sometimes you want to test specific IO patterns without telling the kernel about it, in which case you can disable this option. If set, fio will use POSIX_FADV_SEQUENTIAL for sequential IO and POSIX_FADV_RANDOM for random IO. fadvise_stream=int Notify the kernel what write stream ID to place these writes under. Only supported on Linux. Note, this option may change going forward. size=int The total size of file io for this job. Fio will run until this many bytes has been transferred, unless runtime is limited by other options (such as 'runtime', for instance, or increased/decreased by 'io_size'). Unless specific nrfiles and filesize options are given, fio will divide this size between the available files specified by the job. If not set, fio will use the full size of the given files or devices. If the files do not exist, size must be given. It is also possible to give size as a percentage between 1 and 100. If size=20% is given, fio will use 20% of the full size of the given files or devices. io_size=int io_limit=int Normally fio operates within the region set by 'size', which means that the 'size' option sets both the region and size of IO to



    sync_file_range=str:valUsesync_file_range()forevery'val'numberofwriteoperations.Fiowilltrackrangeofwritesthathavehappenedsincethelastsync_file_range()call.'str'cancurrentlybeoneormoreof:wait_beforeSYNC_FILE_RANGE_WAIT_BEFOREwriteSYNC_FILE_RANGE_WRITEwait_afterSYNC_FILE_RANGE_WAIT_AFTERSoifyoudosync_file_range=wait_before,write:8,fiowoulduseSYNC_FILE_RANGE_WAIT_BEFORE|SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WRITEforevery8writes.Alsoseethesync_file_range(2)manpage.ThisoptionisLinuxspecific.overwrite=boolIftrue,writestoafilewillalwaysoverwriteexistingdata.Ifthefiledoesn't already exist, it will be created before the write phase begins. If the file exists and is large enough for the specified write phase, nothing will be done. end_fsync=bool If true, fsync file contents when a write stage has completed. fsync_on_close=bool If true, fio will fsync() a dirty file on close. This differs from end_fsync in that it will happen on every file close, not just at the end of the job. rwmixread=int How large a percentage of the mix should be reads. rwmixwrite=int How large a percentage of the mix should be writes. If both rwmixread and rwmixwrite is given and the values do not add up to 100%, the latter of the two will be used to override the first. This may interfere with a given rate setting, if fio is asked to limit reads or writes to a certain rate. If that is the case, then the distribution may be skewed. random_distribution=str:float By default, fio will use a completely uniform random distribution when asked to perform random IO. Sometimes it is useful to skew the distribution in specific ways, ensuring that some parts of the data is more hot than others. fio includes the following distribution models: random Uniform random distribution zipf Zipf distribution pareto Pareto distribution When using a zipf or pareto distribution, an input value is also needed to define the access pattern. For zipf, this is the zipf theta. For pareto, it'stheparetopower.Fioincludesatestprogram,genzipf,thatcanbeusedvi



    前言: 简单看了一下glusterfs,使用单节点构造glusterfs环境,导出的路径是是本地SSD在分区上。用qemu挂载glusterfs上的卷,用FIO测试IOPS,测试结果不理想。 大致分析了一下,怀疑fuse会导致性能下降。 分析: 1,libfuse & fuse 为了方便测试和便于分析问题,使用了libfuse。代码地址https://github.com/libfuse/libfuse 编译libfuse比较麻烦,不支持Makefile,需要用meson编译,而且meson的版本要求比较高,不能用apt-get直接安装。操作方法就是下载高版本的meson包,在meson包里面执行python3 setup.py install。 除了用户态的libfuse之外,还需要kernel支持。作者在Ubuntu1804上测试,fuse已经被编译到kernel中。在config文件(内核配置文件即ls /boot/config-`uname -r`)中CONFIG_FUSE_FS。如果是kmod的方式编译,执行modprobe fuse。



    bs_is_seq_randIfthisoptionisset,fiowillusethenormalread,writeblocksizesettingsassequential,randominstead.AnyrandomreadorwritewillusetheWRITEblocksizesettings,andanysequentialreadorwritewillusetheREADblocksizesetting.zero_buffersIfthisoptionisgiven,fiowillinittheIObufferstoallzeroes.Thedefaultistofillthemwithrandomdata.refill_buffersIfthisoptionisgiven,fiowillrefilltheIObuffersoneverysubmit.Thedefaultistoonlyfillitatinittimeandreusethatdata.Onlymakessenseifzero_buffersisn't specified, naturally. If data verification is enabled, refill_buffers is also automatically enabled. scramble_buffers=bool If refill_buffers is too costly and the target is using data deduplication, then setting this option will slightly modify the IO buffer contents to defeat normal de-dupe attempts. This is not enough to defeat more clever block compression attempts, but it will stop naive dedupe of blocks. Default: true. buffer_compress_percentage=int If this is set, then fio will attempt to provide IO buffer content (on WRITEs) that compress to the specified level. Fio does this by providing a mix of random data and a fixed pattern. The fixed pattern is either zeroes, or the pattern specified by buffer_pattern. If the pattern option is used, it might skew the compression ratio slightly. Note that this is per block size unit, for file/disk wide compression level that matches this setting, you'llalsowanttosetrefill_buffers.buffer_compress_chunk=intSeebuffer_compress_percentage.Thissettingallowsfiotomanagehowbigtherangesofrandomdataandzeroeddatais.Withoutthisset,fiowillprovidebuffer_compress_percentageofblocksizerandomdata,followedbytheremainingzeroed.Withthissettosomechunksizesmallerthantheblocksize,fiocanalternaterandomandzeroeddatathroughouttheIObuffer.buffer_pattern=strIfset,fiowillfilltheiobufferswiththispattern.Ifnotset,thecontentsofiobuffersisdefinedbytheotheroptionsrelatedtobuffercontents.Thesettingcanbeanypatternofbytes,andcanbeprefixedwith0xforhexvalues.Itmayalsobeastring,wherethestringmustthenbewrappedwit



    ; -- end job file -- Here we have no global section, as we only have one job defined anyway. We want to use async io here, with a depth of4foreach file. We also increased the buffer size used to32KB and define numjobs to4to fork 4 identical jobs. The result is4 processes each randomly writing to their own 64MB file. Instead ofusing the above job file, you could have given the parameters on the command line. For this case, you would specify: $ fio --name=random-writers --ioengine=libaio --iodepth=4 --rw=randwrite --bs=32k --direct=0 --size=64m --numjobs=4When fio is utilized as a basis ofany reasonably large test suite, it might be desirable toshare a setof standardized settings across multiple job files. Instead of copy/pasting such settings, anysection may pull in an external .fio file with'includefilename' directive, asin the following example: ;-- start job file including.fio -- [global] filename=/tmp/test filesize=1m include glob-include.fio [test] rw=randread bs=4k time_based=1 runtime=10 include test-include.fio ; -- end job file including.fio -- ; -- start job file glob-include.fio -- thread=1 group_reporting=1 ; -- end job file glob-include.fio -- ; -- start job file test-include.fio -- ioengine=libaio iodepth=4 ; -- end job file test-include.fio -- Settings pulled into a section apply to that section only (except global section). Include directives may be nested in that any included file may contain further include directive(s). Include files may not contain [] sections. 4.1 Environment variables ------------------------- fio also supports environment variable expansion in job files. Any sub-string of the form "${VARNAME}" as part of an option value (in other words, on the right of the `='),willbeexpandedtothevalueoftheenvironmentvariablecalledVARNAME.Ifnosuchenvironmentvariableisdefined,orVARNAMEistheemptystring,theemptystringwillbesubstituted.Asanexample,let's look at a sample fio invocation and job file: $ SIZE=64m NUMJOBS=4 fio jobfile.fio ; -- start job file -- [random-writers] rw=randwr



    rdma The RDMA I/O engine supports both RDMA memory semantics (RDMA_WRITE/RDMA_READ) and channel semantics (Send/Recv) for the InfiniBand, RoCE and iWARP protocols. falloc IO engine that does regular fallocate to simulate data transfer as fio ioengine. DDIR_READ does fallocate(,mode = keep_size,) DDIR_WRITE does fallocate(,mode = 0) DDIR_TRIM does fallocate(,mode = punch_hole) e4defrag IO engine that does regular EXT4_IOC_MOVE_EXT ioctls to simulate defragment activity in request to DDIR_WRITE event rbd IO engine supporting direct access to Ceph Rados Block Devices (RBD) via librbd without the need to use the kernel rbd driver. This ioengine defines engine specific options. gfapi Using Glusterfs libgfapi sync interface to direct access to Glusterfs volumes without options. gfapi_async Using Glusterfs libgfapi async interface to direct access to Glusterfs volumes without having to go through FUSE. This ioengine defines engine specific options. libhdfs Read and write through Hadoop (HDFS). The 'filename' option is used to specify host, port of the hdfs name-node to connect. This engine interprets offsets a little differently. In HDFS, files once created cannot be modified. So random writes are not possible. To imitate this, libhdfs engine expects bunch of small files to be created over HDFS, and engine will randomly pick a file out of those files based on the offset generated by fio backend. (see the example job file to create such files, use rw=write option). Please note, you might want to set necessary environment variables to work with hdfs/libhdfs properly. mtd Read, write and erase an MTD character device (e.g., /dev/mtd0). Discards are treated as erases. Depending on the underlying device type, the I/O may have to go in a certain pattern, e.g., on NAND, writing sequentially to erase blocks and discarding before overwriting. The w



    The write state is relatively small, on the order of hundreds of bytes to single kilobytes. It contains information on the number of completions done, the last X completions, etc. A trigger is invoked either through creation ('touch') of a specified file in the system, or through a timeout setting. If fio is run with --trigger-file=/tmp/trigger-file, then it will continually check for the existence of /tmp/trigger-file. When it sees this file, it will fire off the trigger (thus saving state, and executing the trigger command). For client/server runs, there'sbothalocalandremotetrigger.Iffioisrunningasaserverbackend,itwillsendthejobstatesbacktotheclientforsafestorage,thenexecutetheremotetrigger,ifspecified.Ifalocaltriggerisspecified,theserverwillstillsendbackthewritestate,buttheclientwillthenexecutethetrigger.10.1Verificationtriggerexample---------------------------------Letssaywewanttorunapowercuttestontheremotemachine'server'.Ourwriteworkloadisinwrite-test.fio.Wewanttocutpowerto'server'atsomepointduringtherun,andwe'll run this test from the safety or our local machine, 'localbox'. On the server, we'llstartthefiobackendnormally:server#fio--serverandontheclient,we'll fire off the workload: localbox$ fio --client=server --trigger-file=/tmp/my-trigger --trigger-remote="bash -c \"echo b > /proc/sysrq-triger\"" We set /tmp/my-trigger as the trigger file, and we tell fio to execute echo b > /proc/sysrq-trigger on the server once it has received the trigger and sent us the write state. This will work, but it'snot_really_cuttingpowertotheserver,it's merely abruptly rebooting it. If we have a remote way of cutting power to the server through IPMI or similar, we could do that through a local trigger command instead. Lets assume we have a script that does IPMI reboot of a given hostname, ipmi-reboot. On localbox, we could then have run fio with a local trigger instead: localbox$ fio --client=server --trigger-file=/tmp/my-trigger --trigger="ipmi-reboot server" For this case, fio would wait for the server to send us th
