.// 非原子操作,进行10000次++@Concurrentfunction normalProcess(int32Array: Int32Array) { for (let i = 0; i { // 将结果打印在Text上 this.result = this.result + "\n" + int32Array; // 如果
很简单,利用Atomics.wait的等待超时机制: let sharedBuf = new SharedArrayBuffer(4); let sharedArr = new Int32Array(sharedBuf...如Atomics.wait,第一个参数必须是Int32Array对象,而该对象指向的缓冲区为SharedArrayBuffer。...0); // A console.log(int32[0]); // C: 123 } else { let buf = workerData; let arrs = new Int32Array...(iab instanceof Int32Array && ibase|0 === ibase && ibase >= 0 && ibase+NUMINTS = 0 && ibase+NUMINTS <= iab.length
// 转换ArrayBuffer 为类型数组 Int32Array var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(8); var view = new Int32Array(buffer...--- 四、TypedArray TypedArray(类型数组对象)包含:Int8Array、Uint8Array、Uint8ClampedArray、Int16Array、Uint16Array、Int32Array
copyWithin.call({length: 5, 3: 1}, 0, 3) // {0: 1, 3: 1, length: 5} // 将2号位到数组结束,复制到0号位 let i32a = new Int32Array...([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); i32a.copyWithin(0, 2); // Int32Array [3, 4, 5, 4, 5] // 对于没有部署 TypedArray 的 copyWithin...方法的平台 // 需要采用下面的写法 [].copyWithin.call(new Int32Array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]), 0, 3, 4); // Int32Array [4, 2
比如Int8Array,Int32Array等等。 这些Typed Array被称为views。...var sab = new SharedArrayBuffer(Int32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT * 100000); // 100000 primes var ia = new Int32Array...封装了SharedArrayBuffer,然后用PrimeGenerator来生成prime,存储到Int32Array中。...注意,Atomics只适用于Int8Array, Uint8Array, Int16Array, Uint16Array, Int32Array or Uint32Array。...我们需要使用的是Atomics的CAS操作: compareExchange(typedArray: Int8Array | Uint8Array | Int16Array | Uint16Array | Int32Array
Int32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT); worker.postMessage({ sharedBuffer }); const sharedArray = new Int32Array...要访问缓冲区中的数据,就得创建一个新的 Int32Array 实例。...self.addEventListener('message', (event) => { const { sharedBuffer } = event.data; const sharedArray = new Int32Array
var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(8); var view = new Int32Array(buffer); view[0] = 100; 了解更多关于类型化数组(Typed...用时:55ms Typed Array:插入 var LIMIT = 10000000; var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(LIMIT * 4); var arr = new Int32Array...用时:196ms Typed Array:读取 var LIMIT = 10000000; var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(LIMIT * 4); var arr = new Int32Array...Int8Array,Uint8Array,Uint8ClampedArray,Int16Array,Uint16Array,Int32Array,Uint32Array,Float32Array,Float64Array
with the worker worker.postMessage({sharedBuffer}); // clone // Local only const sharedArray = new Int32Array...(sharedBuffer); // (A) // ··· }); 在worker中,我们将sharedBuffer使用Int32Array封装起来,作为Array而使用。...Atomics实际操作的Typed Array:Int8Array, Uint8Array, Int16Array, Uint16Array, Int32Array or Uint32Array。...== 123) ; console.log('notified'); Atomics还提供了wait和notity功能: Atomics.wait(ta: Int32Array, index, value..., timeout) Atomics.wake(ta : Int32Array, index, count) 当ta[index]的值是value的时候,wait将会使worker等待在ta[index
= typeof Int32Array ?...new Int32Array(e) : e } (), o = function(t) { for (var e, o, r = -1,
Int32Array:32位有符号整数,长度4个字节。 Uint32Array:32位无符号整数,长度4个字节。 Float32Array:32位浮点数,长度4个字节。...字节的内存 const uInt8 = new Uint8Array(buff) // 创建了长度为 4 的数组 (因为 Uint8 的单位长度是 1 字节) const int32 = new Int32Array...(buff) // 创建了长度为 1 的数组(因为 Int32Array 的单位长度是 4 字节) // 如果有需要,也可以设定起始位置的偏移量,以及从起始位置开始的内存长度 const uInt8...例如 4 字节的 byteLength,以 Uint8Array 读取则 length 为 4,以 Int32Array 读取则 length 为 1。
3 与js交互示例 getPoints返回的是整型数组的指针,即元素首地址,也就是在内存(buffer)中的地址,使用Int32Array读取内存buffer中长度为dataLength的数据,...jsDemoFun = ( dataLength, pointStructSize ) => { // 调用C语言里的程序_getPoints let points = new Int32Array
} Int16Array: Function {name: "Int16Array", prototype: Int16Array, length: 3, BYTES_PER_ELEMENT: 2} Int32Array...: Function {name: "Int32Array", prototype: Int32Array, length: 3, BYTES_PER_ELEMENT: 4} JSON: JSON {}
这些类型化数组包括 Int8Array, Uint8Array, Int16Array, Uint16Array, Int32Array, Uint32Array, Float32Array, Float64Array...byteLength = buffer.byteLength;// 输出字节长度console.log(`Byte Length: ${byteLength}`);TypedArray 示例:// 使用 Int32Array...来操作 ArrayBufferconst buffer = new ArrayBuffer(8);const int32Array = new Int32Array(buffer);// 设置第一个元素的值...int32Array[0] = 42;// 获取第二个元素的值(注意,这里使用了 Int32Array,所以一个元素占据 4 个字节)const secondValue = int32Array[1];...console.log(`First Element: ${int32Array[0]}`);console.log(`Second Element: ${secondValue}`);DataView
var t1 = new Int32Array(8); var v1 = SIMD.Int32x4(1, 2, 3, 4); SIMD.Int32x4.store(t1, 0, v1) // Int32Array...[1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0] var t2 = new Int32Array(8); var v2 = SIMD.Int32x4(1, 2, 3, 4); SIMD.Int32x4....store(t2, 2, v2) // Int32Array[0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 0] 上面代码中,t1是一个二进制数组,v1是一个 SIMD 值,只有四个通道。...var tarray = new Int32Array(8); var value = SIMD.Int32x4(1, 2, 3, 4); SIMD.Int32x4.store1(tarray, 0,...value); // Int32Array[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] # SIMD.
= (event) => { const data = event.data; if (data.type === 'buffer') { const sharedArray = new Int32Array...(data.buffer); // 创建一个 Int32Array 视图来访问共享内存 // 在共享内存中进行原子加法操作 Atomics.add(sharedArray, 0, 1); /...= (event) => { const data = event.data; if (data.type === 'buffer') { const sharedArray = new Int32Array...(data.buffer); // 创建一个 Int32Array 视图来访问共享内存 // 在共享内存中进行原子加法操作 Atomics.add(sharedArray, 0, 2); /
}, 0, 3); // {0: 1, 3: 1, length: 5} // ES2015 Typed Arrays are subclasses of Array var i32a = new Int32Array...([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); i32a.copyWithin(0, 2); // Int32Array [3, 4, 5, 4, 5] // On platforms that are not...yet ES2015 compliant: [].copyWithin.call(new Int32Array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]), 0, 3, 4); // Int32Array [
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