public interface ICommand { // Summary: // Occurs when changes occur that...ICommand Command { get; } object CommandParameter { get; } IInputElement CommandTarget...按照MSDN中的解释,当CanExecuteChanged事件发生时,ICommandSource会调用ICommand的CanExecute方法来检测是否可以执行命令。...(WPF) commanding system, the CommandTarget property on a ICommandSource is only applicable when the ICommand
通过 ICommand 接口,实现了控制类与调用者的解耦。 * 下面通过一个简单的实例来详细说明这种解耦以恢复撤销是如何实现。...控制类 (对应类图中 Control) public class Control { List onCommands; Stack undoCommands...; Stack redoCommands; // 记录前一个命令, 便于 undo public Control() { onCommands...= new List(); undoCommands = new Stack(); redoCommands = new Stack...(); } public void SetCommand(int slot, ICommand onCmd) { onCommands[slot
C#例子 public interface ICommand { void Executed(); } public class CreateOrder...: ICommand { public void Executed() { Console.WriteLine("创建了订单信息!")...; } } public class WriteLogDecorator : ICommand { private ICommand _command...private ICommand _command; public PayDecorator(ICommand command) { _command...; } } public class StockDecorator : ICommand { private ICommand _command;
[] onCommands; ICommand[] offCommands; public RemoteControl() {...onCommands = new ICommand[7]; offCommands = new ICommand[7]; ICommand noCommand...[] onCommands; ICommand[] offCommands; ICommand undoCommand;...offCommands = new ICommand[7]; ICommand noCommand = new NoCommand();...ICommand[] _commands; public MacroCommand(ICommand[] commands)
onCommands = new ICommand[7]; offCommands = new ICommand[7]; var noCommand =...可以在ICommand接口里面添加一个undo()方法, 然后在里面执行上一次动作相反的动作即可: namespace CommandPattern.Abstractions { public...[] onCommands; private ICommand[] offCommands; private ICommand undoCommand;...= new ICommand[7]; var noCommand = new NoCommand(); for (int i = 0; i < 7;...{ private ICommand[] commands; public MacroCommand(ICommand[] commands)
readonly DependencyProperty CommandProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("Command", typeof(ICommand..., DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args) { MenuItem target = obj as MenuItem; ICommand...oldValue = (ICommand)args.OldValue; ICommand newValue = (ICommand)args.NewValue; if...RoutedEventHandler Click; /// /// 获取或设置Command的值 /// public ICommand...oldValue, ICommand newValue) { if (oldValue !
在WPF中使用命令的步骤很简单 1.创建命令 2.绑定命令 3.设置命令源 4.设置命令目标 WPF中命令的核心是System.Windows.Input.ICommand接口,所有命令对象都实现了此接口...当创建自己的命令时,不能直接实现ICommand接口,而是要使用System.Windows.Input.RouteCommand类,该类已经实现了ICommand接口,所有WPF命令都是RouteCommand...WPF提供了一个很好的方式来解决事件绑定的问题--ICommand。很多控件都有Command属性,如果没有,我们可以将命令绑定到触发器上。接下来我们来先实现一个ICommand接口。...ICommand需要用户定义两个方法bool CanExecute和void Execute。第一个方法可以让我们来判断是否可以执行这个命令,第二个方法就是我们具体的命令。...******************/ 42 43 namespace Example3 44 45 { 46 47 public class RelayCommand : ICommand
首先定义ICommand接口,该接口不含任何方法和属性,仅作为标记来使用。...public interface ICommand { } 与Command对应的有一个CommandHandler,Handler中定义了具体的操作。...public interface ICommandHandler where TCommand : ICommand { void Execute(TCommand...定义如下: public interface ICommandBus { void Send(T command) where T : ICommand; } ICommandBus的实现...{ this.handlerFactory = handlerFactory; } public void Send(T command) where T : ICommand
实现 public interface ICommand { void Execute(); } public class Receiver { public void...Action() { Console.WriteLine("Receiver Action."); } } public class ConcreteCommand : ICommand..._receiver.Action(); } } public class Invoker { private readonly IList _commandHistory...= new List(); public void InvokeCommand(ICommand command) { command.Execute();...Main(string[] args) { var invoker = new Invoker(); var receiver = new Receiver(); ICommand
下面是一个使用 C# 实现的命令模式示例: using System; // 定义命令接口 public interface ICommand { void Execute(); } //...具体命令类A public class ConcreteCommandA : ICommand { private Receiver receiver; public ConcreteCommandA...command; // 设置命令 public void SetCommand(ICommand command) { this.command = command...接口定义了命令执行的方法Execute(),ConcreteCommandA和ConcreteCommandB是两个具体的命令类,它们继承或实现了ICommand接口,并实现了命令执行的具体操作。...Invoker类是调用者类,它包含了一个ICommand接口类型的成员变量,可以接收不同的具体命令对象。当需要执行操作时,调用ExecuteCommand()方法,实现对命令的调用执行。
command.command(); } } //抽象连接方法 interface IConnection{ void connect(); } //抽象命令方法 interface ICommand...{ void command(); } //抽象数据库工具接口 interface IDatabaseUtils{ IConnection getConnection(); ICommand...() { System.out.println("mysql发送命令"); } } //oracle发生命令对象 class OracleCommand implements ICommand...IConnection getConnection() { return new MysqlConnection(); } @Override public ICommand...{ void command(); } //抽象数据库工具接口 interface IDatabaseUtils{ IConnection getConnection(); ICommand
针对接口开发插件/增加默认实现 3,根据需要,在运行时执行相应的逻辑 4,在动态载入dll时谨防内存泄漏 代码 1,定义接口 在单独的类库中定义针对插拔点的接口 public interface ICommand...将接口定义的方法和属性做相关的实现,如下 public class Class1 : ICommand { public string Name => "Classb"...libraryPath); } return IntPtr.Zero; } public static List<ICommand...(type) as ICommand; if (result !...var i = 0; while (true) { List<ICommand
advised method returned " + returnValue); 8 return returnValue; 9 } 10 } 11 12 public interface ICommand...13 { 14 object Execute(object context); 15 } 16 17 public class ServiceCommand : ICommand 18 { 19 ProxyFactory(new ServiceCommand()); 30 factory.AddAdvice(new ConsoleLoggingAroundAdvice()); 31 ICommand...command = (ICommand)factory.GetProxy(); 32 command.Execute("This is the argument"); 33 //ICommand command...= (ICommand)ctx["myServiceObject"]; 34 //command.Execute("This is the argument"); 35 } Using Pointcuts
{ public interface ICommand { string Name { get; } string Description { get;...} int Execute(); } } 此 ICommand 接口是所有插件将实现的接口。...由于已定义 ICommand 接口,所以应用程序项目可以填写更多内容。...).IsAssignableFrom(type)) { ICommand result = Activator.CreateInstance(type) as ICommand...ICommand 接口。
// 适配类:用于适配ICommand接口 public class CommandAdapter implements ICommand { private String method;...void invoke(CommandAdapter adapter) { adapter.excute(); } } 分析下代码: CommandAdapter实现了接口ICommand...,理解为CommandAdapter用于适配ICommand接口。...ICommand#excute()方法中,依据传入参数method的不同匹配正确的指令实现。理解为适配的具体行为。...这是单向的适配器(即:CommandAdapter实现了ICommand接口),使CommandAdapter可以视作ICommand正常调用。 那么何为双向适配器?
的接口,代码如下: public interface ICommand { event EventHandler CanExecuteChanged; bool CanExecute(object...要定义一个新命令,可以实现ICommand接口。...如希望ICommand在被调用后关闭应用程序,代码如下: public class Exit : ICommand { event EventHandler CanExecuteChanged; public...ExitCommand = new Exit(); 这样做的好处是,通过这个类型为ICommand的字段,可以让Exit命令的实现完全私有化。...对应命令本身,由于希望某些条目用OpenCommand,而其他条目用BlockedCommand,所以将使用IValueConvert把文件名转换为ICommand,代码如下: <ListBox Margin
."); } } 命令 // 命令接口 interface ICommand { void Execute(); void Undo(); } // 具体命令:打开电视 class...TVOnCommand : ICommand { private TV tv; public TVOnCommand(TV tv) { =...} public void Undo() { tv.TurnOff(); } } // 具体命令:关闭电视 class TVOffCommand : ICommand...public void Undo() { tv.TurnOn(); } } 调用者 // 调用者:遥控器 class RemoteControl { private ICommand...command; public void SetCommand(ICommand command) { this.command = command; }
), typeof(OpenFolderBrowserControl), new UIPropertyMetadata(null)) public ICommand Command {...Invoke(e.Source, e); //调用Command ICommand command = Command; object 准备测试窗体和 ViewModel,这里为了不引入依赖包,也算是复习一下 「MVVM」 的实现,就手动实现 ICommand 和 INotifyPropertyChanged。...「ICommand」 实现: public class RelayCommand : ICommand { private readonly Action?...clickCommand = null; /// /// 点击事件 /// public ICommand ClickCommand
return true; } } /// /// 命令约束 /// public interface ICommand.../// /// 文档操作命令对象 /// public class DocumentCommand : Command,ICommand...summary> /// 命令管理器 /// public class CommandManager { public Queue Commands = new Queue(); public Queue UndoCommands = new Queue(); public Queue SuccessCommands = new Queue(); ///
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