HTTPS 是 HTTP over Secure Socket Layer,以安全为目标的 HTTP 通道,所以在 HTTPS 承载的页面上不允许出现 http...
minusCom(complex c1,complex c2); friend void outCom (complex c); private: double real; double imag...c(c1.real+c2.real,c1.imag+c2.imag); return c; } complex minusCom(complex c1,complex c2) { complex...c(c1.real-c2.real,c1.imag-c2.imag); return c; } void outCom(complex c) { coutimag...<<')'<<endl; } int main() { int t,real,imag; char index; cin>>real>>imag; complex c(real,imag);...cin>>t; while(t--) { cin>>index>>real>>imag; complex cc(real,imag); if(index=='+') c=addCom
0.5 / value_max 773.7 / target_mean 313.0 / target_std 266.2 / target_min 0.6 / target_max 955.0 / imag_reward_mean...1.6 / imag_reward_std 14.8 / imag_reward_min -0.0 / imag_reward_max 414.3 / imag_action_mean 13.2 /...imag_action_std 4.3 / imag_action_min 0.0 / imag_action_max 17.0 / actor_entropy 0.2 / actor_loss -0.1...0.2 / imag_reward_std 0.9 / imag_reward_min -0.0 / imag_reward_max 16.0 / imag_action_mean 10.6 / imag_action_std...5.8 / imag_action_min 0.0 / imag_action_max 17.0 / actor_entropy 0.3 / actor_loss 0.0 / actor_grad_norm
struct complex x, struct complex y); 其中 struct complex 是复数结构体,其定义如下: struct complex{ int real; int imag...; }; 裁判测试程序样例: #include struct complex{ int real; int imag; }; struct complex...struct complex y); int main() { struct complex product, x, y; scanf("%d%d%d%d", &x.real, &x.imag...x.real, x.imag, y.real, y.imag, product.real, product.imag); return 0; } /* 你的代码将被嵌在这里 */ 输入样例:...*y.imag; t.imag=x.real*y.imag+y.real*x.imag; return t; };
{ 5 public: 6 complexed(); 7 complexed(double real); 8 complexed(double real,double imag...); 9 void display(); 10 void set(double r,double i); 11 private: 12 double real,imag; 13...\n"; 23 } 24 complexed::complexed(double real,double imag) 25 { 26 set(real,imag); 27 coutimag="imag<<endl; 28 } 29 void complexed::display() 30 { 31 if(imag...<0) 32 coutimag<<'i'<<endl; 33 else 34 coutimag<<'i'<<endl;
- (const Complex &bb) const ; 12 void fun(); 13 private: 14 double real; 15 double imag...; 16 }; 17 Complex::Complex(double r=0.0 ,double a=0.0):real(r),imag(a){}; 18 Complex Complex::operator...+(const Complex &aa) const 19 { 20 Complex ans(real+aa.real,imag+aa.imag); 21 //ans.real=real-aa.real...; 22 //ans.imag=imag-aa.imag; 23 return ans; 24 }; 25 void Complex::fun() 26 { 27 coutimag-bb.imag); 32 } 33 int main() 34 { 35 Complex aa(5,6),bb(7,3); 36
Help on class complex in module __builtin__: class complex(object) | complex(real[, imag]) -> complex... | This is equivalent to (real + imag*1j) where imag defaults to 0....number with the value real + imag*1j or convert a string or number to a complex number....中文说明: 创建一个值为real + imag * j的复数或者转化一个字符串或数为复数。如果第一个参数为字符串,则不需要指定第二个参数。...参数real: int, long, float或字符串; 参数imag: int, long, float。
* b.imag), (a.imag * b.real) + (a.real * b.imag) + c.imag }; return ret; } void...wj.real = (t * w.real) - (wj.imag * w.imag); wj.imag = (wj.imag * w.real) + (t * w.imag);...* wt.imag); w0.imag = (w0.imag * wt.real) + (w0r * wt.imag); } cmplx w = {1, 0};...* wt.imag); wj.imag = (wj.imag * wt.real) + (wjr * wt.imag); } const float...wr = w.real; w.real = (wr * w0.real) - (w.imag * w0.imag); w.imag = (w.imag * w0.real
&right) { //>= if(imag == 0) return real >= right.real; if(real == 0) return imag >= right.imag...(pow(real,2)+pow(imag,2)); int __right__ = sqrt(pow(right.real,2)+pow(right.imag,2)); return...) { //- Complex temp; temp.real = left.real - right.real; temp.imag = left.imag - right.imag...imag << "i"; } else if(c.imag imag << "i"; else ; output...有参构造 this->real = real; this->imag = imag; } Complex::Complex(const Complex &c) { //3.
; }; Complex Complex::add(const Complex&a) { Complex c; c.real=real+a.real,c.imag=imag+a.imag...; return c; } Complex Complex::operator+(const Complex&a) { Complex c(real+a.real,imag+a.imag...; }; /*Complex Complex::add(const Complex&a) { Complex c; c.real=real+a.real,c.imag=imag+a.imag...; return c; }*/ Complex Complex::operator+(const Complex&a) { Complex c(real+a.real,imag+a.imag...; }; /*Complex Complex::add(const Complex&a) { Complex c; c.real=real+a.real,c.imag=imag+a.imag
['src'][:-5]#获得src标签值,并且去掉src=这几个字符 print(title) print(imag_num) print(imag_base...) return (title,imag_num,imag_base) except: return None def download_image(title,...imag_base,i): imag_url=imag_base+str(i).zfill(3)+".jpg" print('正在下载',imag_url)#!!...,imag_base =url_jiexi(url_true) for i in range(1, int(imag_num)): download_image...(title,imag_base,i) imag_url = imag_base + str(i).zfill(3) + ".jpg" result
(见这里) #ifndef _COMPLEX_H_ #define _COMPLEX_H_ class Complex { public: Complex(int real, int imag...): imag_(imag), real_(real) { } Complex::Complex(void) { } Complex::~Complex(void) { } Complex &Complex...::Add(const Complex &other) { real_ += other.real_; imag_ += other.imag_; return *this; }...::operator+(const Complex &other) { int r = real_ + other.real_; int i = imag_ + other.imag_;..._ + c2.imag_; return Complex(r, i); } #include "Complex.h" int main(void) { Complex c1(3, 5
比如建立一个复数变量x x.real = 0; % 创建字段名为real,并为该字段赋值为0 x.imag = 0 % 为x创建一个新的字段imag,并为该字段赋值为0 x = real: 0 imag...: 0 然后可以将其动态扩充为数组: x(2).real = 0; % 将x扩充为1×2的结构数组 x(2).imag = 0; 在任何需要的时候,也可以为数组动态扩充字段,如增加字段scale: x(...: 0 scale: 0 x(2) % 查看结构数组的第二个元素的各个字段的内容,注意没有赋值的字段为空 ans = real: 0 imag: 0 scale: [] 应该注意的是,x的real、imag...(2).imag = rand(5,1); 甚至还可以通过引用数组字段来定义结构数据类型的某字段 x(3).real = x(1); x(3).imag = 3; x(3) ans = real: [1x1...struct] imag: 3 使用struct函数创建结构 使用struct函数也可以创建结构,该函数产生或把其他形式的数据转换为结构数组。
#include class Complex { public: double real, imag; Complex(double r, double i) {...c2 coutimag; //输出 1,2 return 0; } 如果编写了复制构造函数,则默认复制构造函数就不存在了。...#include using namespace std; class Complex{ public: double real, imag; Complex(double...r,double i){ real = r; imag = i; } Complex(const Complex & c){ real = c.real...; imag = c.imag;//复制构造函数 cout<<"Copy Constructor called"<<endl ; } }; int main(){ Complex
-号运算符,属于成员函数 Complex operator-(const Complex & c) { // 返回一个临时对象 return Complex(m_real - c.m_real, m_imag...- c.m_imag); } // 打印复数 void PrintComplex() { cout imag << endl; } //...Complex operator+(const Complex &a, const Complex &b); private: double m_real; // 实部的值 double m_imag...operator+(const Complex &a, const Complex &b) { // 返回一个临时对象 return Complex(a.m_real + b.m_real, a.m_imag...+ b.m_imag); } int main() { Complex a(2,2); Complex b(1,1); Complex c; c = a + b; // 等价于c = operator
= np.imag(spec) # 振幅谱 mags = np.sqrt(real ** 2 + imag ** 2) # 相位谱 phase = np.angle(spec) 3. torch接口...= spec[:, :, :, 1] # 虚部 mags = torch.abs(torch.sqrt(torch.pow(rea, 2) + torch.pow(imag, 2))) phase...= torch.atan2(imag.data, real.data) 4....= np.imag(fourier_basis) kernel = np.concatenate([real_kernel, imag_kernel], 1).T if invers...= outputs[:, dim:, :] mags = torch.sqrt(real**2+imag**2) phase = torch.atan2
_imag = _imag + c...._imag = _imag - c...._real; _imag += c...._real; _imag -= c...._imag; return *this;}complex& complex::operator - ()//求负运算符{ _real = -_real; _imag = -_imag;
__init__() self.entity_real = nn.Embedding(num_entities, embedding_dim) self.entity_imag...: e_h_r = self.entity_real(head) * self.relation_real(relation) e_h_i = self.entity_imag...(head) * self.relation_imag(relation) e_t_r = self.entity_real(tail) e_t_i = self.entity_imag...(head) * self.relation_imag(relation) e_t_r = self.entity_real(tail) e_t_i = self.entity_imag...(head) * self.relation_imag(relation) e_t_r = self.entity_real(tail) e_t_i = self.entity_imag
代码示例class Complex {private: double real, imag;public: Complex(double r = 0.0, double i = 0.0) :...real(r), imag(i) {} // 重载加号运算符 Complex operator+(const Complex& other) const { return Complex...(real + other.real, imag + other.imag); } // 显示方法,非必需,用于调试和展示 void display() const {...std::cout imag << "i" << std::endl; }};int main() { Complex c1(3, 4), c2(1,
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