SRE (Site Reliability Engineering) and observability are key concepts in operati...
1.4.32 报错: sqlalchemy.exc.DatabaseError: (cx_Oracle.DatabaseError) ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended
针对上述困难,南京大学匡亚明学院董昊课题组提出了基于特征空间的teDA2(two-ended DAta-Driven Accelerated)增强采样方法。
SQL解答 递归WITH: WITH h(n,path,ended) AS ( SELECT 1,CAST('1->2' AS VARCHAR2(2000)),2 FROM DUAL UNION ALL...SELECT n+1 ,path ||',1->'||DECODE(ended,2,3,2)||',' ||TRANSLATE(path,'123',DECODE...(ended,2,'231','312')) ,DECODE(ended,2,3,2) FROM h WHERE n<:N ) SELECT POWER(2,n)-1 AS steps,...FROM DUAL) MODEL RETURN UPDATED ROWS DIMENSION BY (1 n) MEASURES (path,ended) RULES ITERATE(...,' ||TRANSLATE(path[1],'123',DECODE(ended[1],2,'231','312')), ended[1]=DECODE(ended[1],2,3,2
9 10 11 12 ended...ended">生命值剩余:{{health}} % 14 ended">你赢了!...class="button-box"> 19 ended...#999 80 } Vue.js: 1 new Vue({ 2 el: "#app", 3 data: { 4 health: 100, 5 ended...12 = 0 13 } 14 // console.log(,this.ended
条件 require(now >= auctionEnd, "Auction not yet ended."); require(!...ended, "auctionEnd has already been called."); // 2....ended, 先判断竞拍是否结束再判断竞拍本身已经结束。第二个条件主要用来防止函数被重复执行。 ended = true:表示整个竞拍过程即将结束。...条件 require(now >= auctionEnd, "Auction not yet ended."); require(!...ended, "auctionEnd has already been called."); // 2.
l Running状态时可以被挂起 l Suspended状态可以通过润使Task进入running状态 l Running、Ready、Suspended状态都可以通过cancel,直接进入 enum E_States { ST_READY = 0, ST_RUNNING, ST_SUSPENDED, ST_ENDED... BEGIN_TRANSITION_MAP // - Current State - TRANSITION_MAP_ENTRY (ST_ENDED...(ST_ENDED) // ST_SUSPENDED TRANSITION_MAP_ENTRY (EVENT_IGNORED) // ST_ENDED ...() { InternalEvent(ST_ENDED); } 在状态的处理上思路是:状态要么是有效的、要么是可以忽略的、要么是根本不会发生的。
--图片 当血条为0的时候变图片--> ended}"> ended">使进度条掉血 <!...({ el: '#app', //element 获取元素 data: { //用于数据的存储 health:100, //定义血条 ended...用于各种方法的定义 punch:function(){; if(<=0){ this.ended...=true; } }, restart:function(){; this.ended=false
className = ''; } this.className = 'play'; }})(i); } musicNode.onended =function(){ //音乐播放完后自动下一曲 var ended...= getPlay(); if (ended == len-1) { //若为最后一曲则放第一曲 musicNode.src = musicsrc[0]; lis[0].className = 'play...' lis[ended].className = ''; musicNode.load();; }else{ musicNode.src = musicsrc[...ended + 1]; lis[ended + 1].className = 'play'; lis[ended].className = ''; musicNode.load();
= true){ aud.addEventListener("ended", video_ended); console.log("add...ended event listener.")....dialog-button-container button:contains(继续学习)').click() },3000); } function video_ended...() { console.log("The audio has ended"); if(isLast){ console.log('switch
threading.Thread(target=threadHandler, args=(i,)) my_thread.start() print 'thread %s ended...thread MainThread ended. thread Thread-2 is running... 2 thread Thread-2 ended. thread MainThread ended.... thread Thread-3 is running... 4 thread Thread-3 ended. thread MainThread ended. thread Thread-4 is...running... 6 thread Thread-4 ended....thread MainThread ended. thread Thread-5 is running... 8 thread MainThread ended. thread Thread-5 ended
std::deque buffer_; size_t capacity_; bool is_ended_, is_eof_; size_t bytes_written...\returns `true` if the stream input has ended bool input_ended() const; //!...; ByteStream::ByteStream(const size_t capacity) : buffer_() , capacity_(capacity) , is_ended...bytes_read_(0) , _error(false) {} size_t ByteStream::write(const string &data) { if(input_ended..._ = true; } bool ByteStream::input_ended() const { return is_ended_; } size_t ByteStream::buffer_size
Token类的实现比较简单,一句话概括Token的功能:其中使用了Signal的pipe方法创建了一个ended信号量,并获取到了ended信号量发送事件的endedObserver,然后在deinit...三、Lifetime的ended属性和构造器 聊完Token的代码实现,我们就来聊一下Lifetime中的对象属性以及构造器。在Lifetime类中只有一个对象属性,那就是ended信号量。...Lifetime的构造器主要就是给ended赋值。具体代码如下所示。 ?...该便利构造器的参数是一个Token类型的对象,而在便利构造器中调用了Lifetime的构造器,将Token对象的ended信号量传给了Lifetime的构造器。...所以Lifetime中的ended信号量其实就是Token对象中的ended信号量。 2、Lifetime的工厂方法 聊完Lifetime的便利构造器后,我们就来聊一下Lifetime的工厂方法。
print('thread %s ' % threading.current_thread().name) time.sleep(3) print('thread %s ended...threading.current_thread().name) t = threading.Thread(target=loop, name='LoopThread') t.start() #t.join() print('thread %s ended...threading.current_thread().name) 执行结果: thread MainThread is running... thread LoopThread is running...thread MainThread ended...LoopThread thread LoopThread thread LoopThread thread LoopThread thread LoopThread thread LoopThread ended
rejected: 0 Total logical records discarded: 0 Run began on Wed Jun 11 08:52:55 2014 Run ended...rejected: 0 Total logical records discarded: 0 Run began on Mon Jun 16 12:58:01 2014 Run ended...rejected: 0 Total logical records discarded: 0 Run began on Mon Jun 16 13:09:34 2014 Run ended...rejected: 0 Total logical records discarded: 0 Run began on Mon Jun 16 13:21:13 2014 Run ended
voipCall.CallState.ACTIVE:'Call is active'); break; case voipCall.CallState.ENDED...:'Call has ended'); break; default: console.warn...function endCall() { voipCall.endCall({ success: () => {'Call ended...:'Call has ended'); break; default: console.warn...function endCall() { voipCall.endCall({ success: () => {'Call ended
Ended configuration step: Writing configuration file Beginning configuration step: Updating Windows...Ended configuration step: Updating Windows Firewall rules Beginning configuration step: Adjusting Windows...Adding new service New service added Ended configuration step: Adjusting Windows service Beginning configuration...Ended configuration step: Initializing database (may take a long time) 原因:可能是由安装路径出现中文或注册表未清理彻底导致 解决办法
countDown.countDown(); System.out.println(String.format("%s\t%s %s", new Date(), threadName, "ended...Thread 0 started Sun Jun 19 20:34:31 CST 2016 Thread 2 started Sun Jun 19 20:34:32 CST 2016 Thread 2 ended...Sun Jun 19 20:34:32 CST 2016 Thread 1 ended Sun Jun 19 20:34:32 CST 2016 Thread 0 ended Total time...Sun Jun 19 21:04:49 CST 2016 Thread 0 ended Sun Jun 19 21:04:49 CST 2016 Thread 2 ended Sun Jun 19...21:04:49 CST 2016 Thread 1 ended Sun Jun 19 21:04:49 CST 2016 Thread 3 ended 从执行结果可以看到,每个线程都不会在其它所有线程执行
(\"play\");})"; NSString *jSString6 = @"document.getElementsByTagName('video')[0].addEventListener('ended...', function(e) {window.webkit.messageHandlers.ended.postMessage(\"ended\");})"; WKUserScript *wkUScript3...addScriptMessageHandler:self name:@"pause"]; [configuration.userContentController addScriptMessageHandler:self name:@"ended...NSOrderedSame) { NSLog(@"video is pause"); } if ([ caseInsensitiveCompare:@"ended..."] == NSOrderedSame) { NSLog(@"video is ended"); } } 参考资料: HTML 音频/视频参考手册 video 属性和事件用法大全
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