There are three fundamental Kits in iOS development framework named "OpenGL ES", "Metal", "SceneKit" and an extended kit named "RealityKit" for 3d development. The "ARkit" is functional for both 3d and camera display that render a 3d scene in the camera e
Vite (法语单词“ fast”,发音为/vit/)是一种新型的前端构建工具,它可以显著改善前端的开发体验。它由两个主要部分组成:
CoordinatorLayout,是继承自 FrameLayout 。该布局非常好用,能够协调子元素之间的依赖关系。CoordinatorLayout通过协调调度子布局的形式实现触摸影响布局的形式产生动画效果。常常与CoordinatorLayout一起使用的控件有AppBarLayout、CollapsingToolbarLayout、NestedScrollView以及Toolbar。这几个控件相互配合,可以写出一个类似上面效果图不错的页面出来。
CoordinatorLayout是在 Google IO/15 大会发布的,遵循Material 风格,包含在 support Library中,结合AppbarLayout, CollapsingToolbarLayout等 可 产生各种炫酷的效果,本篇博客就将介绍CoordinatorLayout的各种酷炫效果。
Online analytical processing (OLAP) is a system for performing multi-dimensional analysis at high speeds on large volumes of data. Typically, this data is from adata warehouse, data mart or some other centralized data store. OLAP is ideal fordata mining, business intelligence and complex analytical calculations, as well as business reporting functions like financial analysis, budgeting and sales forecasting.
Unity中,CPU准备好需要绘制的元素,对底层图形程序接口进行调用的过程,每次引擎准备数据并通知GPU的过程称为一次Draw Call。DrawCall越高对显卡的消耗就越大。 降低DrawCall的方法:
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