The connector in Chapter 3 worked fine and could have been perfected to achieve much more. However, it was designed as an educational tool, an introduction to Tomcat 4's default connector. Understanding the connector in Chapter 3 is key to understanding the default connector that comes with Tomcat 4. Chapter 4 will now discuss what it takes to build a real Tomcat connector by dissecting the code of Tomcat 4's default connector.
简单说下:https=http+ssl。因此在代码中就是在http的基础 上先初始化ssl证书的所有信息,二者事由很明显的界限的,在代码中都有讲解。
public class HttpResponse implements HttpServletResponse,Response { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HttpResponse.class); private OutputStream outputStream; private HttpRequest request; private PrintWriter writ
在 pom 中的 build>plugins 添加 plugin 配置 <plugin> <groupId>org.eclipse.jetty</groupId> <artifactId>jetty-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>9.2.10.v20150310</version> <configuration>
As mentioned in Introduction, there are two main modules in Catalina: the connector and the container. In this chapter you will enhance the applications in Chapter 2 by writing a connector that creates better request and response objects. A connector compliant with Servlet 2.3 and 2.4 specifications must create instances of javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest and javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse to be passed to the invoked servlet's service method. In Chapter 2 the servlet containers could only run servlets that implement javax.servlet.Servlet and passed instances of javax.servlet.ServletRequest and javax.servlet.ServletResponse to the service method. Because the connector does not know the type of the servlet (i.e. whether it implements javax.servlet.Servlet, extends javax.servlet.GenericServlet, or extends javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet), the connector must always provide instances of HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse.
最近参与了一个微信小程序的项目,APIs要求服务器域名是Https的,所以学习了一下ssl证书在Spring Boot中的配置
容器是一个处理用户servlet请求并返回对象给web用户的模块。 org.apache.catalina.Container接口定义了容器的形式,用四种容器:Engine(引擎),Host(主机),Context(上下文),和Wrapper(包装器)。这一章将会介绍Context和wrapper。而Enginer和Host会留到第十三章介绍。这一章首先介绍容器接口,然后介绍容器的工作流程。然后介绍的内容是Wrapper和Context接口。然后用两个例子来总结wrapper和context容器。
关于spring boot同时支持http和https访问,在spring boot官网73.9已经有说明文档了,同样在github上也有官网的例子。 在这里,我向大家讲述一下,我是怎么实现的。 keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -storetype PKCS12 -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -keystore keystore.p12 -validity 3650 1.-storetype 指定密钥仓库类型 2.-keyalg 生证书的算法名称,RS
jetty相对weblogic、jboss、tomcat而言,启动速度快,十分方便开发调试,以下是eclipse里的使用步骤: 一、eclipse->Marketplace里搜索 jetty 一路Ne
2.1 连接器 在tomcat中,最主要的是连接器和容器,而连接器就是用来监听客户端的连接,并完成连接的。 HttpConnector 等待 HTTP 请求并建立连接 HttpProcessor 创
引言:前面一个系列文章介绍了认证鉴权与API权限控制在微服务架构中的设计与实现 ,好多同学询问有没有完整的demo项目,笔者回答肯定有的。由于之前系列文章侧重讲解了权限前置,所以近期补上完整的后置项目,但是这最好有一个完整的微服务调用。本文主要讲下API网关的设计与实现。netflix-zuul是由netflix开源的API网关,在微服务架构下,网关作为对外的门户,实现动态路由、监控、授权、安全、调度等功能。 1. 网关介绍 当使用单体应用程序架构时,客户端(web和移动端)通过向后端应用程序发起一次RES
注意: 本节所讲的连接器是指Tomcat 4中的默认连接器,虽然该连接器已经弃用,被另一个运行速度更快的连接器—Coyote—取代,但它仍然是一个不错的学习工具
JSP全名是JAVA Server Pages,根本上是一个简化的Servlet设计。在传统的网页HTML文件中插入Java程序段Scriptlet和JSP标记(tag),从而形成JSP文件,后缀名为*.jsp。
idea/eclipse下Maven工程集成web服务 转载请注明出处: 应用服务器最常用的一般有这哥仨:tomcat、jetty、webLogic ,前两者开源属轻量级应用服务器,适用于一般项目开发环境和生产环境,后者则是收费的、企业级、大型应用服务器;这三者个人都用过,一般做中小型项目的时候IDE集成jetty来调试和开发,tomcat做生产环境服务,至于webLogic我只在银行的一些项目中用到,一般部署在
按:最近公众号文章主要是整理一些老文章,以个人CSDN上的博客为主,也会穿插一些新的技术点。 ---- 上篇博客使用Spring Boot开发Web项目我们简单介绍了使用如何使用Spring Boot创建一个使用了Thymeleaf模板引擎的Web项目,当然这还远远不够。今天我们再来看看如何给我们的Web项目添加https支持。在阅读本篇博客之前,强烈建议先读使用Spring Boot开发Web项目这篇博客,否则可能会有对Spring Boot不太了解的小伙伴看的云里雾里。 什么是https 要说https
Spring Boot默认Tomcat为Servlet容器,以Tomcat为例进行说明,Tomcat,Jetty,Undertow都是通用的。
前一篇博文讲了SpringMVC+web.xml的方式创建web应用,用过SpringBoot的童鞋都知道,早就没有xml什么事情了,其实Spring 3+, Servlet 3+的版本,就已经支持java config,不用再写xml;本篇将介绍下,如何利用java config取代xml配置
门面设计模式在 Tomcat中有多处使用,在 Request 和 Response 对象封装中Standard Wrapper 到 ServletConfig 封装中、ApplicationContext 到 ServletContext 封装中等都用到了这种设计模式
A container is a module that processes the requests for a servlet and populates the response objects for web clients. A container is represented by the org.apache.catalina.Container interface and there are four types of containers: Engine, Host, Context, and Wrapper. This chapter covers Context and Wrapper and leaves Engine and Host to Chapter 13. This chapter starts with the discussion of the Container interface, followed by the pipelining mechanism in a container. It then looks at the Wrapper and Context interfaces. Two applications conclude this chapter by presenting a simple wrapper and a simple context respectively.
门面设计模式在 Tomcat 中有多处使用,在 Request 和 Response 对象封装中、Standard Wrapper 到 ServletConfig 封装中、ApplicationContext 到 ServletContext 封装中等都用到了这种设计模式。
参考文档 1. springboot项目配置阿里云ssl证书,http转https 2. Springboot配置使用ssl,使用https 3. Spring boot使用阿里云SSL证书报错:org/springframework/boot/context/properties/bind/Binder 4. IOException: Alias name tomcat does not identify a key entry 沃通证书部署问题解决办法
直接用SpringBoot构建web应用可以说非常非常简单了,在使用SpringBoot构建后端服务之前,一直用的是Spring + SpringMVC基于xml的配置方式来玩的,所以在正式进入SpringBoot Web篇之前,有必要看一下不用SpringBoot应该怎么玩的,也因此方便凸显SpringBoot的优越性
升级版自助快递查询系统,采用SpringBoot + Apache Shiro + Mybatis Plus + Thymeleaf 架构。kuaidi-cms致力于开发最精简、实用的快递CMS管理系统,完美自适应。 上篇文章一款精美的后台内容管理系统讲解了环境搭建。并添加了一些扩展功能。今天接着讲怎么在服务器部署快递查询系统。
诚如各位所知,Servlet3.0是一次Java EE规范的一次重要升级。支持到可以全部采用注解驱动,大大简化了配置web.xml的麻烦。现在启动一个web容器并不强制依赖于web.xml部署描述符了。
近期公司的Android项目做了混淆,虽说对于保护代码并不是100%的,但混淆后的代码可以使那些不法份子难以阅读,这样也能对代码的保护做出贡献。 于是,公司写的一大堆WEB项目也想做保护。但几大问题随之而来:
Springboot可以说是当前最火的java框架了,非常适合于"微服务"思路的开发,大幅缩短软件开发周期。 概念 过去Spring充满了配置bean的xml文件,随着spring2.x和J
Two topics of discussion in this chapter are hosts and engines. You use a host if you want to run more than one context in the same Tomcat deployment. In theory, you do not need a host if you only have one context, as stated in the description of the org.apache.catalina.Context interface:
SO_TIMEOUT只适用于OIO,对于NIO不适用;使用ReadTimeoutHandler 或者block(Duration)都关闭client端,非reactive的服务端无法感知Terminated,reactive的服务端可以感知到Terminated
A logger is a component for recording messages. In Catalina a logger is associated with a container and is relatively simpler than other components. Tomcat provides various loggers in the org.apache.catalina.logger package. The application that accompanies this chapter can be found in the ex07.pyrmont package. Two classes, SimpleContext and Bootstrap, have changed from the application in Chapter 6.
Some contents of a web application are restricted, and only authorized users are allowed to view them, after they supplied the correct user name and password. The servlet technology supports applying security constraint to those contents via the configuration of the deployment descriptor (web.xml file). Now, in this chapter, we will look at how a web container supports the security constraint feature.
若要获得良好的对象设计,就必须对职责进行合理的分配。每个对象承担的职责不能太多,也不能太少,恰如其分即可。职责分配如乐谱中对音符的组织,高明的音乐家总是能让不同的音符放在合理的位置,奏成悦耳的心曲,表达音乐家的内心感情。然而,即使设计师明确职责分配的重要性,在面临纷乱复杂的需求时,常常被乱花迷了眼,或者无法识别正确的职责,又或者顾此失彼,将职责放错了位置,变成了对职责混乱的涂鸦。 要识别职责,进而合理分配职责,有许多秘诀,或云“技巧”。不过,将对象的角色作为职责分配的开始,不失为一个好的起点。角色是对象的身
Catalina consists of many components. When Catalina is started, these components need to be started as well. When Catalina is stopped, these components must also be given a chance to do a clean-up. For example, when the container is stopped, it must invoke the destroy method of all loaded servlets and the session manager must save the session objects to secondary storage. A consistent mechanism for starting and stopping components is achieved by implementing the org.apache.catalina.Lifecycle interface.
In previous chapters you have seen how you can have a servlet container by instantiating a connector and a container and then associating them with each other. Only one connector could be used, and that was to serve HTTP requests on port 8080. You could not add another connector to service HTTPS requests, for example.
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