
How to *ngFor over set of ngModel bindable properties

*ngFor is a structural directive in Angular that allows us to iterate over a collection and create multiple elements based on the number of items in the collection. It is commonly used to render a list of items dynamically.

To *ngFor over a set of ngModel bindable properties, we need to have an array of objects or values that we want to bind to ngModel. Here's an example:

<div *ngFor="let item of items">
  <input [(ngModel)]="item.property" />

In this example, items is an array of objects, and each object has a property that we want to bind to the input field using ngModel. By using *ngFor, we can dynamically create multiple input fields, each bound to a different property of the objects in the items array.

Here's a breakdown of the steps:

  1. Define an array of objects or values that you want to iterate over. For example, items = [{ property: 'value1' }, { property: 'value2' }, { property: 'value3' }].
  2. Use the *ngFor directive on a container element, such as a <div>, and provide it with the syntax let item of items. This syntax defines a template variable item that represents each item in the items array.
  3. Inside the container element, create the elements that you want to repeat for each item in the array. In this case, we create an <input> element.
  4. Bind the ngModel directive to the property of the item object using the two-way binding syntax [(ngModel)]="item.property". This allows us to bind the input field to the specific property of each object in the array.

By following these steps, the *ngFor directive will iterate over the items array and create multiple input fields, each bound to a different property of the objects in the array.

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true"> //隐藏 //显示 4、ngModelChange选择改变事件: =============Html============= set-select...)="set_platform()"> ngModel)]="platform"> ngFor="let item...innerHTML]="richText"> https://blog.csdn.net/a1056244734/article/details/106802008 10、Angular ngFor...返回当前列表项是否为第一个 last返回当前列表项是否为最后一个 even返回当前列表项index是否为偶数,通常用在增加样式用来区分行与行之间 odd返回当前列表项index是否为奇数 ngFor...ng-mousemove 规定鼠标指针在指定的元素中移动时的行为 ng-mouseover 规定鼠标指针位于元素上方时的行为 ng-mouseup 规定当在元素上松开鼠标按钮时的行为 ng-non-bindable


AngularDart4.0 指南- 模板语法二 顶

minSize, maxSize = _maxSize; int _size = _minSize * 2; int get size => _size; @Input() void set...NgModel - 与[(ngModel)]形成元素的双向绑定 在开发数据输入表单时,通常都会显示数据属性,并在用户进行更改时更新该属性。 使用NgModel指令进行双向数据绑定使得这一切变得简单。...该ngModel指令隐藏了自己的ngModel输入属性和ngModelChange输出属性背后的这些繁重的细节。...Angular应该能够捕获组件的数据属性,并使用[(ngModel)]语法将其设置为一个声明: ngModel)]="currentHero.name"> [(ngModel)]是你需要的吗...分配给* ngFor的文本是指导迭代器进程的指令。 *ngFor微语法 分配给* ngFor的字符串不是模板表达式。 这是一种微语法 - Angular解释的一种小语言。

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