// if not embedding then break const nlohmann::json& j = j_layers_array[i]; auto...>>& embeddings, Embedding_t embedding_type, const nlohmann::json& config, const std::shared_ptr<ResourceManager...= nullptr) { for (unsigned int i = 1; i i++) { // 遍历json数组 const nlohmann...::json& j = j_array[i]; const auto layer_type_name = get_value_from_jsonstd::string>(j, "type");...static InputOutputInfo get_input_tensor_and_output_name( const nlohmann::json& json, const std::vector
observable &o, const std::shared_ptr& arg) = 0; }; using observer_ptr_type = std::shared_ptr...* * @param arg any object. */ void notifyObservers(const std::shared_ptr& arg)...) :tmpl_listener(tmpl_listener) {} virtual void update(const observable::observable &, const std::shared_ptr...************************* // 添加值改变侦听器 // @param const std::functionconst T&)>& listener 侦听函数...::setValue(const nlohmann::json & optionValue) { fields[__J_NAME(value)] = optionValue; /** 当值被修改时调用
` 表示 可选字段 针对 可选字段 的 JSON 序列化/反序列化 扩展代码,见 `optional_json.h`(参考:How do I convert third-party types?...(const nlohmann::json& j, SimpleStruct& value) { j.at("_bool").get_to(value.bool_); j.at("_int")....= j.cend()) { j.at("_optional").get_to(value.optional_); } } void to_json(nlohmann::json& j, const...(const nlohmann::json& j, NestedStruct& value) { j.at("_nested").get_to(value.nested_); j.at("_vector.../反序列化操作,参考 How do I convert third-party types?
的 JSON 序列化/反序列化 扩展代码,见 `optional_json.h`(参考:How do I convert third-party types?...(const nlohmann::json& j, SimpleStruct& value) { j.at("_bool").get_to(value.bool_); j.at("_int")....= j.cend()) { j.at("_optional").get_to(value.optional_); } } void to_json(nlohmann::json& j, const...(const nlohmann::json& j, NestedStruct& value) { j.at("_nested").get_to(value.nested_); j.at("_vector.../反序列化操作,参考 How do I convert third-party types?
= 0; i i++) { const std::string& sparse_name = sparse_names[i]; // 根据名字找到...代码如下: const std::vector &get_sparse_tensors(const std::string &name) { if (output..., const nlohmann::json& config, const std::shared_ptr&..., float scaler, const nlohmann::json& j_layers,...auto bottom_name = get_value_from_jsonstd::string>(j_layers, "bottom"); auto top_name = get_value_from_json
Logger get_node_logger (const rcl_node_t *node) Return a named logger using an rcl_node_t....&sub_namespace) std::string _to_json_dict_entry (const Parameter ¶m) Return a json...It's able to get a std::shared_ptr to a NodeBaseInterface so long as the class has a method called get_node_base_interface...This function can take any form of a topic or service name, i.e. it does not have to be a fully qualified...& sub_namespace ) inline ◆ _to_json_dict_entry() std::string rclcpp::_to_json_dict_entry
(const json& j) { return{ j.template getstd::string>() }; } static void to_json(json& j,...(const basic_json& j) { return{ j.template getstd::string>() }; } templatenlohmann::adl_serializer, \ class BinaryType = std::vectorstd::uint8_t> #endif // !...getstd::string>() }; } _BASIC_JSON_TPL_DECLARATION_ static void to_json(_BASIC_JSON_TPL_& j,..."; // 保存到json j["uri"] = u; // 从json中读取uri对象 uri u2 = j["uri"].get(); std::cout << "u2:" <<
j["uri"] = u; // 从json中读取uri对象 uri u2 = j["uri"].get(); std::cout const T& value)和from_json(const BasicJsonType& j, T& value)函数,nlohmann/json才会知道怎么对这个类型进行序列化和反序列化...> { static uri from_json(const json& j) { // 反序列化 // 从json中获取std::string,调用uri的构造函数 // uri...uri对象 return{ j.template getstd::string>() }; } static void to_json(json& j, const uri &u) {...uri u2 = j["uri"].get(); std::cout std::endl; }
p_.reset(); } P const & get() const { return p_; } }; shared_ptr make_shared_from_another...int Data; std::mapshared_ptr, Data> userData; // or std::map, Data> userData;...explicit pointer(T * p): p_(p) { } shared_ptrT> operator->() const { p_->prefix...X(X const & rhs): this_(this, null_deleter()), i_(rhs.i_) { } // do not forget to not assign...this_ in the copy assignment X & operator=(X const & rhs) { i_ = rhs.i_; }
之前推荐过json组装和解析的开源库jsoncpp,今天推荐另一款json类库nlohmann,其以对于现代C++的支持度高而著称。...字符串 #include"nlohmann/json.hpp" usingnamespacenlohmann; constexprint subject_num = 3; std::string subject_name..."][i]["score"] = subject_score[i]; } //封装数组方式三,标准容器 std::mapstd::string, int>name_score =...array、dequeue、set或map、multimap等,直接构造json对象(参见方式三) 解析json字符串 void using_read() { const std::string...::string name = sub.at("name"); float score = sub.at("score"); std::coutt"<
JSON 解析库:使用 nlohmann/json 来处理腾讯云 API 返回的 JSON 数据。 Excel 操作库:使用 libxl 来创建和操作 Excel 文件。 2....2.3 解析识别结果 使用 nlohmann/json 解析腾讯云 API 返回的 JSON 数据,提取识别出的文字内容。..., size_t size, size_t nmemb, std::string *s) { size_t newLength = size * nmemb; try {...); nlohmann::json jsonResponse = nlohmann::json::parse(response); if (jsonResponse.contains..."].getstd::string>(); recognitionResults.push_back(text); } }
************************************/ template T> auto Trie::Get(std::string_view key) const -...nullptr; } std::shared_ptrconst bustub::TrieNode> cur = this->root_; for (size_t i = 0; i < key.length..._; lock.unlock(); // 获取键值 const T *val = root.GetT>(key); // 封装 if (val !...Think of how you can achieve this. // The logic should be somehow similar to `TrieStore::Get`. //...Think of how you can achieve this. // The logic should be somehow similar to `TrieStore::Get`. //
virtual uint32_t writeI16_virt(const int16_t i16) = 0; virtual uint32_t writeI32_virt(const int32...Status Init() { for (int i = 0; i i) { std::stringstream...std::string & name, const std::shared_ptr & processor, int port)...::shared_ptr ThriftThreadFactory::newThread(std::shared_ptr runnable) const...::shared_ptr runnable, Promiset> * promise) { promise->Set(get_current
::tie(xs...); } 如果这个能支持,真是有点改变相关工具生态了 magic get/boost pfr可是做了好多脏活[7] How to Hash Objects Without Repetition...constexpr void hash_combine(size_t& seed, const T& value) { seed ^= std::hashT>{}(value...v) {returnstatic_cast(v);} UnderlyingT flags_; }; In C++, how can I make a default parameter...to Hash Objects Without Repetition: std::hash can be DRY: https://blog.infotraining.pl/how-to-hash-objects-without-repetition...can I make a default parameter be the this pointer of the caller?
::cout std::endl; } // main function int main() { const int a = 42; increase_and_square...char *)Buffer.data(); const std::size_t BufLen = Buffer.size(); unsigned I = 0; while (I json库,这个json库有insert_order的功能,这个json标准是不保证的 int main() { { nlohmann::json json{}; json["value..."] = 42; json["array"] = std::array{1, 2, 3}; std::cout json.dump(); // prints {"array":[1,2,3...],"value":42} } { nlohmann::ordered_json json{}; json["value"] = 42; json["array"] = std::
" using json = nlohmann::json; using namespace std; using namespace placeholders; ChatServer::ChatServer..." using json = nlohmann::json; using namespace std; using namespace muduo; using namespace muduo::net...; //处理消息的事件回调方法类型 using MsgHandler = std::functionconst TcpConnectionPtr &conn,json &js,Timestamp...TcpConnectionPtr &conn,json &js,Timestamp time); void reg(const TcpConnectionPtr &conn,json &js,...TcpConnectionPtr &conn,json &js,Timestamp time){ LOG_ERRORcan not find
DEM是栅格数据,可以通过GDAL进行读取;gltf是一种JSON格式,可以采用nlohmann/json进行读写。 2....include "fifo_map.hpp" #include using namespace std; using namespace nlohmann;...img) { printf("Can't Open Image!")...3.原生的nlohmann/json组件写出来的JSON格式是根据字符串顺序排序不是根据插入顺序排序的,查阅的时候不方便。所以这里使用了nlohmann::fifo_map容器专门化对象类型。 3....参考 [1] github上的gltf教程 [2] gltf教程中文翻译 [3] nlohmann/json关于保留插入顺序的讨论
#include using json = nlohmann::json; using namespace std; using namespace placeholders...()->getHandle(js["msgid"].get()); //回调消息绑定好的事件处理器,执行相应的业务处理 msgHandler(conn,js,time...typedef std::functionconst TcpConnectionPtr&)> ConnectionCallback; ConnectionCallback 是一个函数对象,...typedef std::shared_ptr TcpConnectionPtr; 再多久不用说啦,说下去没完没了的了。...// the data has been read to (buf, len) typedef std::functionconst TcpConnectionPtr&,
当然,对于不同的裸指针的 std::shared_ptr 实例,更是线程安全的 这里的 “成员函数” 指的是 std::shared_ptr 的成员函数,比如 get ()、reset ()、 operrator...reset non-const swap non-const get const operator*、operator-> const operator const use_count const unique...::make_shared(); std::vectorstd::thread> operations; for (int i = 0; i i++) {...T > std::shared_ptrT> atomic_exchange( std::shared_ptrT>* p, std...::shared_ptrT> r);
的定义如下: //torch/csrc/autograd/variable.cpp std::shared_ptr try_get_grad_accumulator(const Variable...const std::shared_ptr& graph_task, std::shared_ptr graph_root) override; std...>(); for (int i = 0; i i) { std::thread t(&Engine::thread_init, this, i, device_ready_queues..._[i], true); t.detach(); } // Wait for the threads to start { std::unique_lockstd::mutex...::shared_ptr& graph_task, Node* func, InputBuffer& inputs, const std::shared_ptr
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