
Git Basics for newbies

Git Basics for newbies

Git is a version control system used for software development. It allows multiple developers to work on the same codebase simultaneously, while also keeping track of the history of changes made to the code. Git is a distributed version control system, which means that every developer has a local copy of the entire codebase, and changes can be shared between different copies of the codebase. This makes it easy to collaborate on a project and keep track of changes over time.

Git Basics:

  • Git is a version control system
  • It allows multiple developers to work on the same codebase
  • It keeps track of the history of changes made to the code
  • Git is distributed, which means every developer has a local copy of the entire codebase
  • Changes can be shared between different copies of the codebase
  • Git is used for software development

Git Basic Operations:

  • Creating a repository (git init)
  • Adding files to the repository (git add . or git add <file>)
  • Committing changes to the repository (git commit -m "<message>")
  • Creating a branch (git branch <branch-name>)
  • Merging branches (git merge <source-branch> <target-branch>)
  • Creating a pull request (git pull-request -m "<message>")

Git Advanced Operations:

  • Squashing commits (git rebase -i <commit-hash>)
  • Splitting a feature into multiple commits (git split)
  • Creating a pull request (git push origin <branch-name> && git pull-request -m "<message>")

Git Hooks:

  • Pre-commit hook: Runs before a commit is created and can block or modify the commit
  • Post-commit hook: Runs after a commit is created and can perform additional tasks such as updating a database or sending notifications

Git Aliases:

  • git config --global alias.st status
  • git config --global alias.co checkout
  • git config --global alias.ci commit
  • git config --global alias.br branch

Git Tools:

  • Git LFS: Large file storage system that allows Git to handle large files efficiently
  • Git Submodules: A way to manage a collection of related projects as a single repository
  • Git Hooks: A collection of scripts that run before or after specific Git actions

Git Ecosystem:

  • Git CLI: Command-line interface for Git
  • Git GUI: Graphical user interface for Git
  • Git Web: Web-based interface for Git
  • Git Libraries: Various libraries and frameworks built on top of Git

Git Best Practices:

  • Use a consistent naming convention for branches and commits
  • Keep branches and commits organized
  • Make sure to communicate clearly with team members about the state of the repository
  • Use pull requests to review and merge changes
  • Keep the repository clean and organized

Git Advanced Best Practices:

  • Use feature branches to organize features and work on new features
  • Use merge commits when merging branches
  • Use rebase instead of merge when possible
  • Use git bisect to find the commit that introduced a bug

Git Tools and Utilities:

  • Git CLI: git.exe (Windows), git (macOS)
  • Git GUI: GitKraken, SourceTree, Git Tower
  • Git Web: GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket
  • Git Libraries: libgit2, libgit2-dev

Git Community:

Git is a powerful version control system that is widely used in software development and other fields. Learning Git can help developers be more efficient and effective in their work.



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