表示传入参数为object, string 返回值为int的委托 Func 表示传入参数为T1,T2,T3(泛型)返回值为int的委托 Func至少0个参数,至多16个参数,根据返回值泛型返回...必须有返回值,不可void 例: public int TestT1,T2>(FuncT1,T2,int>func,T1 a,T2 b) { return...func(a, b); } (3). predicate predicate 是返回bool型的泛型委托 predicateint > 表示传入参数为int 返回bool的委托 ...Predicate有且只有一个参数,返回值固定为bool 例: public delegate bool PredicateT> (T obj) 几种基础的委托结构 Tips 大家看完这个介绍也应该心里有个底了...Func 解释 封装一个不定具有参数(也许没有)但却返回 TResult 参数指定的类型值的方法。
必须有返回值,不可void 例: public int TestT1,T2>(FuncT1,T2,int>func,T1 a,T2 b) { return func(a,...b); } (4) .predicate predicate 是返回bool型的泛型委托 predicateint> 表示传入参数为int 返回bool的委托 Predicate有且只有一个参数...,返回值固定为bool 例:public delegate bool PredicateT> (T obj) 2.委托的使用 (1).Delegate的使用 public delegate...Console.ReadKey(); } public static int TestT1, T2>(FuncT1, T2, int> func, T1 a, T2 b) { return func...只能接受一个传入参数,返回值为bool类型 发布者:全栈程序员栈长,转载请注明出处:https://javaforall.cn/109647.html原文链接:https://javaforall.cn
---- 少不了的源码 于是,我立刻翻开了 Find 和 FirstOrDefault 的源代码: public T Find(PredicateT> match) { if( match =...; } public static TSource FirstOrDefault(this IEnumerable source, Funcbool...这似乎能够解释,因为 foreach 毕竟还要生成 IEnumerator 对象,还要有方法调用;而 for 却只有 ListT> 集合的访问。...); } private int ForEach(Funcint, bool> predicate) { foreach (var element in _testTarget) {...以下是 ListT> 索引器的源码: public T this[int index] { get { // Following trick can reduce the range
bool>> predicate = null) where TSource : class { if (predicate == null)..."> /// public int Count(ExpressionFunc(ExpressionFuncbool>> predicate = null) where TSource : class { if (predicate...PagesT>(IQueryableT> query, int pageIndex, int pageSize, out int count) where T : class {...PagesT>(int pageIndex, int pageSize, out int count) where T : class { if (pageIndex
{ get; } int TotalPages { get; } bool HasPreviousPage { get; } bool HasNextPage...FindPagedList(ExpressionFuncT, bool>> predicate, string orderBy = "", int pageIndex = 1, int pageSize...FindPagedList(ExpressionFuncT, bool>> predicate, string orderBy = "", int pageIndex = 1, int pageSize...FindPagedList(ExpressionFuncT, bool>> predicate, string orderBy = "", int pageIndex = 1, int pageSize...FindPagedList(ExpressionFuncT, bool>> predicate, string orderBy = "", int pageIndex = 1, int pageSize
/// int Count(ExpressionFuncT,bool>> predicate); /// /// 返回长整形的符合条件的数目...FuncT,bool>> predicate); 存在性判断 /// /// 是否存在满足条件的数据 /// /// predicate..."> /// bool IsExists(ExpressionFuncT, bool>> predicate); 查询 // /// IEnumerableT> Query(ExpressionFuncT,bool>> predicate); 排序 /// ...name="P"> /// ListT> Search(ExpressionFuncT, bool>> predicate,
,int> 表示传入参数为 object, string 返回值为 int 的委托 FuncT1,T2,,T3,int> 表示传入参数为 T1,T2,,T3(泛型)返回值为 int 的委托 Func...必须有返回值,不可 void public int TestT1,T2>(FuncT1,T2,int>func,T1 a,T2 b) { return func...(a, b); } predicate predicate 是返回 bool 型的泛型委托 predicate 表示传入参数为 int 返回 bool 的委托 Predicate 有且只有一个参数...,返回值固定为 bool public delegate bool PredicateT> (T obj) 二、委托的使用 Delegate 的使用 public delegate int MethodDelegate...16 个传入参数,无返回值 Predicate 只能接受一个传入参数,返回值为 bool 类型
FuncT, bool>> predicate, string orderBy); /// /// 根据条件查询数据 /// T FindByClause(ExpressionFuncT, bool>> predicate); /// /// 写入实体数据...Delete(ExpressionFuncT, bool>> @where); /// /// 删除指定ID的数据 /// FuncT, bool>> predicate, string orderBy) { using (var.../// public T FindByClause(ExpressionFuncT, bool>> predicate) {
[int64]*Tree } 增加四元祖 func (qs *QuadStore) AddQuad(q quad.Quad) (int64, bool) { p, _ := qs.resolveQuad...:= range qs.indexesForQuad(p) { t.Set(id, pr) } func (qs *QuadStore) resolveQuad(q quad.Quad, add...) (int64, bool) { if n, ok := v....} func (t *Tree) Set(k int64, v *primitive) { z := t.insert(btDPool.Get()....Make(subject, predicate, object, label interface{}) (q Quad) { var ok bool if q.Subject, ok = AsValue
where T : IEquatableT> { public static HeapT> Build(IEnumerableT> items, FuncT, T, bool> predicate...Build2(IEnumerableT> items, FuncT, T, bool> predicate) { var heap = new HeapT>(predicate);...T, T, bool> m_predicate; ListT> m_items = new ListT>(); public int Count { get { return...T, T, bool> predicate) { Debug.Assert(predicate !...= null); m_predicate = predicate; } int IndexOfRecur(T item, int itemIndex) { if (IsValidIndex
(int id); T GetSingle(ExpressionFuncT, bool>> predicate); TaskT> GetSingleAsync(Expression...FuncT, bool>> predicate); T GetSingle(ExpressionFuncT, bool>> predicate, params Expression...FuncT, object>>[] includeProperties); TaskT> GetSingleAsync(ExpressionFuncT, bool>> predicate...FuncT, bool>> predicate) { return Context.SetT>().FirstOrDefault(predicate);...FuncT, bool>> predicate, params ExpressionFuncT, object>>[] includeProperties) {
SQL解释器。...解释器的原理基于编译原理,我在B站上专门有视频解释编译原理算法,因此我在这里不再赘述。...(t *Token) ToString() string { if t.lexeme == "" { return token_map[t.Tag] } return...t.lexeme } func NewToken(tag Tag) Token { return Token{ lexeme: "", Tag: tag...func (p *SQLParser) Predicate() *query.Predicate { //predicate 对应where 语句后面的判断部分,例如where a > b and
如何使用 Csharp 中的 Action, Func,Predicate 本文阅读重点 < 1 如何使用 Csharp 中的 Action, Func,Predicate 2 Func.../how-to-work-with-action-func-and-predicate-delegates-in-csharp.html?...Predicate所引用的方法接收一个或者多个泛型参数并且返回一个 bool 值,你可以假定它等价于 FuncT,bool>,Predicate 常用于对 collection 进行一组条件检索。...: static void Main(string[] args) { Funcint, double> func = new Funcint...PredicateT> 值得注意的是, PredicateT> 差不多等价于 FuncT,bool>。 考虑下面的 Customer 实体类。
{ T Get(object key); T Get(ExpressionFuncT, bool>> predicate); PageModel...T> SearchPage(PageConditionT> condition); void Delete(ExpressionFuncT, bool>> predicate)...; void Update(T entity); ListT> Search(ExpressionFuncT, bool>> predicate);...Get(ExpressionFuncT, bool>> predicate) { return LocalRepository.Get(predicate)...T> Search(ExpressionFuncT, bool>> predicate) { return LocalRepository.Search(predicate
func (t *UserDemo) Create(db *gorm.DB) (id int32, err error) {...}...func (t *UserDemo) Delete(db *gorm.DB) (err error) {...}...func (t *UserDemo) Updates(db *gorm.DB, m map[string]interface{}) (err error) {...}...func (qb *userDemoRepoQueryBuilder) WhereId(p db_repo.Predicate, value int32) *userDemoRepoQueryBuilder...func (qb *userDemoRepoQueryBuilder) WhereIsDeleted(p db_repo.Predicate, value int32) *userDemoRepoQueryBuilder
举个简单的例子: static async TaskT>> WhereT>(this IAsyncEnumerableT> source, FuncT, bool> predicate...>(this IAsyncEnumerableT> source, FuncT, bool> predicate) { await foreach (var item in source)...看代码: static IAsyncEnumerableT> WhereT>(this IAsyncEnumerableT> source, FuncT, bool> predicate) {...处理也很简单: static IAsyncEnumerableT> WhereT>(this IAsyncEnumerableT> source, FuncT, bool> predicate)...所以,条件部分就不能用 FuncT, bool> 这样的同步委托了,而需要改为 FuncT, ValueTaskbool>>。
T, bool>> predicate, ExpressionFuncT, T>> updator) { Set.Where(predicate).UpdateFromQuery(updator...T Get(ExpressionFuncT, bool>> predicate) { return Set.SingleOrDefault(predicate); } public int...(ExpressionFuncT, bool>> predicate) { return Set.LongCount(predicate); } public bool IsExists(...ListT> Search(ExpressionFuncT, bool>> predicate, ExpressionFuncT, P>> order) { return Search...(predicate, order, false); } public ListT> Search(ExpressionFuncT, bool>> predicate, Expression
} public IInsertT> IfNotExists(ExpressionFuncT, bool>> predicate) {...throw new NotImplementedException(); } public ICommandT> Where(ExpressionFuncT, bool...FuncT, T>> updateExpression); int Delete(); } public interface IInsertT> {...} public QuerySetT> Where(ExpressionFuncT, bool>> predicate) { throw...: IOrderT> { int Count(); bool Exists(); } public interface IOrderT>
前置概念介绍 PredicateT> 谓词、断言,等价于 FuncT,bool> 即返回bool的表达式 Expression 表达式树,这个类很关键,但是在这里会细说,我们会讲它的一个特殊的泛型类型...IEnumerable source, Funcbool> predicate); All :是否都满足条件: public static bool Any (this IEnumerable source, Funcbool> predicate); 示例: // 是否有学生 bool isAny = students.Any...(t=>t.Age).Sum(); // int sumAge = students.Sum(p=>p.Age); Contains 是否包含某个元素 判断数据源中是否包含某个元素,返回一个bool值,...static int Count (this IEnumerable source, Funcbool> predicate); 示例: int
( ExpressionFuncT, bool>> criteria, PageableParams pagingParams, SortParameter...T, bool>> TrueT>() { return (T _) => true; } public static ExpressionFuncT,...bool>> FalseT>() { return (T _) => false; } public static ExpressionFuncT, bool...>> OrT>( this ExpressionFuncT, bool>> expression1, ExpressionFuncT, bool>> expression2...ExpressionFuncT, bool>> AndT>( this ExpressionFuncT, bool>> expression1, Expression
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