




  1. 在腾讯地图开放平台上注册一个开发者账号,并创建一个应用。
  2. 获取地图的API密钥,用于调用地图API。
  3. 在前端开发中,可以使用JavaScript代码来调用腾讯地图的API,示例如下:
// 创建地图实例
var map = new qq.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map"), {
  center: new qq.maps.LatLng(lat, lng),
  zoom: 15

// 根据需求更改地图中心位置
function changeMapCenter(lat, lng) {
  map.setCenter(new qq.maps.LatLng(lat, lng));



  1. 地图服务:提供了全球范围的地图数据,包括静态地图、地点搜索、路径规划等功能。
  2. 位置服务:基于腾讯地图提供的位置服务,包括逆地址解析、地点搜索等功能。
  3. 地理围栏:提供了地理围栏的管理和监控功能,用于实时跟踪和区域监控。




  • Google Earth Engine——全球摩擦面列举了北纬85度和南纬60度之间的所有陆地像素在2015年的名义年的陆地迁移速度。

    This global friction surface enumerates land-based travel speed for all land pixels between 85 degrees north and 60 degrees south for a nominal year 2015. This map was produced through a collaboration between the University of Oxford Malaria Atlas Project (MAP), Google, the European Union Joint Research Centre (JRC), and the University of Twente, Netherlands. The underlying datasets used to produce the map include roads (comprising the first ever global-scale use of Open Street Map and Google roads datasets), railways, rivers, lakes, oceans, topographic conditions (slope and elevation), landcover types, and national borders. These datasets were each allocated a speed or speeds of travel in terms of time to cross each pixel of that type. The datasets were then combined to produce this “friction surface”, a map where every pixel is allocated a nominal overall speed of travel based on the types occurring within that pixel, with the fastest travel mode intersecting the pixel being used to determine the speed of travel in that pixel (with some exceptions such as national boundaries, which have the effect of imposing a travel time penalty). This map represents the travel speed from this allocation process, expressed in units of minutes required to travel one meter. It forms the underlying dataset behind the global accessibility map described in the referenced paper.


    Google Earth Engine——北纬85度和南纬60度之间所有地区到最近的人口密集区的迁移时间数据集

    This global accessibility map enumerates land-based travel time to the nearest densely-populated area for all areas between 85 degrees north and 60 degrees south for a nominal year 2015. Densely-populated areas are defined as contiguous areas with 1,500 or more inhabitants per square kilometer or a majority of built-up land cover types coincident with a population centre of at least 50,000 inhabitants. This map was produced through a collaboration between the University of Oxford Malaria Atlas Project (MAP), Google, the European Union Joint Research Centre (JRC), and the University of Twente, Netherlands. The underlying datasets used to produce the map include roads (comprising the first ever global-scale use of Open Street Map and Google roads datasets), railways, rivers, lakes, oceans, topographic conditions (slope and elevation), landcover types, and national borders. These datasets were each allocated a speed or speeds of travel in terms of time to cross each pixel of that type. The datasets were then combined to produce a “friction surface”, a map where every pixel is allocated a nominal overall speed of travel based on the types occurring within that pixel. Least-cost-path algorithms (running in Google Earth Engine and, for high-latitude areas, in R) were used in conjunction with this friction surface to calculate the time of travel from all locations to the nearest city (by travel time). Cities were determined using the high-density-cover product created by the Global Human Settlement Project. Each pixel in the resultant accessibility map thus represents the modeled shortest time from that location to a city.
