Sub NavigateToOpenIEWindow()
Dim IE As Object
' Loop through all open IE windows
For Each IE In CreateObject("Shell.Application").Windows
' Check if the window is an Internet Explorer window
If TypeName(IE.Document) = "HTMLDocument" Then
' Navigate to the desired URL
IE.Navigate "https://www.example.com"
' Uncomment the following line if you want to make the window visible
' IE.Visible = True
' Exit the loop after navigating to the URL in the first open IE window
Exit For
End If
Next IE
End Sub
请注意,由于VBA是针对Microsoft Office应用程序的宏语言,因此上述方法适用于在Microsoft Office应用程序中使用VBA导航到已打开的IE窗口。在其他环境中可能需要使用不同的方法实现相同的功能。
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