def get_nested_path(obj, target, path=None):
if path is None:
path = []
if obj == target:
return path
if isinstance(obj, dict):
for key, value in obj.items():
new_path = path + [key]
result = get_nested_path(value, target, new_path)
if result is not None:
return result
elif hasattr(obj, '__dict__'): # 对于自定义对象
for key, value in obj.__dict__.items():
new_path = path + [key]
result = get_nested_path(value, target, new_path)
if result is not None:
return result
elif isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)):
for index, value in enumerate(obj):
new_path = path + [index]
result = get_nested_path(value, target, new_path)
if result is not None:
return result
return None
# 示例使用
nested_obj = {
'a': {
'b': [
{'c': 1},
{'d': 2}
target_value = 2
path = get_nested_path(nested_obj, target_value)
print(f"The path to the target value {target_value} is: {' -> '.join(map(str, path))}")
函数会遍历字典、列表和自定义对象的属性,直到找到与目标值匹配的路径。如果找到了目标值,它会返回一个包含路径的列表;如果没有找到,它会返回 None
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