


  1. 首先,判断列表是否为空。如果为空,则无法获取最后一个数字。
  2. 如果列表不为空,可以使用以下方法获取最后一个数字:
    • 遍历列表,从最后一个元素开始向前遍历,直到找到第一个非零数字。
    • 如果找到非零数字,则返回该数字作为最后一个数字。
    • 如果列表中所有数字都是零,则返回0作为最后一个数字。


def get_last_number_with_zero(nums):
    if len(nums) == 0:
        return None  # 列表为空,无法获取最后一个数字

    for i in range(len(nums)-1, -1, -1):
        if nums[i] != 0:
            return nums[i]  # 返回第一个非零数字作为最后一个数字

    return 0  # 列表中所有数字都是零,返回0作为最后一个数字





  • Python数据分析(中英对照)·Lists 列表

    列表是任何类型的对象的可变序列。 Lists are mutable sequences of objects of any type. 它们通常用于存储同质项目。 And they’re typically used to store homogeneous items. 列表是序列的一种类型,就像字符串一样,但它们确实有区别。 Lists are one type of sequence, just like strings but they do have their differences. 如果我们比较字符串和列表,一个区别是字符串是单个字符的序列, If we compare a string and a list, one difference is that strings are sequences of individual characters, 而列表是任何类型Python对象的序列。 whereas lists are sequences of any type of Python objects. 字符串和列表之间的另一个区别是字符串是不可变的,而列表是可变的。 Another difference between strings and lists is that strings are immutable, whereas lists are mutable. 除了这两个区别之外,字符串和列表当然也有自己的方法。 In addition to these two differences, strings and lists, of course,come with their own methods. 通常情况下,列表只包含一种类型的对象,尽管这不是严格的要求。 It is common practice for a list to hold objects of just one type,although this is not strictly a requirement. 让我们尝试几个简单的列表来测试它们。 Let’s try a couple of simple lists to experiment with them. 让我们构造一个简单的数字列表,以进一步了解列表。 Let’s construct a simple list of numbers to learn a little bit more about lists. 所以我要构造一个数字列表。 So I’m going to construct a list of numbers. 我要称之为数字。 I’m going to call it numbers. 我将使用数字2、4、6和8。 And I’ll use numbers 2, 4, 6, and 8. 假设我想提取或访问列表中的第一个元素。 Imagine I wanted to extract, or access, the first element of my list. 我要做的第一件事是键入列表的名称,然后我需要方括号。 The first thing for me to do is type the name of the list,then I need my square brackets. 现在请记住,在Python中,索引从零开始。 Now remember, in Python, indexes start at zero. 因此,为了能够查看该列表的第一个元素,我需要将其放入索引0,位置0。 So for me to be able to look at the first element of that list,I need to put in index 0, position 0. 在这里,Python告诉我第一个对象,即位于位置0的对象,是数字2。 Here, Python tells me that the first object, meaning the object located at position 0, is number 2. 如果我将索引更改为1,Python将给我第二个对象。 If I change the index to 1, Python gives me the second object. 现在,如果我想知道列表上最后一个对象是什么,我可以从右到左计算位置。 Now if I wanted to find out what is the very last object on my list,I can count positions from right to left. 这意味着我必须使用负指数。 And


    Python数据分析(中英对照)·Introduction to NumPy Arrays NumPy 数组简介

    NumPy is a Python module designed for scientific computation. NumPy是为科学计算而设计的Python模块。 NumPy has several very useful features. NumPy有几个非常有用的特性。 Here are some examples. 这里有一些例子。 NumPy arrays are n-dimensional array objects and they are a core component of scientific and numerical computation in Python. NumPy数组是n维数组对象,是Python中科学和数值计算的核心组件。 NumPy also provides tools for integrating your code with existing C,C++, and Fortran code. NUMPY还提供了将代码与现有C、C++和FORTRAN代码集成的工具。 NumPy also provides many useful tools to help you perform linear algebra, generate random numbers, and much, much more. NumPy还提供了许多有用的工具来帮助您执行线性代数、生成随机数等等。 You can learn more about NumPy from the website numpy.org. 您可以从网站NumPy.org了解更多关于NumPy的信息。 NumPy arrays are an additional data type provided by NumPy,and they are used for representing vectors and matrices. NumPy数组是NumPy提供的附加数据类型,用于表示向量和矩阵。 Unlike dynamically growing Python lists, NumPy arrays have a size that is fixed when they are constructed. 与动态增长的Python列表不同,NumPy数组的大小在构造时是固定的。 Elements of NumPy arrays are also all of the same data type leading to more efficient and simpler code than using Python’s standard data types. NumPy数组的元素也都是相同的数据类型,这使得代码比使用Python的标准数据类型更高效、更简单。 By default, the elements are floating point numbers. 默认情况下,元素是浮点数。 Let’s start by constructing an empty vector and an empty matrix. 让我们先构造一个空向量和一个空矩阵。 By the way, don’t worry if you’re not that familiar with matrices. 顺便说一句,如果你对矩阵不太熟悉,别担心。 You can just think of them as two-dimensional tables. 你可以把它们想象成二维表格。 We will always use the following way to import NumPy into Python– import numpy as np. 我们将始终使用以下方法将NumPy导入Python——将NumPy作为np导入。 This is the import we will always use. 这是我们将始终使用的导入。 We’re first going to define our first zero vector using the numpy np.zeros function. 我们首先要用numpy np.zeros函数定义我们的第一个零向量。 In this case, if we would like to have five elements in the vector,we can just type np.zeros and place the number 5 inside the parentheses. 在这种情况下,如果我们想在向量中有五个元素,我们可以只键入np.zero并将数字5放在括号内。 We can defin
