import datetime
def get_week_dates(year, week_number, start_day=0):
# Calculate the first day of the year
first_day = datetime.datetime(year, 1, 1)
# Calculate the start date of the week
start_date = first_day + datetime.timedelta(days=start_day - first_day.weekday()) + datetime.timedelta(weeks=week_number - 1)
# Calculate the end date of the week
end_date = start_date + datetime.timedelta(days=6)
return start_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), end_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
# Example usage
year = 2022
week_number = 10
start_day = 1 # Assuming the week starts on Monday
start_date, end_date = get_week_dates(year, week_number, start_day)
print(f"Week {week_number} of {year} starts on {start_date} and ends on {end_date}.")
Week 10 of 2022 starts on 2022-03-07 and ends on 2022-03-13.
在腾讯云的云计算服务中,可以使用云函数(Serverless Cloud Function)来执行上述代码,并将其部署为一个API接口,以便通过HTTP请求获取特定周的开始日期和结束日期。腾讯云云函数(Serverless Cloud Function)是一种无服务器计算服务,可以帮助开发者在云端运行代码,无需关心服务器的管理和维护。您可以通过腾讯云云函数(Serverless Cloud Function)的官方文档了解更多信息:腾讯云云函数。
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