社区首页 >问答首页 >TencentOS tiny的tos_message_queue.c文件中为何没有消息队列订阅函数?

TencentOS tiny的tos_message_queue.c文件中为何没有消息队列订阅函数?

提问于 2020-08-24 08:16:15
回答 1关注 0查看 329

我想用TencentOS tiny操作系统实现各个任务之间的通信,需要使用到消息队列,但是我发发现tos_message_queue.c文件中只有消息队列创建以及发布函数,没有消息队列的内容读取和订阅函数。苦苦找不到解决方案,故来此提问。



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typedef struct k_message_queue_st {

knl_obj_t knl_obj;

pend_obj_t pend_obj;

k_ring_q_t ring_q;

} k_msg_q_t;


* @brief Create a message queue.

* create a message queue.


* @attention a MESSAGE is a "void *" pointer.


* @param[in] msg_q pointer to the handler of the message queue.

* @param[in] pool pool buffer of the message queue.

* @param[in] msg_cnt message count of the message queue.


* @return errcode

* @retval #K_ERR_NONE return successfully.


__API__ k_err_t tos_msg_q_create(k_msg_q_t *msg_q, void *pool, size_t msg_cnt);


* @brief Destroy a message queue.

* destroy a message queue.


* @attention None


* @param[in] msg_q pointer to the handler of the message queue.


* @return errcode

* @retval #K_ERR_NONE return successfully.


__API__ k_err_t tos_msg_q_destroy(k_msg_q_t *msg_q);



* @brief Create a message queue with dynamic allocated pool.

* create a message queue with dynamic allocated pool.


* @attention a MESSAGE is a "void *" pointer.


* @param[in] msg_q pointer to the handler of the message queue.

* @param[in] msg_cnt message count of the message queue.


* @return errcode

* @retval #K_ERR_NONE return successfully.


__API__ k_err_t tos_msg_q_create_dyn(k_msg_q_t *msg_q, size_t msg_cnt);


* @brief Destroy a message queue with dynamic allocated pool.

* destroy a message queue with dynamic allocated pool.


* @attention None


* @param[in] msg_q pointer to the handler of the message queue.


* @return errcode

* @retval #K_ERR_NONE return successfully.


__API__ k_err_t tos_msg_q_destroy_dyn(k_msg_q_t *msg_q);



* @brief Flush the message queue.

* flush the message queue.


* @attention None


* @param[in] msg_q pointer to the handler of the message queue.


* @return errcode

* @retval #K_ERR_NONE return successfully.


__API__ k_err_t tos_msg_q_flush(k_msg_q_t *msg_q);


* @brief Pend a message queue.

* pend a message queue.


* @attention we DONNOT perform a memcpy when msg_ptr is received(a MESSAGE is just a pointer).


* @param[in] msg_q pointer to the handler of the message queue.

* @param[OUT] msg_ptr a pointer to the message we wanna receive.

* @param[in] timeout how much time(in k_tick_t) we would like to wait.


* @return errcode

* @retval #K_ERR_PEND_NOWAIT we get nothing, and we don't wanna wait.

* @retval #K_ERR_PEND_SCHED_LOCKED we can wait, but scheduler is locked.

* @retval #K_ERR_PEND_TIMEOUT the time we wait is up, we get nothing.

* @retval #K_ERR_PEND_DESTROY the queue we are pending is destroyed.

* @retval #K_ERR_NONE return successfully.


__API__ k_err_t tos_msg_q_pend(k_msg_q_t *msg_q, void **msg_ptr, k_tick_t timeout);


* @brief Post a message queue.

* post a message queue and wakeup one pending task.


* @attention when tos_msg_q_post return successfully, only one task who are waitting for the message queue will be woken up.


* @param[in] msg_q pointer to the handler of the message queue.

* @param[in] msg_ptr the message to post(a MESSAGE is just a pointer).


* @return errcode

* @retval #K_ERR_RING_Q_FULL the message queue is full.

* @retval #K_ERR_NONE return successfully.


__API__ k_err_t tos_msg_q_post(k_msg_q_t *msg_q, void *msg_ptr);


* @brief Post a message queue.

* post a message queue and wakeup all the pending task.


* @attention when tos_msg_q_post_all return successfully, all of the tasks who are waitting for the message queue will be woken up.


* @param[in] msg_q pointer to the handler of the message queue.

* @param[in] msg_ptr the message to post(a MESSAGE is just a pointer).


* @return errcode

* @retval #K_ERR_RING_Q_FULL the message queue is full.

* @retval #K_ERR_NONE return successfully.


__API__ k_err_t tos_msg_q_post_all(k_msg_q_t *msg_q, void *msg_ptr);



#endif /* _TOS_MESSAGE_QUEUE_H_ */



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