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Dify is an easy-to-use LLMOps platform

发布2023-08-23 16:27:16
发布2023-08-23 16:27:16

Dify is an easy-to-use LLMOps platform designed to empower more people to create sustainable, AI-native applications. With visual orchestration for various application types, Dify offers out-of-the-box, ready-to-use applications that can also serve as Backend-as-a-Service APIs. Unify your development process with one API for plugins and datasets integration, and streamline your operations using a single interface for prompt engineering, visual analytics, and continuous improvement.

Applications created with Dify include:

Out-of-the-box web sites supporting form mode and chat conversation mode A single API encompassing plugin capabilities, context enhancement, and more, saving you backend coding effort Visual data analysis, log review, and annotation for applications Dify is compatible with Langchain, meaning we'll gradually support multiple LLMs, currently supported:

  • GPT 3 (text-davinci-003)
  • GPT 3.5 Turbo(ChatGPT)
  • GPT-4

Use Cloud Services

Visit Dify.ai

Install the Community Edition

System Requirements

Before installing Dify, make sure your machine meets the following minimum system requirements:

  • CPU >= 1 Core
  • RAM >= 4GB

Quick Start

The easiest way to start the Dify server is to run our docker-compose.yml file. Before running the installation command, make sure that Docker and Docker Compose are installed on your machine:

cd docker
docker-compose up -d

After running, you can access the Dify dashboard in your browser at http://localhost/install and start the initialization installation process.


If you need to customize the configuration, please refer to the comments in our docker-compose.yml file and manually set the environment configuration. After making the changes, please run 'docker-compose up -d' again.


Features under development:

  • Datasets, supporting more datasets, e.g. syncing content from Notion or webpages We will support more datasets, including text, webpages, and even Notion content. Users can build AI applications based on their own data sources.
  • Plugins, introducing ChatGPT Plugin-standard plugins for applications, or using Dify-produced plugins We will release plugins complying with ChatGPT standard, or Dify's own plugins to enable more capabilities in applications.
  • Open-source models, e.g. adopting Llama as a model provider or for further fine-tuning We will work with excellent open-source models like Llama, by providing them as model options in our platform, or using them for further fine-tuning.


Q: What can I do with Dify?

A: Dify is a simple yet powerful LLM development and operations tool. You can use it to build commercial-grade applications, personal assistants. If you want to develop your own applications, LangDifyGenius can save you backend work in integrating with OpenAI and offer visual operations capabilities, allowing you to continuously improve and train your GPT model.

Q: How do I use Dify to "train" my own model?

A: A valuable application consists of Prompt Engineering, context enhancement, and Fine-tuning. We've created a hybrid programming approach combining Prompts with programming languages (similar to a template engine), making it easy to accomplish long-text embedding or capturing subtitles from a user-input Youtube video - all of which will be submitted as context for LLMs to process. We place great emphasis on application operability, with data generated by users during App usage available for analysis, annotation, and continuous training. Without the right tools, these steps can be time-consuming.

Q: What do I need to prepare if I want to create my own application?

A: We assume you already have an OpenAI API Key; if not, please register for one. If you already have some content that can serve as training context, that's great!

Q: What interface languages are available?

A: English and Chinese are currently supported, and you can contribute language packs to us.

本文参与 腾讯云自媒体同步曝光计划,分享自作者个人站点/博客。
原始发表:2023-05-26 ,如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除

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如有侵权,请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除。

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  • Use Cloud Services
  • Install the Community Edition
    • System Requirements
      • Quick Start
        • Configuration
        • Roadmap
        • Q&A
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