社区首页 >专栏 >博客世界最受欢迎的30个插件


发布2023-04-13 19:19:23
发布2023-04-13 19:19:23

翻译于:TOP 30 Wordpress Plugins in Blogosphere

作者根据Lorelle的Lists of favorite Wordpress plugins上的48列表和280个插件,选出最受欢迎的30个插件。

  1. WordPress 插件第一位是Akismet,48位 bloggers 中有34位使用它,显而易见,垃圾留言是非常烦人的,而且Akismet在防止垃圾留言方面确实做的不错。
  2. Google Sitemap Generator以27票排在第2位。看起来很多 Blogger 开始关注SEO(搜索引擎),这个插件可以告诉 Google 如何搜索你的 Blog 和去哪里找到你想被找到,在这方面,他是最好的工具。
  3. Wasabi 写的 Related posts 排到第三位。就像其名字说的一样,这个插件根据 blog entry 的内容产生一个相关 posts 的列表,这是一个非常棒的工具通过显示你对某个主题所写的相类是的 posts 来提高你的 blog 的粘性。当我在我的技术论坛开始使用 Chitika RPU’s 之后,我就没有使用过这个插件,在48个 blogger 中有19个人使用它。
  4. Wp-Contact form. 这个由 Ryan Duff 开发的插件被48位 blogger 中的17未使用。它在你的 blog 上生成一个联系的表单,通过它,你的读者可以联系你。但是不幸的是,现在 Ryans 的网站下线了,另外一个生成联系表单的插件在这里,更新:你可以从 Doug Carr blog 下载防止垃圾邮件的Wp-contact form。
  5. 最初由Skippy开发,现在由Ilfilosofo维护的 Wordpress database backup 有16个人使用它。这是一个对所 WordPress Blogger来说,“必须使用”的插件,如果你没有使用它,你最终会有很多麻烦,想象下,如果你的数据库出现了问题并且你所有文章都丢失的话,会是一件 多么悲惨的事情。这个插件最新版甚至可以让你在一定周期内自动备份数据库。
  6. Feedburner Feed Replacement 可以让你跟踪你的 RSS 订阅者并且使用很多其它很 Cool 的Feedburner 的服务。
  7. Ultimate Tag Warrior 是一个可以做所有和 tagging 相关事情的插件。通过这个插件你可以给你的文章都加上 tag,在文章内加入 tag,文章外加入 tag,等等。这些 tags 可以被用来搜索你的 blog,能够一些像 Technorati 这样的 blog 搜索引擎收集并且给你带来新用户,UTW被14位 blogger 使用。
  8. Subscribe to comments (13/48)这个插件可以让你的读者在留言之前通过选择一个选择框,然后得到以后留言的 e-mail 通知。让你的读者坚持参加他感兴趣的话题来增加你的 blog 的社区化,从这方面说,这是一个非常好的插件。
  9. AdSense Deluxe (10/48) 是一个让你非常容易插入 AdSense,YPN,Chitika ads到你的文章的插件,并且它提供一个非常容易管理的接口让你可以设置什么时候和哪里显示你的广告。如果你想在 blog 中使用广告,你最好安装这个插件。
  10. Gravatars (9/48)是另外一个构建社区化的插件。它让你在读者留言附近放入一张小图片(avatars)。它可揖让留言区和讨论区更加个性化和可爱活。为了让头像能够显示,读者需要去 Gravatars 注册。
  11. Jerome’s Keywords plugin.这 是另外个关于关键字或者 tags 的插件,和 Ultimate Tag Warrior 有些相似。它有更少的选项和功能,但是处理 tags 一样好而且更好用。JK plugin得到十一位是有条件的,因为有个4个插件都被8位 blogger 推荐。所以接下来的3个插件(11-14 place)有一样的票数,只是以字母数序排名。
  12. Optimal title (8/48)是一个 SEO 相关的插件。它在你的 blog 上映像了wp_title ()的功能,但是它把分隔符移动了文章标题之后。这样可以让你 blog 文章名字,或者分类的名字在<title>标签(对于 SEO 来说页面上最重要的一个元素)中显示在 blog 名字之前。如果你使用关键字来分类你的 blog 文章标题(你应该这样做),这个插件能够帮助提升你在搜索引擎中的位置。
  13. Sociable (8/48) 你可能在很多 blog 的文章下面注意到一些来自社区书签网站(如Digg,del.icio.us,reddit等等)的小图标。是的,大部分是这个插件干的。所以如果你想你的读者传阅你最好的文章,你应该要安装这个插件。
  14. WP-Cache 2.0 (8/48) 是“… 一个非常有效的 WordPress 页面缓存系统,它能使你的网站速度更快和更容易响应。它通过缓存 WordPress 的页面并把他们存为静态页面,以后访问将直接读取静态页面而不是通过读取 PHP 代码从数据库读取数据构建页面, WP-Cache 允许每秒就能缓存成百的页面,并且把响应时间从零点几秒到小于毫秒。.” 如果你的访问这并不是那么多,这并不是那么重要,但是你会明显感觉到不同当上千个用户同时访问你的网站的时候。
  15. Popularity Contest (7/48) 一个非常有用的插件,能够让你自动高亮显示最好的文章给你的读者。 它能够你的文章,分类,存档,留言,回应等等的数量。然后用这些数据去判断你的那篇文章最受欢迎,这可以显著增加你 blog 的粘性,并且帮助你把你 blog 第一次你访问转变成你的读者。
  16. Sidebar Widgets (7/48) 一个由 WordPress 创建者 Automattic 写的插件,它能够让你在没有任何 HTML 背景的情况下添加很多非常酷的 widgets(由别人开发的小程序)到你的 sidebar。
  17. Wp_Notable (7/48) 另外一个显示社区书签网站的小图标的插件,在功能上和 Sociable 很类似。
  18. Simple Tags. (6/48) 另外一个产生 Technorati Tags 的插件。这是一个最基本也是非常容易使用的 tagging 插件,如果你寻找的是 Technorati 或者其他 blog 搜索引擎的 tags,只要在你的文章末尾输入关键字到[tags]..... [/tags]之间,然后他们将会显示 Technorati tags.
  19. Adhesive (5/48) 是一个能够让你把文章置顶的插件。置顶的帖子会出现在上前面无论在这以后你写多少篇其他的文章对于发布公告或者给你的读者进行导航的时候非常有用。
  20. Exec-php (5/48). 这个插件允许 <?php ?> 标签到你的文章或者页面的内容或者提要里面,他们会像平常的 PHP 文件一样被执行。当然它是为不懂 PHP 代码的人准备的,但是你如果要插入 PHP 代码到你的 blog 的帖子中,你需要的就是这个插件。
  21. Extended live archive (5/48) 这个插件用于创建动态的并且非常易于导航的存档页面,用于帮助你的读者非常容易就能够在你的存档中找到他想找的东西。在这个村当页面,文章可以通过 tags,原始分类,日期,流行度进行分类。
  22. No ping wait (5/48) 是否你有没有注意到,当你按下“publish”在你的编辑文章的页面的时候,它总会执行这个命令。是的,原因是因为有个“pinging”的过程,通过 这个过程,WordPress会试着通知各个 blog 搜索和监控服务有个新的文章已经发表了,这需要花掉一些时间,这个插件通过把“pinging”和发表文章分成两个过程来解决这个问题。
  23. PodPress (5/48) . 如果你想成为播客,这是一个必须有的插件,它能够非常容易在你的 blog 上增加,管理,播放播客和其他媒体文件。
  24. SRG Clean Archives (5/48) 。另外一个用于产生归档页面的插件。它被设计成衣清晰统一的格式显示你的归档列表。它列出 月/年(链接到每月归档),每个月由文章发表的日期,文章的标题(永久链接到文章),每篇文章的留言数。它同样在归档列表中隐藏密码保护的帖子。
  25. WP-Page Navi (5/48) 是一个用于改进你 blog 页面导航的插件。这个插件让你的读者不用一页一页翻页浏览 blog 的页面,它能够增加一个更好的导航功能,效果如下: Pages (17): [1] 2 3 4 ? … Last ?
  26. WP-Cron(5/48) 如果你想定时做某些事情,比如数据库备份,这个插件会帮你实现。用作者的原话说:“WP-Cron 对定时执行某些动作提供最好的支持,一些对于 WordPress 定时的动作。相对于真实的 Unix 系统的 Cron 来说,他还差的远,但是已经足够好来做一些简单的事情。
  27. Wp-Shortstat (5/48) 是一个访问状态的插件。安装插件之后,到你的管理首页,你就能看到你所需的状态信息 这个插件是由 Jeff Minard 写的,但是目前由 Markus Kaemmerer 维护。
  28. Lightbox 2 (5/48) . 不知道你是否已经在一些网站上已经看到,当你点击一张图片,整个页面就变得模糊成背景,而当前页面则成了一张图片。如果你不明白我在说什么,那么请点击插件页面,然后点击那里的图片。如果你需要这样图片技巧,那就安装着个插件吧!
  29. del.icio.us cached (4/48) 。想展示你最近在 del.icio.us 的书签,这就是你想要的插件。
  30. Get Recent Comments (4/48)它干就是名字所说的,他获取你的 blog 上最近留言的摘要,然后把他们显示在 sidebar 上。


  1. The first place among Wordpress plugins goes to Akismet. 34 out of 48 bloggers are using this plugin. Obviously the spam is a very serious issue and Akismet is doing a great job combating it.
  2. Google Sitemap Generator came in second with 27 votes. Looks like a lot of bloggers are starting to care about SEO and this plugin is the best tool to tell Google how it should crawl your blog and where to find everything you want found.
  3. Related posts by Wasabi takes the third place. As the name suggests, this plugin generates a list of related posts based on the text of blog entry. It is a great tool to increase the stickiness of your blog by showing your readers similar posts that you’ve written on the subject. Although since I started using Chitika RPU’s on my tech blogs, I don’t use this plugin there. 19 out 48 bloggers have used this plugin on their blogs.
  4. Wp-Contact form. This plugin developed by Ryan Duff is used by 17 of 48 bloggers. It creates a contact form on your blog, through which your readers can contact you. However at the moment of this writing, Ryans website seemed to be down. Another good plugin to generate contact forms is here. Update: You can download Spam protected Wp-contact form from Doug Carr blog here.
  5. Wordpress database backup now maintained by Ilfilosofo and originally developed by Skippy is on 16 lists. It’s a “must use” plugin for every WP blogger and if you are not using it you might be in a lot of trouble eventually. Imagine that something goes wrong with you database and you loose all of your archives! The latest version of the plugin even lets you schedule automatic backups at a set frequency.
  6. Feedburner Feed Replacement let’s you track your RSS subscribers and use a lot of other cool Feedburner services.
  7. Ultimate Tag Warrior is a plugin does everything related with tagging. With this plugin you can tag your every post through a separate field, enter tags inside post text, use tags in external editors, etc. The tags then can be used to search your blog and are picked up by blog search engines like Technorati and can bring in new users. UTW was used by 14 of 48 bloggers.
  8. Subscribe to comments plugin (13/48) allows your readers to check a box before commenting and get e-mail notification of further comments. This is a great plugin to grow your blog community by letting your readers stay up to date in the discussion that they already are interested in.
  9. AdSense Deluxe (10/48) is a plugin that allows you to easily insert AdSense, YPN, Chitika ads inside your blog posts and provides for easy management when and where the ads appear. A must have if you want use ads inside a blog post.
  10. Gravatars (9/48) Another community building plug-in. It let’s you place the small pictures (avatars) of your readers next to their comments on your blog. Makes the comment area and the discussion much more personal and lively. In order for the avatars to appear, reader has to register it with Gravatars service.
  11. Jerome’s Keywords plugin. It’s another plugin for keywords/tags similar to Ultimate Tag Warrior. It has a little less options and functionality, but does tagging/keywords very well and is easier to use. JK plugin gets 11th place only conditionally, since 4 plugins were recommended by 8 bloggers. So the next 3 plugins (11-14 place) also have the same amount of votes and are ranked in alphabetical order.
  12. Optimal title (8/48) is a SEO related plugin. It mirrors the function wp_title () on your blog, but moves the position of the separator to after the title rather then before. This way you can make blog post name, or category name appear in front of the blog name in the <title> tags (one of the most important elements of on page SEO). If you use the keywords you want to rank for in your blog post titles (which you should), this plugin can help you improve your position in search engines.
  13. Sociable (8/48) You probably noticed small icons from various social bookmarking sites (like Digg, del.icio.us, reddit, etc;) under the posts on many blogs. Well, lot’s of them are done by this plugin. So if you want to help your users spread the word about your best posts, you may want to install this plugin.
  14. WP-Cache 2.0 (8/48) is “… an extremely efficient Wordpress page caching system to make your site much faster and responsive. It works by caching Wordpress pages and storing them in a static file for serving future requests directly from the file rather than loading and compiling the whole PHP code and then building the page from the database. WP-Cache allows to serve hundred of times more pages per second, and to reduce the response time from several tenths of seconds to less than a millisecond.” It is not that important if you have a low traffic blog, but if you get dugg it can make the difference between your site being up or down for several hours when all the traffic comes flooding in.
  15. Popularity Contest (7/48) A very useful plugin that lets you automatically highlight your best posts to your readers. It keeps a count of your post, category and archive views, comments, trackbacks, etc. and uses them to determine which of your posts are most popular. It can significantly increase the “stickiness” of your blog and help you convert first time visitors into a regular readers.
  16. Sidebar Widgets (7/48) Plugin by Wordpress creators Automattic, that lets you add various cool widgets (small applications developed by others) into your sidebar without any HTML knowledge.
  17. Wp_Notable (7/48) Another plugin for displaying icons for various social bookmarking sites, very similar to Sociable in functionality.
  18. Simple Tags. (6/48) Another tagging plugin for generating Technorati Tags. This is the most basic and also the most easy to use tagging plugin, if all you are looking for are tags for Technorati and other blog search services. Just type in your keywords at the end of your post between [tags]..... [/tags] and they will appear as Technorati tags.
  19. Adhesive (5/48) is a plugin that lets you make the posts “sticky”.These posts will remain at the top of the page no matter how many other posts you wrote later. Very useful for making announcements or giving directions to your readers.
  20. Exec-php (5/48). This plugin allows <?php ?> tags inside the content or excerpt of your posts and pages to be executed just as in usual PHP files. Definitely not for the code shy, but if you want to insert php code inside your blog posts this is plugin to use.
  21. Extended live archive (5/48) plugin creates dynamic and easily navigable archive page that helps your readers easily find what they are looking for in your archive. The posts there can be sorted by tags, categories, date and popularity.
  22. No ping wait (5/48) Have you noticed sometimes, after you press “publish” on your posts, that it takes forever for this command to execute. Well, the reason is the “pinging” process, through which Wordpress tries to notify various blog search and monitoring services that new blog post is coming up, which can take some time. This plugin solves the problem by separating “pinging” and posting into two separate things.
  23. PodPress (5/48) . If you are into podcasting, this plugin is a must have. It makes adding, managing and playing podcasts and other media files on your blog a breeze.
  24. SRG Clean Archives (5/48) . Another plugin to generate Archive pages. It is designed to display your archive listings in a clean and uniform fashion. It lists the Month / Year (links to that months archives), the day of the month the article was published, the title of the article (permalink to article), and the number of comments that have been made on each article. It also hides password protected articles from showing up in your archives list.
  25. WP-Page Navi (5/48) is a plugin to improve page navigation on your blog. Instead of having to go through blog pages one by one, it adds better navigation functionality that can look like this: Pages (17): [1] 2 3 4 ? … Last ?
  26. WP-Cron(5/48) If you want to schedule some tasks, like database backup on your blog, this plugin lets you do just that. In the words of the author “WP-Cron provides a rudimentary support for scheduled execution of actions; a sort of “delayed action” processing for Wordpress. It is nowhere near as robust as the actual UNIX cron facility, but should be good enough to “do stuff” on a fairly regular basis
  27. Wp-Shortstat (5/48) is the stats plugin for your blog. Install the plugin, go to your WP dashboard and you can see the stats you need. The plugin was written by Jeff Minard but now is maintained by Markus Kaemmerer.
  28. Lightbox 2 (5/48) . Have you seen a neat trick on some websites, where you press on the image, the whole page dims into the background and the active window or image pops-up to the front? If you don’t know what I’m talking about, just head to the plugin page and press on the images there. If you want such a trick on your blog, install the plugin.
  29. del.icio.us cached (4/48) . Want to show-off what you have bookmarked on del.icio.us recently? Then this plugin is just what you need.
  30. Get Recent Comments (4/48)does just what it’s name implies, it gets the excerpts of the latest comments on your blog and displays them on your sidebar
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