巴特,popo弹出一份:xxx master 的单元测试静态代码检查失败,单元测试失败用例x个。请在1小时内修复并重新执行,否则可能会打回提测,单测失败详情xxx。
### Error updating database. Cause: java.sql.SQLException: It is not allowed to execute a(n) DELETE without where condition, sql:delete from mt_flash_sale_nav
### The error may involve defaultParameterMap
### The error occurred while setting parameters
### SQL: delete from mt_flash_sale_nav
### Cause: java.sql.SQLException: It is not allowed to execute a(n) DELETE without where condition, sql:delete from mt_flash_sale_nav
; uncategorized SQLException for SQL []; SQL state [HY000]; error code [0]; It is not allowed to execute a(n) DELETE without where condition, sql:delete from mt_flash_sale_nav; nested exception is java.sql.SQLException: It is not allowed to execute a(n) DELETE without where condition, sql:delete from mt_flash_sale_nav
瓦特,怎么可能,之前还是好好的呀~ 我没动过这块代码呀~一定是加班太多晃了我的狗眼~本地跑一次还是这样~!GG
<select id="selectByCond" resultMap="BaseResultMap">
select <include refid="Base_Column_List" />
from test_db <where>
<if test="a != null">
and `a` = #{a} </if>
<if test="list != null">
and b in <foreach collection="list" open="(" close=")" item="item" separator=",">
#{item} </foreach>
order by db_update_time </where>
* Build a {@code SqlSessionFactory} instance.
* The default implementation uses the standard MyBatis {@code XMLConfigBuilder} API to build a
* {@code SqlSessionFactory} instance based on an Reader.
* Since 1.3.0, it can be specified a {@link Configuration} instance directly(without config file).
* @return SqlSessionFactory
* @throws IOException if loading the config file failed
protected SqlSessionFactory buildSqlSessionFactory() throws IOException {
// ...
if (!isEmpty(this.mapperLocations)) {
for (Resource mapperLocation : this.mapperLocations) {
if (mapperLocation == null) {
try {
XMLMapperBuilder xmlMapperBuilder = new XMLMapperBuilder(mapperLocation.getInputStream(),
configuration, mapperLocation.toString(), configuration.getSqlFragments());
// 这里解析xml
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new NestedIOException("Failed to parse mapping resource: '" + mapperLocation + "'", e);
} finally {
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOGGER.debug("Parsed mapper file: '" + mapperLocation + "'");
} else {
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOGGER.debug("Property 'mapperLocations' was not specified or no matching resources found");
return this.sqlSessionFactoryBuilder.build(configuration);
而sql最终如何生成呢?主要靠SqlSource Sql源接口,代表从xml文件或注解映射的sql内容,主要就是用于创建BoundSql,有实现类DynamicSqlSource(动态Sql源),StaticSqlSource(静态Sql源)等:
* Represents the content of a mapped statement read from an XML file or an annotation.
* It creates the SQL that will be passed to the database out of the input parameter received from the user.
* @author Clinton Begin
public interface SqlSource {
BoundSql getBoundSql(Object parameterObject);
private SqlSessionFactory sqlSessionFactory;
public void test_check() {
Configuration configuration = sqlSessionFactory.getConfiguration(); System.out.println("#sql.size#" + configuration.getMappedStatements().size());
Set<String> errors = Sets.newHashSet();
int i = 1;
for (Object obj : configuration.getMappedStatements()) {
if (obj instanceof MappedStatement) {
MappedStatement mappedStatement = (MappedStatement) obj; String sql = mappedStatement.getSqlSource().getBoundSql(new SqlParamMap()).getSql();
sql = sql.replaceAll("\n", "");
sql = sql.replaceAll("\\s+", " ");
System.out.println(String.format("#sql,#%02d #%s #%s", i++, mappedStatement.getSqlCommandType(), sql));
if (!sql.toLowerCase().startsWith("insert") && !sql.toLowerCase().startsWith("select")
&& !sql.toLowerCase().startsWith("replace")) {
if (!sql.toLowerCase().contains("where")) {
errors.add(sql); } } } } System.err.println("#error#" + errors.size());
for (String errorSql : errors) {
System.err.println(errorSql); } } // 这里为了方便生成sql时,解析入参对象的
public static class SqlParamMap extends AbstractMap<String, Object> implements Map<String, Object> {
public Set<Entry<String, Object>> entrySet() {
return Collections.emptySet();
public Object get(Object key) {
return new Object[] {1, 2};
delete from mt_baby_article_config
delete from mt_coupon_center_nav
update mt_auction_goods set price_check_status = 4
delete from mt_spring_label
delete from mt_scene_brand
delete FROM mt_newgoods_content_configupdate mt_auction_goods_edit set price_check_status = 4
DELETE from mt_coupon_center_coupon_info
delete from mt_spring_label_goods
delete from mt_goods_stock_rel
delete from mt_flash_sale_nav
delete from mt_auction_homeshow_inferior
delete from matter_switcher_param_center
delete from mt_mission_award
delete from `mt_newgoods_category_tab_config`
delete from mt_goods_stock_rel_edit
delete from mt_album_label
delete from matter_app_channel_relations
delete from element_user_baby_coupon_info_log
delete from mt_album_label_category
#sql,#1974 #DELETE #delete from mt_auction_homeshow_inferior_edit where id=?
#sql,#1975 #SELECT #select id,title,begin_time,end_time,type,status,db_update_time,content from matter_common_schedule WHERE type =? and begin_time <=? and end_time >=? and type = ? order by begin_time limit ?,?
#sql,#1976 #UPDATE #update element_user_baby_coupon_info_log SET award_info=?, create_time=?, update_time=? where id=?
#sql,#1977 #SELECT #SELECT id from mt_auction_goods where show_status!=2
#sql,#1978 #INSERT #insert into TB_ACTIVITY_SHOW_DETAIL_EDIT (id, zone_id, activity_show_id, related_type, related_id, image_url, image_link, sort_order, config,ui_data ) values
#sql,#1979 #SELECT #select id, related_id, goods_id, goods_title, category_id, category_name, advance_price, question_mark_pos, config, sort_order, db_create_time, db_update_time from mt_advance_price_goods_edit where id = ?
#sql,#1980 #SELECT #select id, apply_category_id, apply_brand_id, import_type, db_create_time,db_update_time, status, goods_qa_scheme_edit_id from goods_qa_category_scope_edit where apply_category_id = ? and apply_brand_id = ? and import_type = ? and goods_qa_scheme_edit_id <> ?
#sql,#1981 #SELECT #select id, skin_scheme_id, skin_order, skin_name, skin_introduce, skin_img_config, skin_gif_config, skin_status, operator, db_create_time, db_update_time from mt_private_custom_skin_config_edit where skin_status = ? order by skin_order asc