社区首页 >专栏 >Hive-1.2.1_06_累计报表查询


发布2020-10-15 11:34:02
发布2020-10-15 11:34:02

1. 数据准备

 1 # 本地数据准备
 2 [yun@mini01 hive]$ pwd
 3 /app/software/hive
 4 [yun@mini01 hive]$ ll /app/software/hive/t_access_times.dat 
 5 -rw-rw-r-- 1 yun yun 153 Jul 17 16:15 /app/software/hive/t_access_times.dat
 6 [yun@mini01 hive]$ cat /app/software/hive/t_access_times.dat 
 7 A,2015-01-01,5
 8 A,2015-01-05,15
 9 B,2015-01-07,5
10 A,2015-01-10,8
11 B,2015-01-20,25
12 A,2015-01-31,5
13 A,2015-02-01,4
14 A,2015-02-10,6
15 B,2015-02-15,10
16 B,2015-02-25,5
17 A,2015-03-02,1
18 B,2015-03-02,2
19 A,2015-03-04,4
20 B,2015-03-07,4
21 A,2015-03-10,1
22 B,2015-03-12,8
23 A,2015-03-14,3
24 B,2015-03-17,6
25 A,2015-03-28,2
26 # hive 建表
27 hive (test_db)> create table t_access_times(username string,month string,salary int)
28               > row format delimited fields terminated by ',';
29 OK
30 Time taken: 0.16 seconds
32 # 数据上传  从desc formatted t_access_times; 可获取Location信息
33 0: jdbc:hive2://mini01:10000> load data local inpath '/app/software/hive/t_access_times.dat' [overwrite] into table t_access_times; # 上传
34 INFO  : Loading data to table test_db.t_access_times from file:/app/software/hive/t_access_times.dat
35 INFO  : Table test_db.t_access_times stats: [numFiles=1, totalSize=153]
36 No rows affected (0.764 seconds)
37 0: jdbc:hive2://mini01:10000> select * from t_access_times; # 查询数据
38 +--------------------------+-----------------------+------------------------+--+
39 | t_access_times.username  | t_access_times.month  | t_access_times.salary  |
40 +--------------------------+-----------------------+------------------------+--+
41 | A                        | 2015-01-01            | 5                      |
42 | A                        | 2015-01-05            | 15                     |
43 | B                        | 2015-01-07            | 5                      |
44 | A                        | 2015-01-10            | 8                      |
45 | B                        | 2015-01-20            | 25                     |
46 | A                        | 2015-01-31            | 5                      |
47 | A                        | 2015-02-01            | 4                      |
48 | A                        | 2015-02-10            | 6                      |
49 | B                        | 2015-02-15            | 10                     |
50 | B                        | 2015-02-25            | 5                      |
51 | A                        | 2015-03-02            | 1                      |
52 | B                        | 2015-03-02            | 2                      |
53 | A                        | 2015-03-04            | 4                      |
54 | B                        | 2015-03-07            | 4                      |
55 | A                        | 2015-03-10            | 1                      |
56 | B                        | 2015-03-12            | 8                      |
57 | A                        | 2015-03-14            | 3                      |
58 | B                        | 2015-03-17            | 6                      |
59 | A                        | 2015-03-28            | 2                      |
60 +--------------------------+-----------------------+------------------------+--+
61 19 rows selected (0.102 seconds)
62 # 根据月份查询  去掉月份字段中的天信息
63 0: jdbc:hive2://mini01:10000> select a.username, substr(a.month,1,7) month, a.salary from t_access_times a;
64 +-------------+----------+-----------+--+
65 | a.username  |  month   | a.salary  |
66 +-------------+----------+-----------+--+
67 | A           | 2015-01  | 5         |
68 | A           | 2015-01  | 15        |
69 | B           | 2015-01  | 5         |
70 | A           | 2015-01  | 8         |
71 | B           | 2015-01  | 25        |
72 | A           | 2015-01  | 5         |
73 | A           | 2015-02  | 4         |
74 | A           | 2015-02  | 6         |
75 | B           | 2015-02  | 10        |
76 | B           | 2015-02  | 5         |
77 | A           | 2015-03  | 1         |
78 | B           | 2015-03  | 2         |
79 | A           | 2015-03  | 4         |
80 | B           | 2015-03  | 4         |
81 | A           | 2015-03  | 1         |
82 | B           | 2015-03  | 8         |
83 | A           | 2015-03  | 3         |
84 | B           | 2015-03  | 6         |
85 | A           | 2015-03  | 2         |
86 +-------------+----------+-----------+--+
87 19 rows selected (0.078 seconds)

2. 用户一个月总金额

 1 # 或者使用 select x.username, x.month, sum(x.salary) from (select a.username, substr(a.month,1,7) month, a.salary from t_access_times a) x group by x.username, x.month; 
 2 0: jdbc:hive2://mini01:10000> select a.username, substr(a.month,1,7) month, sum(a.salary) salary from t_access_times a group by a.username, substr(a.month,1,7);
 3 INFO  : Number of reduce tasks not specified. Estimated from input data size: 1
 4 INFO  : In order to change the average load for a reducer (in bytes):
 5 INFO  :   set hive.exec.reducers.bytes.per.reducer=<number>
 6 INFO  : In order to limit the maximum number of reducers:
 7 INFO  :   set hive.exec.reducers.max=<number>
 8 INFO  : In order to set a constant number of reducers:
 9 INFO  :   set mapreduce.job.reduces=<number>
10 INFO  : number of splits:1
11 INFO  : Submitting tokens for job: job_1531893043061_0002
12 INFO  : The url to track the job: http://mini02:8088/proxy/application_1531893043061_0002/
13 INFO  : Starting Job = job_1531893043061_0002, Tracking URL = http://mini02:8088/proxy/application_1531893043061_0002/
14 INFO  : Kill Command = /app/hadoop/bin/hadoop job  -kill job_1531893043061_0002
15 INFO  : Hadoop job information for Stage-1: number of mappers: 1; number of reducers: 1
16 INFO  : 2018-07-18 14:04:19,689 Stage-1 map = 0%,  reduce = 0%
17 INFO  : 2018-07-18 14:04:25,077 Stage-1 map = 100%,  reduce = 0%, Cumulative CPU 3.08 sec
18 INFO  : 2018-07-18 14:04:32,638 Stage-1 map = 100%,  reduce = 100%, Cumulative CPU 5.53 sec
19 INFO  : MapReduce Total cumulative CPU time: 5 seconds 530 msec
20 INFO  : Ended Job = job_1531893043061_0002
21 +-------------+----------+------+--+
22 | a.username  |  month   | _c2  |
23 +-------------+----------+------+--+
24 | A           | 2015-01  | 33   |
25 | A           | 2015-02  | 10   |
26 | A           | 2015-03  | 11   |
27 | B           | 2015-01  | 30   |
28 | B           | 2015-02  | 15   |
29 | B           | 2015-03  | 20   |
30 +-------------+----------+------+--+
31 6 rows selected (18.755 seconds)

3. 将月总金额表 自己连接 自己连接

 1 0: jdbc:hive2://mini01:10000> select * from
 2 0: jdbc:hive2://mini01:10000> (select a.username, substr(a.month,1,7) month, sum(a.salary) salary from t_access_times a group by a.username, substr(a.month,1,7)) A
 3 0: jdbc:hive2://mini01:10000> inner join
 4 0: jdbc:hive2://mini01:10000> (select a.username, substr(a.month,1,7) month, sum(a.salary) salary from t_access_times a group by a.username, substr(a.month,1,7)) B
 5 0: jdbc:hive2://mini01:10000> on A.username = B.username
 6 0: jdbc:hive2://mini01:10000> ORDER BY A.username, A.`month`, B.`month`;
 7 INFO  : Number of reduce tasks not specified. Estimated from input data size: 1
 8 …………………………
 9 INFO  : Ended Job = job_1531893043061_0029
10 +-------------+----------+-----------+-------------+----------+-----------+--+
11 | a.username  | a.month  | a.salary  | b.username  | b.month  | b.salary  |
12 +-------------+----------+-----------+-------------+----------+-----------+--+
13 | A           | 2015-01  | 33        | A           | 2015-01  | 33        |
14 | A           | 2015-01  | 33        | A           | 2015-02  | 10        |
15 | A           | 2015-01  | 33        | A           | 2015-03  | 11        |
16 | A           | 2015-02  | 10        | A           | 2015-01  | 33        |
17 | A           | 2015-02  | 10        | A           | 2015-02  | 10        |
18 | A           | 2015-02  | 10        | A           | 2015-03  | 11        |
19 | A           | 2015-03  | 11        | A           | 2015-01  | 33        |
20 | A           | 2015-03  | 11        | A           | 2015-02  | 10        |
21 | A           | 2015-03  | 11        | A           | 2015-03  | 11        |
22 | B           | 2015-01  | 30        | B           | 2015-01  | 30        |
23 | B           | 2015-01  | 30        | B           | 2015-02  | 15        |
24 | B           | 2015-01  | 30        | B           | 2015-03  | 20        |
25 | B           | 2015-02  | 15        | B           | 2015-01  | 30        |
26 | B           | 2015-02  | 15        | B           | 2015-02  | 15        |
27 | B           | 2015-02  | 15        | B           | 2015-03  | 20        |
28 | B           | 2015-03  | 20        | B           | 2015-01  | 30        |
29 | B           | 2015-03  | 20        | B           | 2015-02  | 15        |
30 | B           | 2015-03  | 20        | B           | 2015-03  | 20        |
31 +-------------+----------+-----------+-------------+----------+-----------+--+
32 18 rows selected (85.593 seconds)
33 ###################################################### 
34 # 查询后排序
35 0: jdbc:hive2://mini01:10000> select * from
36 0: jdbc:hive2://mini01:10000> (select a.username, substr(a.month,1,7) month, sum(a.salary) salary from t_access_times a group by a.username, substr(a.month,1,7)) A
37 0: jdbc:hive2://mini01:10000> inner join
38 0: jdbc:hive2://mini01:10000> (select a.username, substr(a.month,1,7) month, sum(a.salary) salary from t_access_times a group by a.username, substr(a.month,1,7)) B
39 0: jdbc:hive2://mini01:10000> on A.username = B.username
40 0: jdbc:hive2://mini01:10000> where A.month >= B.month
41 0: jdbc:hive2://mini01:10000> ORDER BY A.username, A.month, B.month; 
42 INFO  : Number of reduce tasks not specified. Estimated from input data size: 1
43 …………………………
44 INFO  : Ended Job = job_1531893043061_0016
45 +-------------+----------+--------+-------------+----------+--------+--+
46 | a.username  | a.month  | a._c2  | b.username  | b.month  | b._c2  |
47 +-------------+----------+--------+-------------+----------+--------+--+
48 | A           | 2015-01  | 33     | A           | 2015-01  | 33     |
49 | A           | 2015-02  | 10     | A           | 2015-01  | 33     |
50 | A           | 2015-02  | 10     | A           | 2015-02  | 10     |
51 | A           | 2015-03  | 10     | A           | 2015-01  | 33     |
52 | A           | 2015-03  | 10     | A           | 2015-02  | 10     |
53 | A           | 2015-03  | 10     | A           | 2015-03  | 10     |
54 | B           | 2015-01  | 30     | B           | 2015-01  | 30     |
55 | B           | 2015-02  | 15     | B           | 2015-01  | 30     |
56 | B           | 2015-02  | 15     | B           | 2015-02  | 15     |
57 | B           | 2015-03  | 20     | B           | 2015-01  | 30     |
58 | B           | 2015-03  | 20     | B           | 2015-02  | 15     |
59 | B           | 2015-03  | 20     | B           | 2015-03  | 20     |
60 +-------------+----------+--------+-------------+----------+--------+--+
61 12 rows selected (83.385 seconds)

4. 累计报表

4.1. 类似数据在MySQL数据库查询

1 # 使用这个SQL语句就可了,但是在HIVE中运行不了
2 select A.username, A.month, A.salary , sum(B.salary) countSala from
3 (select a.username, substr(a.month,1,7) month, sum(a.salary) salary from t_access_times a group by a.username, substr(a.month,1,7)) A
4 inner join
5 (select a.username, substr(a.month,1,7) month, sum(a.salary) salary from t_access_times a group by a.username, substr(a.month,1,7)) B
6 on A.username = B.username
7 where A.month >= B.month
8 group by A.username, A.month
9 ORDER BY A.username, A.month, B.month;

4.2. Hive中运行

 1 # 上面的SQL不能运行  所以查询列表改为了max(A.salary) salary  ;  order by 中去掉了 B.month  。
 2 0: jdbc:hive2://mini01:10000> select A.username, A.month, max(A.salary) salary, sum(B.salary) countSala from
 3 0: jdbc:hive2://mini01:10000> (select a.username, substr(a.month,1,7) month, sum(a.salary) salary from t_access_times a group by a.username, substr(a.month,1,7)) A
 4 0: jdbc:hive2://mini01:10000> inner join
 5 0: jdbc:hive2://mini01:10000> (select a.username, substr(a.month,1,7) month, sum(a.salary) salary from t_access_times a group by a.username, substr(a.month,1,7)) B
 6 0: jdbc:hive2://mini01:10000> on A.username = B.username
 7 0: jdbc:hive2://mini01:10000> where A.month >= B.month
 8 0: jdbc:hive2://mini01:10000> group by A.username, A.month
 9 0: jdbc:hive2://mini01:10000> ORDER BY A.username, A.month;
10 INFO  : Number of reduce tasks not specified. Estimated from input data size: 1
11 ………………
12 INFO  : Ended Job = job_1531893043061_0052
13 +-------------+----------+---------+------------+--+
14 | a.username  | a.month  | salary  | countsala  |
15 +-------------+----------+---------+------------+--+
16 | A           | 2015-01  | 33      | 33         |
17 | A           | 2015-02  | 10      | 43         |
18 | A           | 2015-03  | 11      | 54         |
19 | B           | 2015-01  | 30      | 30         |
20 | B           | 2015-02  | 15      | 45         |
21 | B           | 2015-03  | 20      | 65         |
22 +-------------+----------+---------+------------+--+
23 6 rows selected (106.718 seconds)
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0 条评论
  • 1. 数据准备
  • 2. 用户一个月总金额
  • 3. 将月总金额表 自己连接 自己连接
  • 4. 累计报表
    • 4.1. 类似数据在MySQL数据库查询
      • 4.2. Hive中运行
      云数据库 MySQL
      腾讯云数据库 MySQL(TencentDB for MySQL)为用户提供安全可靠,性能卓越、易于维护的企业级云数据库服务。其具备6大企业级特性,包括企业级定制内核、企业级高可用、企业级高可靠、企业级安全、企业级扩展以及企业级智能运维。通过使用腾讯云数据库 MySQL,可实现分钟级别的数据库部署、弹性扩展以及全自动化的运维管理,不仅经济实惠,而且稳定可靠,易于运维。
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