strassoc(X, cluster, func = "r", group = NULL, nboot = 0, alpha = 0.05, c = 1)
#cunf:计算联系的强度的指数:"r", "r.g", "IndVal", "IndVal.g", "A", "A.g", "B", "cos", "cos.g", "r.ind", "r.ind.g", "s.ind", "s.ind.g" (lowercase values are also accepted).
## Load species data
## Create three clusters using
wetkm = kmeans(wetland, centers=3)
## Compute Dufrene and Legendre's IndVal
strassoc(wetland, wetkm$cluster, func="IndVal.g")
1 2 3
Abefic 0.0000000 0.3333333 0.0000000
Merhed 0.4160251 0.2614882 0.0000000
Alyvag 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.3273268
Pancam 0.8938194 0.3185110 0.1023785
indicators(X, cluster, group, func="IndVal", max.order=5, max.indicators=NULL,
At=0, Bt=0, sqrtIVt=0, nboot=0, alpha=0.05, XC=TRUE, enableFixed = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)
#max.indicators: 保留的有效指标的最大数量。NULL全部都保留
#func: 要使用的指示值变量。"IndVal" (non-equalized) or "IndVal.g" (group-equalized).
#XC: TRUE,输出发生率形式的矩阵。
## Determine sensitivity of individual species
B=strassoc(wetland, cluster=wetkm$cluster,func="B")
## Select species with more than 20% of sensitivity for the first group
## Run indicator analysis with species combinations for the first group
sc= indicators(X=wetland[,sel], cluster=wetkm$cluster, group=1, verbose=TRUE,
At=0.5, Bt=0.2)
#Prints the results
A B sqrtIV
Pancam 0.5384615 1.00 0.7337994
Merhed+Pancam+Abemos 1.0000000 0.25 0.5000000
Merhed+Pancam+Abemos+Melcor 1.0000000 0.25 0.5000000
Merhed+Pancam+Abemos+Melcor+Eupvac 1.0000000 0.25 0.5000000
Merhed+Pancam+Abemos+Melcor+Echpas 1.0000000 0.25 0.5000000
Merhed+Pancam+Abemos+Eupvac 1.0000000 0.25 0.5000000
Merhed+Pancam+Abemos+Eupvac+Echpas 1.0000000 0.25 0.5000000
## Plots positive predictive power and sensitivity against the order of
## combinations
plot(sc, type="A")
plot(sc, type="B")
##pruneindicators 确定预测结果中的最优子集
pruneindicators(x, At=0, Bt=0, sqrtIVt=0, max.indicators=4, verbose=FALSE)
sc2=pruneindicators(sc, At=0.5, Bt=0.2, verbose=TRUE)
A B sqrtIV
Pancam 0.6923077 0.8 0.7442084
Melcor+Sessp. 0.5714286 0.7 0.6324555
nichevar(P, D = NULL, q = NULL, mode="multiple", Np = NULL,
Nq = NULL, nboot = 1000, alpha=0.05)
#mode:Either mode = "single" (rows of matrix P are individual observations to be pooled for a single niche) or mode = "multiple" (rows in P represent different niches).
# Loads example data
# The niche metrics using distances among resources and assuming equal availability of resources
nichepref(birdsbreed, D = resourceD)
R1 R2 R3 R4 R5
sp1B 0.50 0.50 0.00 0.0 0.00
sp2B 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.0 0.25
sp3B 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00
sp4B 0.65 0.35 0.00 0.0 0.00
sp5B 0.40 0.20 0.40 0.0 0.00
nichevar(birdsbreed, D = resourceD)
sp1B 0.13225261
sp2B 0.12781527
sp3B 0.00000000
sp4B 0.12034987
sp5B 0.18250903
nichecentroid(birdsbreed, D = resourceD)
V1 V2 V3 V4
sp1B 0.24597349 0.25041608 0.045122608 0.075213112
sp2B 0.13250560 -0.21553586 0.061091362 -0.058985020
sp3B 0.22651901 0.48162424 -0.203930962 -0.052807341
sp4B 0.24013715 0.31977853 -0.029593463 0.036806976
sp5B 0.19752919 0.09742813 0.025164313 -0.093896341