Windows Phone Toolkit 是属于 .Net 基金会的一个项目,本文将简要介绍该项目相关的信息。
Straight from Microsoft Windows Phone developer platform team - Windows Phone Toolkit provides the developer community with new components, functionality, and an efficient way to help shape product development. WPToolkit releases include open source code, samples & docs, plus design-time support for the Windows Phone platform.
Windows Phone Toolkit 是由 Microsoft Windows Phone 开发者团队产出的。它为社区开发者提供了很多新的控件,功能,以及高效构建产品的途径。
WPToolkit 的发行版包含源码、样例和文档、设计器。
千言万语凝成一句话:Windows Phone 已!经!凉!了!
Straight from Microsoft Windows Phone developer platform team - Windows Phone Toolkit provides the developer community with new components, functionality, and an efficient way to help shape product development. WPToolkit releases include open source code, samples & docs, plus design-time support for the Windows Phone platform.
以上《英文介绍》摘录自 .NET Foundation 的项目介绍 。原文受原项目许可证保护。