社区首页 >专栏 >k8s源码-kube-apiserver主流程解析


发布2020-01-21 15:58:17
发布2020-01-21 15:58:17



apiserver是kubernetes的api server,运行在集群的master上,提供集群的管理API服务。



func main() {

	command := app.NewAPIServerCommand()
    ... ...
	defer logs.FlushLogs()

	if err := command.Execute(); err != nil {

NewAPIServerCommand与kube-scheduler一样,同样使用了cobra.Command的CLI应用,cobra是很强大的工具,kubernetes、docker、istio等很多开源项目使用了cobra。先前在写scheduler的时候,没有说明启动参数是如何传递的,今天先说明下启动参数的解析,启动参数很多,源码分为了generic, etcd, secure serving,insecure serving,auditing, features, authentication, authorization,cloud provider,API enablement,egress selector,admission这些类。解析需要先看app.NewAPIServerCommand的方法:

func NewAPIServerCommand() *cobra.Command {
	s := options.NewServerRunOptions()
	cmd := &cobra.Command{
		... ...
		RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
			... ... 
			return Run(completedOptions, genericapiserver.SetupSignalHandler())

	fs := cmd.Flags()
	namedFlagSets := s.Flags()
	globalflag.AddGlobalFlags(namedFlagSets.FlagSet("global"), cmd.Name())
	for _, f := range namedFlagSets.FlagSets {
	... ... 

	return cmd

s := options.NewServerRunOptions()是初始化了Server所有的启动参数,这里都是使用了默认值。cmd.Flags()是为command new了一个flagSet, 这里主要关注下namedFlagSets := s.Flags(), namedFlagSets里面按照上述的分类定义了多个flagSet, 然后添加到了cmd的flagSet中。看下定义的Flag,


func (s *ServerRunOptions) Flags() (fss cliflag.NamedFlagSets) {
	// Add the generic flags.
	s.SecureServing.AddFlags(fss.FlagSet("secure serving"))
	s.InsecureServing.AddFlags(fss.FlagSet("insecure serving"))
	s.InsecureServing.AddUnqualifiedFlags(fss.FlagSet("insecure serving")) // TODO: remove it until kops stops using `--address`
	s.CloudProvider.AddFlags(fss.FlagSet("cloud provider"))
	s.APIEnablement.AddFlags(fss.FlagSet("API enablement"))
	s.EgressSelector.AddFlags(fss.FlagSet("egress selector"))
	... ...


func (s *ServerRunOptions) AddUniversalFlags(fs *pflag.FlagSet) {
	// Note: the weird ""+ in below lines seems to be the only way to get gofmt to
	// arrange these text blocks sensibly. Grrr.

	fs.IPVar(&s.AdvertiseAddress, "advertise-address", s.AdvertiseAddress, ""+
		"The IP address on which to advertise the apiserver to members of the cluster. This "+
		"address must be reachable by the rest of the cluster. If blank, the --bind-address "+
		"will be used. If --bind-address is unspecified, the host's default interface will "+
		"be used.")

	fs.StringSliceVar(&s.CorsAllowedOriginList, "cors-allowed-origins", s.CorsAllowedOriginList, ""+
		"List of allowed origins for CORS, comma separated.  An allowed origin can be a regular "+
		"expression to support subdomain matching. If this list is empty CORS will not be enabled.")

	fs.IntVar(&s.TargetRAMMB, "target-ram-mb", s.TargetRAMMB,
		"Memory limit for apiserver in MB (used to configure sizes of caches, etc.)")

	fs.StringVar(&s.ExternalHost, "external-hostname", s.ExternalHost,
		"The hostname to use when generating externalized URLs for this master (e.g. Swagger API Docs).")

	deprecatedMasterServiceNamespace := metav1.NamespaceDefault
	fs.StringVar(&deprecatedMasterServiceNamespace, "master-service-namespace", deprecatedMasterServiceNamespace, ""+
		"DEPRECATED: the namespace from which the kubernetes master services should be injected into pods.")

	fs.IntVar(&s.MaxRequestsInFlight, "max-requests-inflight", s.MaxRequestsInFlight, ""+
		"The maximum number of non-mutating requests in flight at a given time. When the server exceeds this, "+
		"it rejects requests. Zero for no limit.")

	fs.IntVar(&s.MaxMutatingRequestsInFlight, "max-mutating-requests-inflight", s.MaxMutatingRequestsInFlight, ""+
		"The maximum number of mutating requests in flight at a given time. When the server exceeds this, "+
		"it rejects requests. Zero for no limit.")

	fs.DurationVar(&s.RequestTimeout, "request-timeout", s.RequestTimeout, ""+
		"An optional field indicating the duration a handler must keep a request open before timing "+
		"it out. This is the default request timeout for requests but may be overridden by flags such as "+
		"--min-request-timeout for specific types of requests.")

	fs.DurationVar(&s.LivezGracePeriod, "livez-grace-period", s.LivezGracePeriod, ""+
		"This option represents the maximum amount of time it should take for apiserver to complete its startup sequence "+
		"and become live. From apiserver's start time to when this amount of time has elapsed, /livez will assume "+
		"that unfinished post-start hooks will complete successfully and therefore return true.")
... ...

可以看到上面将flag的name和ServerRunOptions的field进行了绑定,后面解析之后会直接赋值给ServerRunOptions的field。那解析是在何时进行的呢? 在空壳的main方法中,还有cmd.execute方法,解析则在这里进行:

func (c *Command) Execute() error {
	_, err := c.ExecuteC()
	return err

// ExecuteC executes the command.
func (c *Command) ExecuteC() (cmd *Command, err error) {
   ... ... 

	args := c.args

	// Workaround FAIL with "go test -v" or "cobra.test -test.v", see #155
	if c.args == nil && filepath.Base(os.Args[0]) != "cobra.test" {
		args = os.Args[1:]

	var flags []string
	if c.TraverseChildren {
		cmd, flags, err = c.Traverse(args)
	} else {
		cmd, flags, err = c.Find(args)
	... ...
	err = cmd.execute(flags)
	... ... 
	return cmd, err

可以看到,将os.Args取出赋值给args,调用c.Find(args)和c.Traverse(args) 将args解析为cmd和flags, flags为string数组。再调用cmd.execute(flags):

func (c *Command) execute(a []string) (err error) {
	... ...
	err = c.ParseFlags(a)
	if err != nil {
		return c.FlagErrorFunc()(c, err)

	... ...

	... ...
	if c.PreRunE != nil {
		if err := c.PreRunE(c, argWoFlags); err != nil {
			return err
	} else if c.PreRun != nil {
		c.PreRun(c, argWoFlags)

	if err := c.validateRequiredFlags(); err != nil {
		return err
	if c.RunE != nil {
		if err := c.RunE(c, argWoFlags); err != nil {
			return err
	} else {
		c.Run(c, argWoFlags)
	if c.PostRunE != nil {
		if err := c.PostRunE(c, argWoFlags); err != nil {
			return err
	} else if c.PostRun != nil {
		c.PostRun(c, argWoFlags)
	for p := c; p != nil; p = p.Parent() {
		if p.PersistentPostRunE != nil {
			if err := p.PersistentPostRunE(c, argWoFlags); err != nil {
				return err
		} else if p.PersistentPostRun != nil {
			p.PersistentPostRun(c, argWoFlags)

	return nil

execute首先parseFlags, 这里parse就是解析出name和value,然后根据name赋值给先前绑定的ServerRunOptions的Field。这里可以看到execute还执行了PreRun, RunE, Run, PostRun的方法,在NewAPIServerCommand也是刚好实现了RunE的方法, RunE调用了Run方法:

func Run(completeOptions completedServerRunOptions, stopCh <-chan struct{}) error {
	// To help debugging, immediately log version
	klog.Infof("Version: %+v", version.Get())

	server, err := CreateServerChain(completeOptions, stopCh)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	prepared, err := server.PrepareRun()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	return prepared.Run(stopCh)



  1. CreateServerChain:  创建3个server(APIExtensionsServer,KubeAPIServer,AggregatorServer),这3个server每一个struct中都包含一个GenericAPIServer以及其他信息,例如APIExtensionsServer包含Informers,KubeAPIServer包含ClusterAuthenticationInfo。GenericAPIServer有个字段是DelegationTarget, 字面意思是代理,3个Server通过该代理进行连接,连接关系为:AggregatorServe-->KubeAPIServer-->APIExtensionsServer,其中AggregatorServe为入口。
  2. server.PrepareRun:进行healthy及探针的设定等。
  3. prepared.Run.:启动Server监听端口。


func CreateServerChain(completedOptions completedServerRunOptions, stopCh <-chan struct{}) (*aggregatorapiserver.APIAggregator, error) {
	nodeTunneler, proxyTransport, err := CreateNodeDialer(completedOptions)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	kubeAPIServerConfig, insecureServingInfo, serviceResolver, pluginInitializer, err := CreateKubeAPIServerConfig(completedOptions, nodeTunneler, proxyTransport)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// If additional API servers are added, they should be gated.
	apiExtensionsConfig, err := createAPIExtensionsConfig(*kubeAPIServerConfig.GenericConfig, kubeAPIServerConfig.ExtraConfig.VersionedInformers, pluginInitializer, completedOptions.ServerRunOptions, completedOptions.MasterCount,
		serviceResolver, webhook.NewDefaultAuthenticationInfoResolverWrapper(proxyTransport, kubeAPIServerConfig.GenericConfig.LoopbackClientConfig))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	apiExtensionsServer, err := createAPIExtensionsServer(apiExtensionsConfig, genericapiserver.NewEmptyDelegate())
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	kubeAPIServer, err := CreateKubeAPIServer(kubeAPIServerConfig, apiExtensionsServer.GenericAPIServer)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// aggregator comes last in the chain
	aggregatorConfig, err := createAggregatorConfig(*kubeAPIServerConfig.GenericConfig, completedOptions.ServerRunOptions, kubeAPIServerConfig.ExtraConfig.VersionedInformers, serviceResolver, proxyTransport, pluginInitializer)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	aggregatorServer, err := createAggregatorServer(aggregatorConfig, kubeAPIServer.GenericAPIServer, apiExtensionsServer.Informers)
	if err != nil {
		// we don't need special handling for innerStopCh because the aggregator server doesn't create any go routines
		return nil, err

	if insecureServingInfo != nil {
		insecureHandlerChain := kubeserver.BuildInsecureHandlerChain(aggregatorServer.GenericAPIServer.UnprotectedHandler(), kubeAPIServerConfig.GenericConfig)
		if err := insecureServingInfo.Serve(insecureHandlerChain, kubeAPIServerConfig.GenericConfig.RequestTimeout, stopCh); err != nil {
			return nil, err

	return aggregatorServer, nil

这部分代码比较清晰,CreateNodeDialer是根据配置生成ssh tunneler,用以连接各个node的kubelet。另外就是创建了3个config和3个server:


  1. master.Config
  2. apiextensionsapiserver.Config
  3. aggregatorapiserver.Config


  1. apiextensionsapiserver.CustomResourceDefinitions
  2. master.Master
  3. aggregatorapiserver.APIAggregator



type Config struct { // master.config
	GenericConfig *genericapiserver.Config
	ExtraConfig   ExtraConfig

type Config struct { // genericapiserver.Config
	// SecureServing is required to serve https
	SecureServing *SecureServingInfo

	// Authentication is the configuration for authentication
	Authentication AuthenticationInfo

	// Authorization is the configuration for authorization
	Authorization AuthorizationInfo

	// LoopbackClientConfig is a config for a privileged loopback connection to the API server
	// This is required for proper functioning of the PostStartHooks on a GenericAPIServer
	// TODO: move into SecureServing(WithLoopback) as soon as insecure serving is gone
	LoopbackClientConfig *restclient.Config

	// EgressSelector provides a lookup mechanism for dialing outbound connections.
	// It does so based on a EgressSelectorConfiguration which was read at startup.
	EgressSelector *egressselector.EgressSelector

	// RuleResolver is required to get the list of rules that apply to a given user
	// in a given namespace
	RuleResolver authorizer.RuleResolver
	// AdmissionControl performs deep inspection of a given request (including content)
	// to set values and determine whether its allowed
	AdmissionControl      admission.Interface
	CorsAllowedOriginList []string

	EnableIndex     bool
	EnableProfiling bool
	EnableDiscovery bool
	// Requires generic profiling enabled
	EnableContentionProfiling bool
	EnableMetrics             bool

	DisabledPostStartHooks sets.String
	// done values in this values for this map are ignored.
	PostStartHooks map[string]PostStartHookConfigEntry

	// Version will enable the /version endpoint if non-nil
	Version *version.Info
	// AuditBackend is where audit events are sent to.
	AuditBackend audit.Backend
	// AuditPolicyChecker makes the decision of whether and how to audit log a request.
	AuditPolicyChecker auditpolicy.Checker
	// ExternalAddress is the host name to use for external (public internet) facing URLs (e.g. Swagger)
	// Will default to a value based on secure serving info and available ipv4 IPs.
	ExternalAddress string

	// Fields you probably don't care about changing

	// BuildHandlerChainFunc allows you to build custom handler chains by decorating the apiHandler.
	BuildHandlerChainFunc func(apiHandler http.Handler, c *Config) (secure http.Handler)
	// HandlerChainWaitGroup allows you to wait for all chain handlers exit after the server shutdown.
	HandlerChainWaitGroup *utilwaitgroup.SafeWaitGroup
	// DiscoveryAddresses is used to build the IPs pass to discovery. If nil, the ExternalAddress is
	// always reported
	DiscoveryAddresses discovery.Addresses
	// The default set of healthz checks. There might be more added via AddHealthChecks dynamically.
	HealthzChecks []healthz.HealthChecker
	// The default set of livez checks. There might be more added via AddHealthChecks dynamically.
	LivezChecks []healthz.HealthChecker
	// The default set of readyz-only checks. There might be more added via AddReadyzChecks dynamically.
	ReadyzChecks []healthz.HealthChecker
	// LegacyAPIGroupPrefixes is used to set up URL parsing for authorization and for validating requests
	// to InstallLegacyAPIGroup. New API servers don't generally have legacy groups at all.
	LegacyAPIGroupPrefixes sets.String
	// RequestInfoResolver is used to assign attributes (used by admission and authorization) based on a request URL.
	// Use-cases that are like kubelets may need to customize this.
	RequestInfoResolver apirequest.RequestInfoResolver
	// Serializer is required and provides the interface for serializing and converting objects to and from the wire
	// The default (api.Codecs) usually works fine.
	Serializer runtime.NegotiatedSerializer
	// OpenAPIConfig will be used in generating OpenAPI spec. This is nil by default. Use DefaultOpenAPIConfig for "working" defaults.
	OpenAPIConfig *openapicommon.Config

	// RESTOptionsGetter is used to construct RESTStorage types via the generic registry.
	RESTOptionsGetter genericregistry.RESTOptionsGetter

	// If specified, all requests except those which match the LongRunningFunc predicate will timeout
	// after this duration.
	RequestTimeout time.Duration
	// If specified, long running requests such as watch will be allocated a random timeout between this value, and
	// twice this value.  Note that it is up to the request handlers to ignore or honor this timeout. In seconds.
	MinRequestTimeout int

	// This represents the maximum amount of time it should take for apiserver to complete its startup
	// sequence and become healthy. From apiserver's start time to when this amount of time has
	// elapsed, /livez will assume that unfinished post-start hooks will complete successfully and
	// therefore return true.
	LivezGracePeriod time.Duration
	// ShutdownDelayDuration allows to block shutdown for some time, e.g. until endpoints pointing to this API server
	// have converged on all node. During this time, the API server keeps serving, /healthz will return 200,
	// but /readyz will return failure.
	ShutdownDelayDuration time.Duration

	// The limit on the total size increase all "copy" operations in a json
	// patch may cause.
	// This affects all places that applies json patch in the binary.
	JSONPatchMaxCopyBytes int64
	// The limit on the request size that would be accepted and decoded in a write request
	// 0 means no limit.
	MaxRequestBodyBytes int64
	// MaxRequestsInFlight is the maximum number of parallel non-long-running requests. Every further
	// request has to wait. Applies only to non-mutating requests.
	MaxRequestsInFlight int
	// MaxMutatingRequestsInFlight is the maximum number of parallel mutating requests. Every further
	// request has to wait.
	MaxMutatingRequestsInFlight int
	// Predicate which is true for paths of long-running http requests
	LongRunningFunc apirequest.LongRunningRequestCheck

	// MergedResourceConfig indicates which groupVersion enabled and its resources enabled/disabled.
	// This is composed of genericapiserver defaultAPIResourceConfig and those parsed from flags.
	// If not specify any in flags, then genericapiserver will only enable defaultAPIResourceConfig.
	MergedResourceConfig *serverstore.ResourceConfig

	// values below here are targets for removal

	// PublicAddress is the IP address where members of the cluster (kubelet,
	// kube-proxy, services, etc.) can reach the GenericAPIServer.
	// If nil or, the host's default interface will be used.
	PublicAddress net.IP

	// EquivalentResourceRegistry provides information about resources equivalent to a given resource,
	// and the kind associated with a given resource. As resources are installed, they are registered here.
	EquivalentResourceRegistry runtime.EquivalentResourceRegistry

type ExtraConfig struct {
	ClusterAuthenticationInfo clusterauthenticationtrust.ClusterAuthenticationInfo

	APIResourceConfigSource  serverstorage.APIResourceConfigSource
	StorageFactory           serverstorage.StorageFactory
	EndpointReconcilerConfig EndpointReconcilerConfig
	EventTTL                 time.Duration
	KubeletClientConfig      kubeletclient.KubeletClientConfig

	// Used to start and monitor tunneling
	Tunneler          tunneler.Tunneler
	EnableLogsSupport bool
	ProxyTransport    http.RoundTripper

	// Values to build the IP addresses used by discovery
	// The range of IPs to be assigned to services with type=ClusterIP or greater
	ServiceIPRange net.IPNet
	// The IP address for the GenericAPIServer service (must be inside ServiceIPRange)
	APIServerServiceIP net.IP

	// dual stack services, the range represents an alternative IP range for service IP
	// must be of different family than primary (ServiceIPRange)
	SecondaryServiceIPRange net.IPNet
	// the secondary IP address the GenericAPIServer service (must be inside SecondaryServiceIPRange)
	SecondaryAPIServerServiceIP net.IP

	// Port for the apiserver service.
	APIServerServicePort int

	// TODO, we can probably group service related items into a substruct to make it easier to configure
	// the API server items and `Extra*` fields likely fit nicely together.

	// The range of ports to be assigned to services with type=NodePort or greater
	ServiceNodePortRange utilnet.PortRange
	// Additional ports to be exposed on the GenericAPIServer service
	// extraServicePorts is injectable in the event that more ports
	// (other than the default 443/tcp) are exposed on the GenericAPIServer
	// and those ports need to be load balanced by the GenericAPIServer
	// service because this pkg is linked by out-of-tree projects
	// like openshift which want to use the GenericAPIServer but also do
	// more stuff.
	ExtraServicePorts []apiv1.ServicePort
	// Additional ports to be exposed on the GenericAPIServer endpoints
	// Port names should align with ports defined in ExtraServicePorts
	ExtraEndpointPorts []apiv1.EndpointPort
	// If non-zero, the "kubernetes" services uses this port as NodePort.
	KubernetesServiceNodePort int

	// Number of masters running; all masters must be started with the
	// same value for this field. (Numbers > 1 currently untested.)
	MasterCount int

	// MasterEndpointReconcileTTL sets the time to live in seconds of an
	// endpoint record recorded by each master. The endpoints are checked at an
	// interval that is 2/3 of this value and this value defaults to 15s if
	// unset. In very large clusters, this value may be increased to reduce the
	// possibility that the master endpoint record expires (due to other load
	// on the etcd server) and causes masters to drop in and out of the
	// kubernetes service record. It is not recommended to set this value below
	// 15s.
	MasterEndpointReconcileTTL time.Duration

	// Selects which reconciler to use
	EndpointReconcilerType reconcilers.Type

	ServiceAccountIssuer        serviceaccount.TokenGenerator
	ServiceAccountMaxExpiration time.Duration

	VersionedInformers informers.SharedInformerFactory

master.Config的配置是相当的多,包含genericapiserver.Config和ExtraConfig, genericapiserver.Config的注释里面也说了,在代码里是按照重要级别排序的,前面几个分别是server配置、验证配置、授权配置。ExtraConfig主要包含的是apiserver额外的信息:集群认证信息、etcd配置等。


func CreateKubeAPIServerConfig(
	s completedServerRunOptions,
	nodeTunneler tunneler.Tunneler,
	proxyTransport *http.Transport,
) (
) {
	genericConfig, versionedInformers, insecureServingInfo, serviceResolver, pluginInitializers, admissionPostStartHook, storageFactory, err := buildGenericConfig(s.ServerRunOptions, proxyTransport)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, nil, nil, err

	if _, port, err := net.SplitHostPort(s.Etcd.StorageConfig.Transport.ServerList[0]); err == nil && port != "0" && len(port) != 0 {
		if err := utilwait.PollImmediate(etcdRetryInterval, etcdRetryLimit*etcdRetryInterval, preflight.EtcdConnection{ServerList: s.Etcd.StorageConfig.Transport.ServerList}.CheckEtcdServers); err != nil {
			return nil, nil, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("error waiting for etcd connection: %v", err)

		AllowPrivileged: s.AllowPrivileged,
		// TODO(vmarmol): Implement support for HostNetworkSources.
		PrivilegedSources: capabilities.PrivilegedSources{
			HostNetworkSources: []string{},
			HostPIDSources:     []string{},
			HostIPCSources:     []string{},
		PerConnectionBandwidthLimitBytesPerSec: s.MaxConnectionBytesPerSec,

	if len(s.ShowHiddenMetricsForVersion) > 0 {

	serviceIPRange, apiServerServiceIP, err := master.ServiceIPRange(s.PrimaryServiceClusterIPRange)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, nil, nil, err

	// defaults to empty range and ip
	var secondaryServiceIPRange net.IPNet
	// process secondary range only if provided by user
	if s.SecondaryServiceClusterIPRange.IP != nil {
		secondaryServiceIPRange, _, err = master.ServiceIPRange(s.SecondaryServiceClusterIPRange)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, nil, nil, err

	config := &master.Config{
		GenericConfig: genericConfig,
		ExtraConfig: master.ExtraConfig{
			APIResourceConfigSource: storageFactory.APIResourceConfigSource,
			StorageFactory:          storageFactory,
			EventTTL:                s.EventTTL,
			KubeletClientConfig:     s.KubeletConfig,
			EnableLogsSupport:       s.EnableLogsHandler,
			ProxyTransport:          proxyTransport,

			Tunneler: nodeTunneler,

			ServiceIPRange:          serviceIPRange,
			APIServerServiceIP:      apiServerServiceIP,
			SecondaryServiceIPRange: secondaryServiceIPRange,

			APIServerServicePort: 443,

			ServiceNodePortRange:      s.ServiceNodePortRange,
			KubernetesServiceNodePort: s.KubernetesServiceNodePort,

			EndpointReconcilerType: reconcilers.Type(s.EndpointReconcilerType),
			MasterCount:            s.MasterCount,

			ServiceAccountIssuer:        s.ServiceAccountIssuer,
			ServiceAccountMaxExpiration: s.ServiceAccountTokenMaxExpiration,

			VersionedInformers: versionedInformers,

	clientCAProvider, err := s.Authentication.ClientCert.GetClientCAContentProvider()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, nil, nil, err
	config.ExtraConfig.ClusterAuthenticationInfo.ClientCA = clientCAProvider

	requestHeaderConfig, err := s.Authentication.RequestHeader.ToAuthenticationRequestHeaderConfig()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, nil, nil, err
	if requestHeaderConfig != nil {
		config.ExtraConfig.ClusterAuthenticationInfo.RequestHeaderCA = requestHeaderConfig.CAContentProvider
		config.ExtraConfig.ClusterAuthenticationInfo.RequestHeaderAllowedNames = requestHeaderConfig.AllowedClientNames
		config.ExtraConfig.ClusterAuthenticationInfo.RequestHeaderExtraHeaderPrefixes = requestHeaderConfig.ExtraHeaderPrefixes
		config.ExtraConfig.ClusterAuthenticationInfo.RequestHeaderGroupHeaders = requestHeaderConfig.GroupHeaders
		config.ExtraConfig.ClusterAuthenticationInfo.RequestHeaderUsernameHeaders = requestHeaderConfig.UsernameHeaders

	if err := config.GenericConfig.AddPostStartHook("start-kube-apiserver-admission-initializer", admissionPostStartHook); err != nil {
		return nil, nil, nil, nil, err

	if nodeTunneler != nil {
		// Use the nodeTunneler's dialer to connect to the kubelet
		config.ExtraConfig.KubeletClientConfig.Dial = nodeTunneler.Dial
	if config.GenericConfig.EgressSelector != nil {
		// Use the config.GenericConfig.EgressSelector lookup to find the dialer to connect to the kubelet
		config.ExtraConfig.KubeletClientConfig.Lookup = config.GenericConfig.EgressSelector.Lookup

	return config, insecureServingInfo, serviceResolver, pluginInitializers, nil



创建服务链的第二步是创建ApiExtensionConfig, ApiExtensionConfig与ApiServerConfig几乎一致,在ExtraConfig上是不同的, ApiExtensionConfig的ExtraConfig只有几个字段,少很多。创建ApiExtensionConfig的方法是createAPIExtensionsConfig, 该方法主要做了四件事:

  1. 将ApiServerConfig中的GenericConfig进行了浅拷贝。
  2. 重写GenericConfig的AdmissionControl,因为ApiExtentionServer需要用自己的scheme。
  3. 拷贝了etcd的配置,避免相互影响。
  4. 重写MergedResourceConfig。



apiExtensionsServer, err := createAPIExtensionsServer(apiExtensionsConfig, genericapiserver.NewEmptyDelegate())


func (c completedConfig) New(delegationTarget genericapiserver.DelegationTarget) (*CustomResourceDefinitions, error) {
	genericServer, err := c.GenericConfig.New("apiextensions-apiserver", delegationTarget)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	s := &CustomResourceDefinitions{
		GenericAPIServer: genericServer,

	... ...

	if err := s.GenericAPIServer.InstallAPIGroup(&apiGroupInfo); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	... ...

	delegateHandler := delegationTarget.UnprotectedHandler()
	if delegateHandler == nil {
		delegateHandler = http.NotFoundHandler()

	versionDiscoveryHandler := &versionDiscoveryHandler{
		discovery: map[schema.GroupVersion]*discovery.APIVersionHandler{},
		delegate:  delegateHandler,
	groupDiscoveryHandler := &groupDiscoveryHandler{
		discovery: map[string]*discovery.APIGroupHandler{},
		delegate:  delegateHandler,
	establishingController := establish.NewEstablishingController(s.Informers.Apiextensions().InternalVersion().CustomResourceDefinitions(), crdClient.Apiextensions())
	crdHandler, err := NewCustomResourceDefinitionHandler(
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	s.GenericAPIServer.Handler.NonGoRestfulMux.Handle("/apis", crdHandler)
	s.GenericAPIServer.Handler.NonGoRestfulMux.HandlePrefix("/apis/", crdHandler)

	crdController := NewDiscoveryController(s.Informers.Apiextensions().InternalVersion().CustomResourceDefinitions(), versionDiscoveryHandler, groupDiscoveryHandler)
	namingController := status.NewNamingConditionController(s.Informers.Apiextensions().InternalVersion().CustomResourceDefinitions(), crdClient.Apiextensions())
	nonStructuralSchemaController := nonstructuralschema.NewConditionController(s.Informers.Apiextensions().InternalVersion().CustomResourceDefinitions(), crdClient.Apiextensions())
	apiApprovalController := apiapproval.NewKubernetesAPIApprovalPolicyConformantConditionController(s.Informers.Apiextensions().InternalVersion().CustomResourceDefinitions(), crdClient.Apiextensions())
	finalizingController := finalizer.NewCRDFinalizer(
	var openapiController *openapicontroller.Controller
	if utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(apiextensionsfeatures.CustomResourcePublishOpenAPI) {
		openapiController = openapicontroller.NewController(s.Informers.Apiextensions().InternalVersion().CustomResourceDefinitions())

	s.GenericAPIServer.AddPostStartHookOrDie("start-apiextensions-informers", func(context genericapiserver.PostStartHookContext) error {
		return nil
	s.GenericAPIServer.AddPostStartHookOrDie("start-apiextensions-controllers", func(context genericapiserver.PostStartHookContext) error {
		// OpenAPIVersionedService and StaticOpenAPISpec are populated in generic apiserver PrepareRun().
		// Together they serve the /openapi/v2 endpoint on a generic apiserver. A generic apiserver may
		// choose to not enable OpenAPI by having null openAPIConfig, and thus OpenAPIVersionedService
		// and StaticOpenAPISpec are both null. In that case we don't run the CRD OpenAPI controller.
		if utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(apiextensionsfeatures.CustomResourcePublishOpenAPI) && s.GenericAPIServer.OpenAPIVersionedService != nil && s.GenericAPIServer.StaticOpenAPISpec != nil {
			go openapiController.Run(s.GenericAPIServer.StaticOpenAPISpec, s.GenericAPIServer.OpenAPIVersionedService, context.StopCh)

		go crdController.Run(context.StopCh)
		go namingController.Run(context.StopCh)
		go establishingController.Run(context.StopCh)
		go nonStructuralSchemaController.Run(5, context.StopCh)
		go apiApprovalController.Run(5, context.StopCh)
		go finalizingController.Run(5, context.StopCh)
		return nil
	// we don't want to report healthy until we can handle all CRDs that have already been registered.  Waiting for the informer
	// to sync makes sure that the lister will be valid before we begin.  There may still be races for CRDs added after startup,
	// but we won't go healthy until we can handle the ones already present.
	s.GenericAPIServer.AddPostStartHookOrDie("crd-informer-synced", func(context genericapiserver.PostStartHookContext) error {
		return wait.PollImmediateUntil(100*time.Millisecond, func() (bool, error) {
			return s.Informers.Apiextensions().InternalVersion().CustomResourceDefinitions().Informer().HasSynced(), nil
		}, context.StopCh)

	return s, nil


  1. New方法的首先是通过GenericConfig New了一个GenericServer,该Server将GenericConfig中的各个配置转化为自己的属性,同时New了APIServerHandler, APIServerHandler包含APIServer使用的各种http Handler: FullHandlerChain、GoRestfulContainer、NonGoRestfulMux、Director。
  2. 其次是暴露API Group。APIServer中是有各种不同的API Group, 比如networking.k8s.io/v1beta1、apps/v1beta1、metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1等。ExtensionApiServer主要是一些自定义的API Group。
  3. NewCustomResourceDefinitionHandler 为上面GenericServer中的Handlers赋值。处理后续的API请求。
  4. 实例化各种Controller,包括:NewDiscoveryController、NewNamingConditionController、NewConditionController、NewKubernetesAPIApprovalPolicyConformantConditionController、NewCRDFinalizer、openapicontroller。每个controller完成各自对应的业务逻辑。
  5. 添加PostStart Hook, 当APIServer启动之后,异步协程调用各个Controller的Run方法。



kubeAPIServer, err := CreateKubeAPIServer(kubeAPIServerConfig, apiExtensionsServer.GenericAPIServer)


func (c completedConfig) New(delegationTarget genericapiserver.DelegationTarget) (*Master, error) {
	if reflect.DeepEqual(c.ExtraConfig.KubeletClientConfig, kubeletclient.KubeletClientConfig{}) {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Master.New() called with empty config.KubeletClientConfig")

	s, err := c.GenericConfig.New("kube-apiserver", delegationTarget)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if c.ExtraConfig.EnableLogsSupport {

	m := &Master{
		GenericAPIServer:          s,
		ClusterAuthenticationInfo: c.ExtraConfig.ClusterAuthenticationInfo,

	// install legacy rest storage
	if c.ExtraConfig.APIResourceConfigSource.VersionEnabled(apiv1.SchemeGroupVersion) {
		legacyRESTStorageProvider := corerest.LegacyRESTStorageProvider{
			StorageFactory:              c.ExtraConfig.StorageFactory,
			ProxyTransport:              c.ExtraConfig.ProxyTransport,
			KubeletClientConfig:         c.ExtraConfig.KubeletClientConfig,
			EventTTL:                    c.ExtraConfig.EventTTL,
			ServiceIPRange:              c.ExtraConfig.ServiceIPRange,
			SecondaryServiceIPRange:     c.ExtraConfig.SecondaryServiceIPRange,
			ServiceNodePortRange:        c.ExtraConfig.ServiceNodePortRange,
			LoopbackClientConfig:        c.GenericConfig.LoopbackClientConfig,
			ServiceAccountIssuer:        c.ExtraConfig.ServiceAccountIssuer,
			ServiceAccountMaxExpiration: c.ExtraConfig.ServiceAccountMaxExpiration,
			APIAudiences:                c.GenericConfig.Authentication.APIAudiences,
		if err := m.InstallLegacyAPI(&c, c.GenericConfig.RESTOptionsGetter, legacyRESTStorageProvider); err != nil {
			return nil, err

	// The order here is preserved in discovery.
	// If resources with identical names exist in more than one of these groups (e.g. "deployments.apps"" and "deployments.extensions"),
	// the order of this list determines which group an unqualified resource name (e.g. "deployments") should prefer.
	// This priority order is used for local discovery, but it ends up aggregated in `k8s.io/kubernetes/cmd/kube-apiserver/app/aggregator.go
	// with specific priorities.
	// TODO: describe the priority all the way down in the RESTStorageProviders and plumb it back through the various discovery
	// handlers that we have.
	restStorageProviders := []RESTStorageProvider{
		authenticationrest.RESTStorageProvider{Authenticator: c.GenericConfig.Authentication.Authenticator, APIAudiences: c.GenericConfig.Authentication.APIAudiences},
		authorizationrest.RESTStorageProvider{Authorizer: c.GenericConfig.Authorization.Authorizer, RuleResolver: c.GenericConfig.RuleResolver},
		rbacrest.RESTStorageProvider{Authorizer: c.GenericConfig.Authorization.Authorizer},
		// keep apps after extensions so legacy clients resolve the extensions versions of shared resource names.
		// See https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/42392
		eventsrest.RESTStorageProvider{TTL: c.ExtraConfig.EventTTL},
	if err := m.InstallAPIs(c.ExtraConfig.APIResourceConfigSource, c.GenericConfig.RESTOptionsGetter, restStorageProviders...); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if c.ExtraConfig.Tunneler != nil {
		m.installTunneler(c.ExtraConfig.Tunneler, corev1client.NewForConfigOrDie(c.GenericConfig.LoopbackClientConfig).Nodes())

	m.GenericAPIServer.AddPostStartHookOrDie("start-cluster-authentication-info-controller", func(hookContext genericapiserver.PostStartHookContext) error {
		kubeClient, err := kubernetes.NewForConfig(hookContext.LoopbackClientConfig)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		controller := clusterauthenticationtrust.NewClusterAuthenticationTrustController(m.ClusterAuthenticationInfo, kubeClient)

		// prime values and start listeners
		if m.ClusterAuthenticationInfo.ClientCA != nil {
			if notifier, ok := m.ClusterAuthenticationInfo.ClientCA.(dynamiccertificates.Notifier); ok {
			if controller, ok := m.ClusterAuthenticationInfo.ClientCA.(dynamiccertificates.ControllerRunner); ok {
				// runonce to be sure that we have a value.
				if err := controller.RunOnce(); err != nil {
				go controller.Run(1, hookContext.StopCh)
		if m.ClusterAuthenticationInfo.RequestHeaderCA != nil {
			if notifier, ok := m.ClusterAuthenticationInfo.RequestHeaderCA.(dynamiccertificates.Notifier); ok {
			if controller, ok := m.ClusterAuthenticationInfo.RequestHeaderCA.(dynamiccertificates.ControllerRunner); ok {
				// runonce to be sure that we have a value.
				if err := controller.RunOnce(); err != nil {
				go controller.Run(1, hookContext.StopCh)

		go controller.Run(1, hookContext.StopCh)
		return nil

	return m, nil

KubeAPIServer的new方法和ExtensionAPIServer的New方法大致流程一样, 不过这里传入了ExtensionApiServer的GenericAPIServer:

  1. New一个GenericApiServer,将ExtensionGenericServer赋值给New的GenericApiServer的deletegateTarget, 是两个server串起来。
  2. 枚举所有的RESTStorageProvider
  3. 根据RESTStorageProvider暴露对应的API和API Group, Handler也是在这里实例化并添加到API Group中。
  4. New KubeClient 并做好认证相关的工作。

创建聚合服务配置 及 聚合服务(AggregatorConfig)

AppregatorConfig提供了自动注册控制器,将传入进来的KubeApiServer监听的路径自动注册到APIServices中, 后续提供APIServer的同步功能。

func createAggregatorServer(aggregatorConfig *aggregatorapiserver.Config, delegateAPIServer genericapiserver.DelegationTarget, apiExtensionInformers apiextensionsinformers.SharedInformerFactory) (*aggregatorapiserver.APIAggregator, error) {
	aggregatorServer, err := aggregatorConfig.Complete().NewWithDelegate(delegateAPIServer)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// create controllers for auto-registration
	apiRegistrationClient, err := apiregistrationclient.NewForConfig(aggregatorConfig.GenericConfig.LoopbackClientConfig)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	autoRegistrationController := autoregister.NewAutoRegisterController(aggregatorServer.APIRegistrationInformers.Apiregistration().V1().APIServices(), apiRegistrationClient)
	apiServices := apiServicesToRegister(delegateAPIServer, autoRegistrationController)
	crdRegistrationController := crdregistration.NewCRDRegistrationController(

	err = aggregatorServer.GenericAPIServer.AddPostStartHook("kube-apiserver-autoregistration", func(context genericapiserver.PostStartHookContext) error {
		go crdRegistrationController.Run(5, context.StopCh)
		go func() {
			// let the CRD controller process the initial set of CRDs before starting the autoregistration controller.
			// this prevents the autoregistration controller's initial sync from deleting APIServices for CRDs that still exist.
			// we only need to do this if CRDs are enabled on this server.  We can't use discovery because we are the source for discovery.
			if aggregatorConfig.GenericConfig.MergedResourceConfig.AnyVersionForGroupEnabled("apiextensions.k8s.io") {
			autoRegistrationController.Run(5, context.StopCh)
		return nil
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	err = aggregatorServer.GenericAPIServer.AddBootSequenceHealthChecks(
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return aggregatorServer, nil




  1. 安装OpenAPI
  2. 调用GenericApiServer的PrepareRun方法。
func (s *APIAggregator) PrepareRun() (preparedAPIAggregator, error) {
	// add post start hook before generic PrepareRun in order to be before /healthz installation
	if s.openAPIConfig != nil {
		s.GenericAPIServer.AddPostStartHookOrDie("apiservice-openapi-controller", func(context genericapiserver.PostStartHookContext) error {
			go s.openAPIAggregationController.Run(context.StopCh)
			return nil

	prepared := s.GenericAPIServer.PrepareRun()

	// delay OpenAPI setup until the delegate had a chance to setup their OpenAPI handlers
	if s.openAPIConfig != nil {
		specDownloader := openapiaggregator.NewDownloader()
		openAPIAggregator, err := openapiaggregator.BuildAndRegisterAggregator(
		if err != nil {
			return preparedAPIAggregator{}, err
		s.openAPIAggregationController = openapicontroller.NewAggregationController(&specDownloader, openAPIAggregator)

	return preparedAPIAggregator{APIAggregator: s, runnable: prepared}, nil


func (s *GenericAPIServer) PrepareRun() preparedGenericAPIServer {

	if s.openAPIConfig != nil {
		s.OpenAPIVersionedService, s.StaticOpenAPISpec = routes.OpenAPI{
			Config: s.openAPIConfig,
		}.Install(s.Handler.GoRestfulContainer, s.Handler.NonGoRestfulMux)

	err := s.addReadyzShutdownCheck(s.readinessStopCh)
	if err != nil {
		klog.Errorf("Failed to install readyz shutdown check %s", err)

	// Register audit backend preShutdownHook.
	if s.AuditBackend != nil {
		err := s.AddPreShutdownHook("audit-backend", func() error {
			return nil
		if err != nil {
			klog.Errorf("Failed to add pre-shutdown hook for audit-backend %s", err)

	return preparedGenericAPIServer{s}
  1. 首先按照ServerChain调用delegationTarget调用PrepareRun方法。
  2. 安装OpenApiServer
  3. 安装 Healthz、Livez、Readyz接口,监听/healthz、/livez、/readyz接口


这里实例化了所有的http server。

func (s preparedGenericAPIServer) Run(stopCh <-chan struct{}) error {
	delayedStopCh := make(chan struct{})

	go func() {
		defer close(delayedStopCh)


	// close socket after delayed stopCh
	err := s.NonBlockingRun(delayedStopCh)
	if err != nil {
		return err


	// run shutdown hooks directly. This includes deregistering from the kubernetes endpoint in case of kube-apiserver.
	err = s.RunPreShutdownHooks()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// wait for the delayed stopCh before closing the handler chain (it rejects everything after Wait has been called).

	// Wait for all requests to finish, which are bounded by the RequestTimeout variable.

	return nil

调用了NonBlockingRun方法,实例化http server,然后会读取stopCh,如果没有收到stopCh的信号,会始终在这里等待。如果收到停止信息,则进行善后处理。

func (s preparedGenericAPIServer) NonBlockingRun(stopCh <-chan struct{}) error {
	// Use an stop channel to allow graceful shutdown without dropping audit events
	// after http server shutdown.
	auditStopCh := make(chan struct{})

	// Start the audit backend before any request comes in. This means we must call Backend.Run
	// before http server start serving. Otherwise the Backend.ProcessEvents call might block.
	if s.AuditBackend != nil {
		if err := s.AuditBackend.Run(auditStopCh); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("failed to run the audit backend: %v", err)

	// Use an internal stop channel to allow cleanup of the listeners on error.
	internalStopCh := make(chan struct{})
	var stoppedCh <-chan struct{}
	if s.SecureServingInfo != nil && s.Handler != nil {
		var err error
		stoppedCh, err = s.SecureServingInfo.Serve(s.Handler, s.ShutdownTimeout, internalStopCh)
		if err != nil {
			return err

	// Now that listener have bound successfully, it is the
	// responsibility of the caller to close the provided channel to
	// ensure cleanup.
	go func() {
		if stoppedCh != nil {


	if _, err := systemd.SdNotify(true, "READY=1\n"); err != nil {
		klog.Errorf("Unable to send systemd daemon successful start message: %v\n", err)

	return nil

其中比较重要的方法是: stoppedCh, err = s.SecureServingInfo.Serve(s.Handler, s.ShutdownTimeout, internalStopCh)

func (s *SecureServingInfo) Serve(handler http.Handler, shutdownTimeout time.Duration, stopCh <-chan struct{}) (<-chan struct{}, error) {
	if s.Listener == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("listener must not be nil")

	tlsConfig, err := s.tlsConfig(stopCh)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	secureServer := &http.Server{
		Addr:           s.Listener.Addr().String(),
		Handler:        handler,
		MaxHeaderBytes: 1 << 20,
		TLSConfig:      tlsConfig,

	// At least 99% of serialized resources in surveyed clusters were smaller than 256kb.
	// This should be big enough to accommodate most API POST requests in a single frame,
	// and small enough to allow a per connection buffer of this size multiplied by `MaxConcurrentStreams`.
	const resourceBody99Percentile = 256 * 1024

	http2Options := &http2.Server{}

	// shrink the per-stream buffer and max framesize from the 1MB default while still accommodating most API POST requests in a single frame
	http2Options.MaxUploadBufferPerStream = resourceBody99Percentile
	http2Options.MaxReadFrameSize = resourceBody99Percentile

	// use the overridden concurrent streams setting or make the default of 250 explicit so we can size MaxUploadBufferPerConnection appropriately
	if s.HTTP2MaxStreamsPerConnection > 0 {
		http2Options.MaxConcurrentStreams = uint32(s.HTTP2MaxStreamsPerConnection)
	} else {
		http2Options.MaxConcurrentStreams = 250

	// increase the connection buffer size from the 1MB default to handle the specified number of concurrent streams
	http2Options.MaxUploadBufferPerConnection = http2Options.MaxUploadBufferPerStream * int32(http2Options.MaxConcurrentStreams)

	if !s.DisableHTTP2 {
		// apply settings to the server
		if err := http2.ConfigureServer(secureServer, http2Options); err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("error configuring http2: %v", err)

	klog.Infof("Serving securely on %s", secureServer.Addr)
	return RunServer(secureServer, s.Listener, shutdownTimeout, stopCh)

实例化http.Server, 设置各种参数,然后调用了RunServer方法:

func RunServer(
	server *http.Server,
	ln net.Listener,
	shutDownTimeout time.Duration,
	stopCh <-chan struct{},
) (<-chan struct{}, error) {
	if ln == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("listener must not be nil")

	// Shutdown server gracefully.
	stoppedCh := make(chan struct{})
	go func() {
		defer close(stoppedCh)
		ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), shutDownTimeout)

	go func() {
		defer utilruntime.HandleCrash()

		var listener net.Listener
		listener = tcpKeepAliveListener{ln.(*net.TCPListener)}
		if server.TLSConfig != nil {
			listener = tls.NewListener(listener, server.TLSConfig)

		err := server.Serve(listener)

		msg := fmt.Sprintf("Stopped listening on %s", ln.Addr().String())
		select {
		case <-stopCh:
			panic(fmt.Sprintf("%s due to error: %v", msg, err))

	return stoppedCh, nil

终于看到了err := server.Serve(listener)方法,这里启动对应的服务,监听对应的接口,通过前面传入的Handler实现对应接口请求的处理。




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如有侵权,请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除。

0 条评论
  • 简介
  • 入口函数
  • 创建服务链
    • master.Config
    • 创建APIExtensionConfig
    • 创建APIExtensionServer
    • 创建KubeAPIServer
    • 创建聚合服务配置 及 聚合服务(AggregatorConfig)
  • 运行服务
    • PrepareRun
    • Run
  • 小结
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