还记得那个发布不就的Python单元测试报告框架么?噢!如果不记得那我今天就再来说一篇吧!^_^ PyTestReport 0.1.9版本正式发布了!
•增加对PyTest框架的支持(目前可以支持unittest、pytest两大框架)•增加了支持通过lib API接口的方式生成测试报告(前提是把报告数据整理成要求的格式)•增加了HTML报告转图片报告的API•增加了发送邮件功能的API•修复了一些bug!这些是自然的!•规范了一些数据格式的字段和内容
import pytest
def testTrue():
assert True
def testFalse():
assert False
def testError():
1 / 0
@pytest.mark.skip(reason="misunderstood the API")
def testSkip():
assert 1 == 1
def testXPass():
assert True
def testXFail():
assert False
if __name__ == '__main__':
pytest.main(["-s", "pytest_Demo.py", "--pytest_report", "Pytest_Report.html"])
import pytest
if __name__ == '__main__':
pytest.main(["-s", "pytest_Demo.py", "--pytest_report", "Pytest_Report.html",
"--pytest_title", "report title", "--pytest_desc", "report desc",
"--pytest_theme", "new_theme"])
pytest -s pytest_Demo.py --pytest_report Pytest_Report.html --pytest_theme new_theme
from pytestreport.api import make_report
data = {
"generator": "PyTestReport 0.1.4",
"title": "默认主题",
"description": "默认主题描述",
"report_summary": {
"start_time": "2019-05-12 23:07:49",
"duration": "0:00:00.002000",
"suite_count": 1,
"status": {
"pass": 1,
"fail": 0,
"error": 0,
"skip": 0,
"count": 1
"report_detail": {
"tests": [
"summary": {
"desc": "utDemo.UTestPass",
"count": 1,
"pass": 1,
"fail": 0,
"error": 0,
"skip": 0,
"cid": "testclass1",
"status": "pass"
"detail": [
"has_output": False,
"tid": "testpass.1.1",
"desc": "testTrue",
"output": "",
"status": "pass",
"status_code": 0
"count": "1",
"pass": "1",
"fail": "0",
"error": "0",
"skip": "0"
with open('API_Report.html', 'wb') as fp:
make_report(fp, data)
# will be create API_Report.html file at current directory.
with open('API_Report.html', 'wb') as fp:
make_report(fp, data, theme='new_theme', stylesheet='new_stylesheet_2.css')
from pytestreport.api import make_image, send_report
html = r"D:\test\report.html"
image = r"D:\test\report.png"
make_image(html, image)
# will be generate "report.png" file at "D:\test\".
send_report("subject", html, image, "form@email.com", ["to@email.com"], cc=["cc@email.com"])
# will be send image content email with html as attach accordingly.