GET: The GET operation is a request sent by the manager to the managed device. It is performed to retrieve one or more values from the managed device.
GET NEXT: This operation is similar to the GET. The significant difference is that the GET NEXT operation retrieves the value of the next OID in the MIB tree.
GET BULK: The GETBULK operation is used to retrieve voluminous data from large MIB table.
SET: This operation is used by the managers to modify or assign the value of the Managed device.
TRAPS: Unlike the above commands which are initiated from the SNMP Manager, TRAPS are initiated by the Agents. It is a signal to the SNMP Manager by the Agent on the occurrence of an event.
INFORM: This command is similar to the TRAP initiated by the Agent, additionally INFORM includes confirmation from the SNMP manager on receiving the message.
RESPONSE: It is the command used to carry back the value(s) or signal of actions directed by the SNMP Manager.