/*** @dev Function is used to perform a multi-transfer operation.
This could play a significant role in the Ammbr Mesh Routing protocol.
** Mechanics:
* Sends tokens from Sender to destinations[0..n] the amount tokens[0..n].
Both arrays
* must have the same size, and must have a greater-than-zero length.
Max array size is 127.
* This function performs a loop over arrays.
Unless executed in a controlled environment,
* it has the potential of failing due to gas running out.
This is not dangerous, yet care
* must be taken to prevent quality being affected.
** @param destinations An array of destinations we would be sending tokens to
* @param tokens An array of tokens, sent to destinations (index is used for destination->token match)
*/function multiTransfer(address[] destinations, uint[] tokens) public returns (bool success){
// Two variables must match in length, and must contain elements
// Plus, a maximum of 127 transfers are supported
assert(destinations.length > 0);
assert(destinations.length < 128);
assert(destinations.length == tokens.length);
// Check total requested balance
uint8 i = 0;
uint totalTokensToTransfer = 0;
for (i = 0; i < destinations.length; i++){assert(tokens[i] > 0);totalTokensToTransfer += tokens[i]; }
// Do we have enough tokens in hand?
assert (balances[msg.sender] > totalTokensToTransfer);
// We have enough tokens, execute the transfer
balances[msg.sender] = balances[msg.sender].sub(totalTokensToTransfer);
for (i = 0; i < destinations.length; i++){
// Add the token to the intended destination
balances[destinations[i]] = balances[destinations[i]].add(tokens[i]);
// Call the event...
emit Transfer(msg.sender, destinations[i], tokens[i]); } return true; }
可以看到这两个 tokens 值都是 uint256 最大值的一半,两个加起来刚好溢出变为 0。
使用 balanceOf
可以查看到 0x14723a09acff6d2a60dcdf7aa4aff308fddc160c 有 balances 为 1
这里需要两个地址,一个是攻击者,另一个为其它地址,这里设置 0 地址就行。
执行 multiTransfer 就行。
function multiTransfer(address[] recipients, uint256[] amounts) public {
require(recipients.length == amounts.length);
for (uint i = 0; i < recipients.length; i++) {
transfer(recipients[i], amounts[i]); }}
/// @title Gnosis token contract///
@author Stefan George -
<stefan.george@consensys.net>contract GnosisToken is StandardToken
{ /* * Token meta data */ string constant public name
= "Gnosis Token"; string constant public symbol = "GNO";
uint8 constant public decimals = 18; /* * Public functions */
/// @dev Contract constructor function sets dutch auction
contract address and assigns all tokens to dutch auction.
/// @param dutchAuction Address of dutch auction contract.
/// @param owners Array of addresses receiving preassigned tokens.
/// @param tokens Array of preassigned token amounts.
function GnosisToken(address dutchAuction, address[] owners, uint[] tokens)
public { if (dutchAuction == 0) // Address should not be null.
throw; totalSupply = 10000000 * 10**18;
balances[dutchAuction] = 9000000 * 10**18;
Transfer(0, dutchAuction, balances[dutchAuction]);
uint assignedTokens = balances[dutchAuction];
for (uint i=0; i<owners.length; i++) { if (owners[i] == 0)
// Address should not be null. throw;
balances[owners[i]] += tokens[i]; Transfer(0, owners[i], tokens[i]);
assignedTokens += tokens[i]; } if (assignedTokens != totalSupply)
throw; }}
function batchTransfer(address[] _to, uint[] _value) checkAccess
("currencyOwner") returns (bool) { if (_to.length != _value.length) {
Error(7, tx.origin, msg.sender); return false; }
uint totalToSend = 0; for (uint8 i = 0; i < _value.length; i++) {
totalToSend += _value[i]; } ElcoinDb db = _db();
if (db.getBalance(msg.sender) < totalToSend) {
Error(8, tx.origin, msg.sender); return false; }
db.withdraw(msg.sender, totalToSend, 0, 0);
for (uint8 j = 0; j < _to.length; j++) {
db.deposit(_to[j], _value[j], 0, 0);
Transfer(msg.sender, _to[j], _value[j]); } return true; }
function transferMulti(address[] _to, uint256[] _value)
public returns (uint256 amount){ require(_to.length == _value.length);
uint8 len = uint8(_to.length); for(uint8 j; j<len; j++){
amount += _value[j]; } require(balanceOf[msg.sender] >= amount);
for(uint8 i; i<len; i++){ address _toI = _to[i];
uint256 _valueI = _value[i]; balanceOf[_toI] += _valueI;
balanceOf[msg.sender] -= _valueI;
Transfer(msg.sender, _toI, _valueI); } }
我们看到了不少这种形式的写法,通过 amount += _value[j];
的增加,溢出后绕过了 require(balanceOf[msg.sender] >= amount);
合约名称 | 地址 |
AMMBR (AMR) | 0x96c833e43488c986676e9f6b3b8781812629bbb5 |
Beauty Coin (BEAUTY) | 0x623afe103fb8d189b56311e4ce9956ec0989b412 |
Beauty Coin (Beauty) | 0xb5a1df09ccaa8197d54839c2c9175ec32b560151 |
Car Token (CRT) | 0xdf4b22695eeb4a7a1cf9a42162285ce782b8427a |
KoreaShow | 0x330bebabc9a2a4136e3d1cb38ca521f5a95aec2e |
Pasadena Token (PSDT) | 0x80248bb8bd26f449dea5b4d01faf936075b7111d |
Rocket Coin (XRC) | 0x6fc9c554c2363805673f18b3a2b1912cce8bfb8a |
Sinphonim (SPM) | 0x715423a818f1f9a85c66d81d2809e0a4dadf07f3 |
Social Chain (SCA) | 0xb75a5e36cc668bc8fe468e8f272cd4a0fd0fd773 |
AMR 合约地址(点击阅读原文查看)