postgres=# select md5(random()::text);md5----------------------------------3eb6c0c8f8355f0b0f0cad7a8f0f7491
postgres=# INSERT into tdsql_pg (nickname) VALUES('tdsql_pg好');INSERT 0 1postgres=# INSERT into tdsql_pg (id,nickname) VALUES(1,' TDSQL PG版分布式数据库的时代来了');INSERT 0 1postgres=# select * from tdsql_pg order by id;id | nickname----+-----------------------------1 | hello tdsql_pg1 | tdsql_pg分布式数据库的时代来了2 | tdsql_pg好(3 rows)
postgres=# select * from tdsql_pg order by 1;id | nickname----+-----------------------------1 | hello tdsql_pg1 | tdsql_pg分布式数据库的时代来了2 | tdsql_pg好(3 rows)
按 ID 升级排序,再按 nickname 降序排序
postgres=# select * from tdsql_pg order by id,nickname desc;id | nickname----+-----------------------------1 | tdsql_pg分布式数据库的时代来了1 | hello tdsql_pg2 | tdsql_pg好(3 rows)
postgres=# select * from tdsql_pg order by 1,2 desc;id | nickname----+-----------------------------1 | tdsql_pg分布式数据库的时代来了1 | hello tdsql_pg2 | tdsql_pg好(3 rows)
postgres=# select * from tdsql_pg order by random();id | nickname----+-----------------------------1 | tdsql_pg分布式数据库的时代来了2 | tdsql_pg好1 | hello tdsql_pg(3 rows)
postgres=# select * from tdsql_pg order by md5(nickname);id | nickname----+-----------------------------2 | tdsql_pg好1 | tdsql_pg分布式数据库的时代来了1 | hello tdsql_pg(3 rows)
postgres=# select * from tdsql_pg order by (select id from tdsql_pg order by random() limit 1);id | nickname----+-----------------------------1 | hello tdsql_pg2 | tdsql_pg好1 | tdsql_pg分布式数据库的时代来了(3 rows)
null 值排序结果处理
postgres=# insert into tdsql_pg values(4,null);INSERT 0 1
null 值记录排在最前面。
postgres=# select * from tdsql_pg order by nickname nulls first;id | nickname----+-----------------------------4 |1 | hello tdsql_pg1 | tdsql_pg分布式数据库的时代来了2 | tdsql_pg好(4 rows)
null 值记录排在最后。
postgres=# select * from tdsql_pg order by nickname nulls last;id | nickname----+-----------------------------1 | hello tdsql_pg1 | tdsql_pg分布式数据库的时代来了2 | tdsql_pg好4 |(4 rows)
postgres=# select * from (values ('张三'), ('李四'),('陈五')) t(myname) order by myname;myname--------张三李四陈五(3 rows)
如果不加处理,则按汉字的 UTF-8 编码进行排序,不符合中国人使用习惯。
使用 convert 函数实现汉字按拼音进行排序。
postgres=# select * from (values ('张三'), ('李四'),('陈五')) t(myname) order by convert(myname::bytea,'UTF-8','GBK');myname--------陈五李四张三(3 rows)
使用 convert_to 函数实现汉字按拼音进行排序。
postgres=# select * from (values ('张三'), ('李四'),('陈五')) t(myname) order by convert_to(myname,'GBK');myname--------陈五李四张三(3 rows)
通过指定排序规则 collact 来实现汉字按拼音进行排序。
postgres=# select * from (values ('张三'), ('李四'),('陈五')) t(myname) order by myname collate "zh_CN.utf8";myname\\--------陈五李四张三(3 rows)
where 条件使用
postgres=# select * from tdsql_pg where id=1;id | nickname----+-----------------------------1 | hello tdsql_pg1 | tdsql_pg分布式数据库的时代来了
多条件 and
postgres=# select * from tdsql_pg where id=1 and nickname like '%h%';id | nickname----+-------------1 | hello tdsql_pg(1 row)
多条件 or
postgres=# select * from tdsql_pg where id=2 or nickname like '%h%';id | nickname----+-------------1 | hello tdsql_pg2 | tdsql_pg好(2 rows)
ilike 不区分大小写匹配
postgres=# create table t_ilike(id int,mc text);NOTICE: Replica identity is needed for shard table, please add to this table through "alter table" command.CREATE TABLEpostgres=# insert into t_ilike values(1,'tdsql_pg'),(2,'tdsql_pg');INSERT 0 2postgres=# select * from t_ilike where mc ilike '%td%';id | mc----+-------1 | tdsql_pg2 | tdsql_pg(2 rows)
where 条件也能支持子查询
postgres=# select * from tdsql_pg where id=(select (random()*2)::integer from tdsql_pg order by random() limit 1);id | nickname----+----------(0 rows)postgres=# select * from tdsql_pg where id=(select (random()*2)::integer from tdsql_pg order by random() limit 1);id | nickname----+-----------------------------1 | hello tdsql_pg1 | tdsql_pg分布式数据库的时代来了(2 rows)
null 值查询方法
postgres=# select * from tdsql_pg where nickname is null;id | nickname----+----------4 |(1 row)postgres=# select * from tdsql_pg where nickname is not null;id | nickname----+-----------------------------1 | hello tdsql_pg2 | tdsql_pg好1 | tdsql_pg分布式数据库的时代来了(3 rows)
exists 只要有记录返回就为真
postgres=# create table t_exists1(id int,mc text);NOTICE: Replica identity is needed for shard table, please add to this table through "alter table" command.CREATE TABLEpostgres=# insert into t_exists1 values(1,'tdsql_pg'),(2,'tdsql_pg');INSERT 0 2postgres=# create table t_exists2(id int,mc text);NOTICE: Replica identity is needed for shard table, please add to this table through "alter table" command.CREATE TABLEpostgres=# insert into t_exists2 values(1,'tdsql_pg'),(1,'tdsql_pg');INSERT 0 2postgres=# select * from t_exists1 where exists(select 1 from t_exists2 where t_exists1.id=t_exists2.id) ;id | mc----+-------1 | tdsql_pg(1 row)
exists 等价写法
postgres=# select t_exists1.* from t_exists1,(select distinct id from t_exists2) as t where t_exists1.id=t.id;;id | mc----+-------1 | tdsql_pg(1 row)
postgres=# select * from tdsql_pg limit 1;id | nickname----+-------------1 | hello tdsql_pg(1 row)
使用 offset 指定从第几条开始,0表示第一条开始,返回1条记录。
postgres=# select * from tdsql_pg limit 1 offset 0;id | nickname----+-------------1 | hello tdsql_pg(1 row)
postgres=# select * from tdsql_pg limit 1 offset 2;id | nickname----+-----------------------------1 | tdsql_pg分布式数据库的时代来了(1 row)
上面的语句没有使用排序,返回结果不可预知,使用 order by 可以获得一个有序的结果。
postgres=# select * from tdsql_pg order by id limit 1 offset 2;id | nickname----+-----------2 | tdsql_pg好(1 row)
postgres=# select * from tdsql_pg union all select * from t_appoint_col;id | nickname----+-----------------------------1 | hello tdsql_pg2 | tdsql_pg好1 | tdsql_pg分布式数据库的时代来了1 | hello tdsql_pg(4 rows)
postgres=# select * from tdsql_pg union select * from t_appoint_col;id | nickname----+-----------------------------1 | tdsql_pg分布式数据库的时代来了1 | hello tdsql_pg2 | tdsql_pg好(3 rows)
postgres=# select * from ( select * from tdsql_pg limit 1) as t union all select * from (select * from t_appoint_col limit 1) as t ;id | nickname----+-------------1 | hello tdsql_pg1 | hello tdsql_pg(2 rows)
postgres=# create table t_intersect1(id int,mc text);NOTICE: Replica identity is needed for shard table, please add to this table through "alter table" command.CREATE TABLEpostgres=# insert into t_intersect1 values(1,'tdsql_pg'),(2,'tdsql_pg');INSERT 0 2postgres=# create table t_intersect2(id int,mc text);NOTICE: Replica identity is needed for shard table, please add to this table through "alter table" command.CREATE TABLEpostgres=# insert into t_intersect2 values(1,'tdsql_pg'),(3,'tdsql_pg');INSERT 0 2postgres=# select * from t_intersect1 INTERSECT select * from t_intersect2;id | mc----+-------1 | tdsql_pg(1 row)
postgres=# create table t_except1(id int,mc text);NOTICE: Replica identity is needed for shard table, please add to this table through "alter table" command.CREATE TABLEpostgres=# insert into t_except1 values(1,'tdsql_pg'),(2,'tdsql_pg');INSERT 0 2postgres=# create table t_except2(id int,mc text);NOTICE: Replica identity is needed for shard table, please add to this table through "alter table" command.CREATE TABLEpostgres=# insert into t_except2 values(1,'tdsql_pg'),(3,'tdsql_pg');INSERT 0 2postgres=# select * from t_except1 except select * from t_except2;id | mc----+-------2 | tdsql_pg(1 row)
any 用法
postgres=# create table t_any(id int,mc text);NOTICE: Replica identity is needed for shard table, please add to this table through "alter table" command.CREATE TABLEpostgres=# insert into t_any values(1,'tdsql_pg'),(2,'tdsql_pg');INSERT 0 2postgres=# select * from t_any where id>any (select 1 union select 3);id | mc----+-------2 | tdsql_pg(1 row)
all 用法
postgres=# create table t_all(id int,mc text);NOTICE: Replica identity is needed for shard table, please add to this table through "alter table" command.CREATE TABLEpostgres=# insert into t_all values(2,'tdsql_pg'),(3,'tdsql_pg');INSERT 0 2postgres=# select * from t_all where id>all (select 1 union select 2);id | mc----+-------3 | tdsql_pg(1 row)
postgres=# select count(1) from tdsql_pg;count-------3(1 row)
postgres=# select count(distinct id) from tdsql_pg;count-------2(1 row)
postgres=# select sum(id) from tdsql_pg;sum-----4(1 row)
postgres=# select max(id) from tdsql_pg;max-----2(1 row)
postgres=# select min(id) from tdsql_pg;min-----1(1 row)
postgres=# select avg(id) from tdsql_pg;avg--------------------1.3333333333333333(1 row)
postgres=# select * from tdsql_pg inner join t_appoint_col on tdsql_pg.id=t_appoint_col.id;id | nickname | id | nickname----+-----------------------------+----+-------------1 | hello tdsql_pg | 1 | hello tdsql_pg1 | tdsql_pg分布式数据库的时代来了 | 1 | hello tdsql_pg(2 rows)
postgres=# select * from tdsql_pg left join t_appoint_col on tdsql_pg.id=t_appoint_col.id;id | nickname | id | nickname----+-----------------------------+----+-------------1 | hello tdsql_pg | 1 | hello tdsql_pg2 | tdsql_pg好 | |1 | tdsql_pg分布式数据库的时代来了 | 1 | hello tdsql_pg(3 rows)
postgres=# select * from tdsql_pg right join t_appoint_col on tdsql_pg.id=t_appoint_col.id;id | nickname | id | nickname----+-----------------------------+----+-------------1 | tdsql_pg分布式数据库的时代来了 | 1 | hello tdsql_pg1 | hello tdsql_pg | 1 | hello tdsql_pg| | 5 | Power tdsql_pg(3 rows)
postgres=# select * from tdsql_pg full join t_appoint_col on tdsql_pg.id=t_appoint_col.id;id | nickname | id | nickname----+-----------------------------+----+-------------1 | hello tdsql_pg | 1 | hello tdsql_pg2 | tdsql_pg好 | |1 | tdsql_pg分布式数据库的时代来了 | 1 | hello tdsql_pg| | 5 | Power tdsql_pg(4 rows)
postgres=# \\timingTiming is on.postgres=# set max_parallel_workers_per_gather to 0;SETTime: 0.633 mspostgres=# select count(1) from t_count;count----------20000000(1 row)Time: 3777.518 ms (00:03.778)
postgres=# set max_parallel_workers_per_gather to 2;SETTime: 0.478 mspostgres=# select count(1) from t_count;count----------20000000(1 row)Time: 2166.481 ms (00:02.166)
postgres=# set max_parallel_workers_per_gather to 4;SETTime: 0.315 mspostgres=# select count(1) from t_count;count----------20000000(1 row)Time: 1162.433 ms (00:01.162)postgres=#
not in 中包含了null,结果全为真
postgres=# create table t_not_in(id int,mc text);NOTICE: Replica identity is needed for shard table, please add to this table through "alter table" command.CREATE TABLEpostgres=# insert into t_not_in values(1,'tdsql_pg'),(2,'pgxz');INSERT 0 2postgres=# select * from t_not_in where id not in (3,5);id | mc----+-------1 | tdsql_pg2 | pgxz(2 rows)postgres=# select * from t_not_in where id not in (3,5,null);id | mc----+----(0 rows)
只查某个 DN 的数据
postgres=# create table t_direct(id int,mc text);NOTICE: Replica identity is needed for shard table, please add to this table through "alter table" command.CREATE TABLEpostgres=# insert into t_direct values(1,'tdsql_pg'),(3,'pgxz');INSERT 0 2postgres=# EXECUTE DIRECT ON (dn001) 'select * from t_direct';id | mc----+-------1 | tdsql_pg(1 row)postgres=# EXECUTE DIRECT ON (dn002) 'select * from t_direct';id | mc----+------3 | pgxz(1 row)postgres=# select * from t_direct ;id | mc----+-------1 | tdsql_pg3 | pgxz(2 rows)postgres=#
postgres=# create table t_mulcol_tosimplecol(id int,mc text);NOTICE: Replica identity is needed for shard table, please add to this table through "alter table" command.CREATE TABLEpostgres=# insert into t_mulcol_tosimplecol values(1,'tdsql_pg'),(2,'tdsql_pg');INSERT 0 2postgres=# select array_to_string(array(select mc from t_mulcol_tosimplecol),',');array_to_string-----------------tdsql_pg,tdsql_pg(1 row)
postgres=# create table t_col_to_mulrow(id int,mc text);NOTICE: Replica identity is needed for shard table, please add to this table through "alter table" command.CREATE TABLEpostgres=# insert into t_col_to_mulrow values(1,'tdsql_pg,tdsql_pg');INSERT 0 1postgres=# select regexp_split_to_table((select mc from t_col_to_mulrow where id=1 limit 1), ',');regexp_split_to_table-----------------------tdsql_pgtdsql_pg(2 rows)
查询记录所在 DN
postgres=# select xc_node_id,* from t1;xc_node_id | f1 | f2------------+----+----2142761564 | 1 | 32142761564 | 1 | 3(2 rows)postgres=# select t1.xc_node_id,pgxc_node.node_name,t1.* from t1,pgxc_node where t1.xc_node_id=pgxc_node.node_id;xc_node_id | node_name | f1 | f2------------+-----------+----+----2142761564 | dn001 | 1 | 32142761564 | dn001 | 1 | 3(2 rows)postgres=#
grouping sets/rollup/cube 用法
group by 用法
create table t_grouping(id int,dep varchar(20),product varchar(20),num int);insert into t_grouping values(1,'业务1部','手机',90);insert into t_grouping values(2,'业务1部','电脑',80);insert into t_grouping values(3,'业务1部','手机',70);insert into t_grouping values(4,'业务2部','电脑',60);insert into t_grouping values(5,'业务2部','手机',50);insert into t_grouping values(6,'业务2部','电脑',60);insert into t_grouping values(7,'业务3部','手机',70);insert into t_grouping values(8,'业务3部','电脑',80);insert into t_grouping values(9,'业务3部','手机',90);
按 dep、product 两级汇总分数。
postgres=# select dep,product,sum(num) from t_grouping group by dep,product order by dep,product;dep | product | sum---------+---------+-----业务1部 | 电脑 | 80业务1部 | 手机 | 160业务2部 | 电脑 | 120业务2部 | 手机 | 50业务3部 | 电脑 | 80业务3部 | 手机 | 160
使用 grouping sets
grouping sets 的每个子列表可以指定零个或多个列或表达式,并且与其直接在 GROUP BY 子句中的解释方式相同。 一个空的分组集合意味着所有的行都被聚合到一个组中。
如按 name、class 单级分别汇总,再计算一个总分。
postgres=# select dep,product,sum(num) from t_grouping group by grouping sets((dep),(product),()) order by dep,product;dep | product | sum---------+---------+-----业务1部 | | 240业务2部 | | 170业务3部 | | 240| 电脑 | 280| 手机 | 370| | 650
使用 grouping sets 代替 group by 。
postgres=# select dep,product,sum(num) from t_grouping group by grouping sets((dep,product)) order by dep,product;dep | product | sum---------+---------+-----业务1部 | 电脑 | 80业务1部 | 手机 | 160业务2部 | 电脑 | 120业务2部 | 手机 | 50业务3部 | 电脑 | 80业务3部 | 手机 | 160
使用 rollup
rollup((a),(b)) 等价于 grouping sets((a,b),(a),())。
postgres=# select dep,product,sum(num) from t_grouping group by rollup((dep),(product)) order by dep,product;dep | product | sum---------+---------+-----业务1部 | 电脑 | 80业务1部 | 手机 | 160业务1部 | | 240业务2部 | 电脑 | 120业务2部 | 手机 | 50业务2部 | | 170业务3部 | 电脑 | 80业务3部 | 手机 | 160业务3部 | | 240| | 650
该功能等价于 grouping sets((dep, product),( dep),())。
postgres=# select dep,product,sum(num) from t_grouping group by grouping sets((dep, product),( dep),()) order by dep,product;dep | product | sum---------+---------+-----业务1部 | 电脑 | 80业务1部 | 手机 | 160业务1部 | | 240业务2部 | 电脑 | 120业务2部 | 手机 | 50业务2部 | | 170业务3部 | 电脑 | 80业务3部 | 手机 | 160业务3部 | | 240| | 650
使用 cube
cube((a),(b)) 等价于 grouping sets((a,b),(a),(b),()) 。
postgres=# select dep,product,sum(num) from t_grouping group by cube((dep),(product)) order by dep,product;dep | product | sum---------+---------+-----业务1部 | 电脑 | 80业务1部 | 手机 | 160业务1部 | | 240业务2部 | 电脑 | 120业务2部 | 手机 | 50业务2部 | | 170业务3部 | 电脑 | 80业务3部 | 手机 | 160业务3部 | | 240| 电脑 | 280| 手机 | 370| | 650
该功能等价于 grouping sets((name,class),(name),(class),())。
postgres=# select dep,product,sum(num) from t_grouping group by grouping sets((dep,product),(dep),(product),()) order by dep,product;dep | product | sum---------+---------+-----业务1部 | 电脑 | 80业务1部 | 手机 | 160业务1部 | | 240业务2部 | 电脑 | 120业务2部 | 手机 | 50业务2部 | | 170业务3部 | 电脑 | 80业务3部 | 手机 | 160业务3部 | | 240| 电脑 | 280| 手机 | 370| | 650