1. 接口描述
接口请求域名: billing.tencentcloudapi.com 。
推荐使用 API Explorer
API Explorer 提供了在线调用、签名验证、SDK 代码生成和快速检索接口等能力。您可查看每次调用的请求内容和返回结果以及自动生成 SDK 调用示例。
2. 输入参数
以下请求参数列表仅列出了接口请求参数和部分公共参数,完整公共参数列表见 公共请求参数。
参数名称 | 必选 | 类型 | 描述 |
Action | 是 | String | 公共参数,本接口取值:DescribeAllocationSummaryByBusiness。 |
Version | 是 | String | 公共参数,本接口取值:2018-07-09。 |
Region | 否 | String | 公共参数,此参数为可选参数。 |
Limit | 是 | Integer | 数量,最大值为1000 示例值:10 |
Offset | 是 | Integer | 分页偏移量,Offset=0表示第一页,如果Limit=100,则Offset=100表示第二页,Offset=200表示第三页,以此类推 示例值:0 |
Month | 否 | String | 账单月份,格式为2024-02,不传默认当前月 示例值:2024-02 |
PeriodType | 否 | String | 统计周期,枚举值如下 month - 月 day - 日 示例值:month |
TreeNodeUniqKeys.N | 否 | Array of String | 分账单元唯一标识,用作筛选 示例值:909619400-670615a8c8b23 |
SortType | 否 | String | 排序类型,枚举值如下: asc - 升序 desc - 降序 示例值:asc |
Sort | 否 | String | 排序字段,枚举值如下: GatherCashPayAmount - 归集费用(现金) GatherVoucherPayAmount- 归集费用(优惠券) GatherIncentivePayAmount - 归集费用(赠送金) GatherTransferPayAmount - 归集费用(分成金) AllocateCashPayAmount - 分摊费用(现金) AllocateVoucherPayAmount - 分摊费用(优惠券) AllocateIncentivePayAmount - 分摊费用(赠送金) AllocateTransferPayAmount - 分摊费用(分成金) TotalCashPayAmount - 合计费用(现金) TotalVoucherPayAmount - 合计费用(优惠券) TotalIncentivePayAmount - 合计费用(赠送金) TotalTransferPayAmount - 合计费用(分成金) GatherRealCost - 归集费用(折后总额) AllocateRealCost - 分摊费用(折后总额) RealTotalCost - 合计费用(折后总额) BusinessCode - 产品代码 Ratio - 占比(折后总额) Trend - 环比(折后总额) 示例值:realCost |
BillDates.N | 否 | Array of String | 日期,用作筛选,PeriodType=day时可传 示例值:2022-10 |
BusinessCodes.N | 否 | Array of String | 产品编码,用作筛选 示例值:p_cvm |
3. 输出参数
参数名称 | 类型 | 描述 |
RecordNum | Integer | 总条数 示例值:1 |
Total | AllocationOverviewTotal | 分账账单概览金额汇总 |
Detail | Array of AllocationSummaryByBusiness | 分账账单按产品汇总明细 |
RequestId | String | 唯一请求 ID,由服务端生成,每次请求都会返回(若请求因其他原因未能抵达服务端,则该次请求不会获得 RequestId)。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 |
4. 示例
示例1 查询分账账单按产品汇总
Host: billing.tencentcloudapi.com
Content-Type: application/json
X-TC-Action: DescribeAllocationSummaryByBusiness
"Limit": 30,
"Month": "2022-11-01 00:00:00",
"Offset": 0,
"PeriodType": "month"
"Response": {
"Detail": [
"AllocateCashPayAmount": "0.00000000",
"AllocateIncentivePayAmount": "0.00000000",
"AllocateRealCost": "0.00000000",
"AllocateTransferPayAmount": "0.00000000",
"AllocateVoucherPayAmount": "0.00000000",
"AllocationRealTotalCost": "-48.95000000",
"BillDate": "2024-02-01",
"BusinessCode": "p_ci",
"BusinessCodeName": "数据万象CI",
"CashPayAmount": "-16.43000000",
"GatherCashPayAmount": "-16.43000000",
"GatherIncentivePayAmount": "-32.52000000",
"GatherRealCost": "-48.95000000",
"GatherTransferPayAmount": "0.00000000",
"GatherVoucherPayAmount": "0.00000000",
"IncentivePayAmount": "0.00000000",
"RICost": "0.00000000",
"Ratio": "-0.15",
"RealTotalCost": "-48.95000000",
"SPCost": "0.00000000",
"TotalCashPayAmount": "-16.43000000",
"TotalCost": "-48.95000000",
"TotalIncentivePayAmount": "0.00000000",
"TotalTransferPayAmount": "-32.52000000",
"TotalVoucherPayAmount": "0.00000000",
"TransferPayAmount": "-32.52000000",
"TreeNodeUniqKey": null,
"TreeNodeUniqKeyName": "未分配",
"Trend": null,
"TrendType": null,
"VoucherPayAmount": "0.00000000"
"AllocateCashPayAmount": "0.00000000",
"AllocateIncentivePayAmount": "0.00000000",
"AllocateRealCost": "0.00000000",
"AllocateTransferPayAmount": "0.00000000",
"AllocateVoucherPayAmount": "0.00000000",
"AllocationRealTotalCost": "-2365.08000000",
"BillDate": "2024-02-01",
"BusinessCode": "p_rav",
"BusinessCodeName": "实时音视频",
"CashPayAmount": "0.00000000",
"GatherCashPayAmount": "0.00000000",
"GatherIncentivePayAmount": "-2365.08000000",
"GatherRealCost": "-2365.08000000",
"GatherTransferPayAmount": "0.00000000",
"GatherVoucherPayAmount": "0.00000000",
"IncentivePayAmount": "0.00000000",
"RICost": "0.00000000",
"Ratio": "-7.18",
"RealTotalCost": "-2365.08000000",
"SPCost": "0.00000000",
"TotalCashPayAmount": "0.00000000",
"TotalCost": "-2365.08000000",
"TotalIncentivePayAmount": "0.00000000",
"TotalTransferPayAmount": "-2365.08000000",
"TotalVoucherPayAmount": "0.00000000",
"TransferPayAmount": "-2365.08000000",
"TreeNodeUniqKey": null,
"TreeNodeUniqKeyName": "未分配",
"Trend": null,
"TrendType": null,
"VoucherPayAmount": "0.00000000"
"AllocateCashPayAmount": "0.00000000",
"AllocateIncentivePayAmount": "0.00000000",
"AllocateRealCost": "0.00000000",
"AllocateTransferPayAmount": "0.00000000",
"AllocateVoucherPayAmount": "0.00000000",
"AllocationRealTotalCost": "0.00000000",
"BillDate": "2024-02-01",
"BusinessCode": "p_ccc",
"BusinessCodeName": "云联络中心",
"CashPayAmount": "0.00000000",
"GatherCashPayAmount": "0.00000000",
"GatherIncentivePayAmount": "0.00000000",
"GatherRealCost": "0.00000000",
"GatherTransferPayAmount": "0.00000000",
"GatherVoucherPayAmount": "0.00000000",
"IncentivePayAmount": "0.00000000",
"RICost": "0.00000000",
"Ratio": "0.00",
"RealTotalCost": "0.00000000",
"SPCost": "0.00000000",
"TotalCashPayAmount": "0.00000000",
"TotalCost": "263.44000000",
"TotalIncentivePayAmount": "0.00000000",
"TotalTransferPayAmount": "0.00000000",
"TotalVoucherPayAmount": "0.00000000",
"TransferPayAmount": "0.00000000",
"TreeNodeUniqKey": null,
"TreeNodeUniqKeyName": "未分配",
"Trend": null,
"TrendType": null,
"VoucherPayAmount": "0.00000000"
"RecordNum": 611,
"RequestId": "1cd9694c-88a7-4cfe-846c-182f1f9dbf6c",
"Total": {
"CashPayAmount": "1630.93000000",
"IncentivePayAmount": "31062.86000000",
"RealTotalCost": "32953.81000000",
"TransferPayAmount": "0.00000000",
"VoucherPayAmount": "260.02000000"
5. 开发者资源
腾讯云 API 平台
腾讯云 API 平台 是综合 API 文档、错误码、API Explorer 及 SDK 等资源的统一查询平台,方便您从同一入口查询及使用腾讯云提供的所有 API 服务。
API Inspector
用户可通过 API Inspector 查看控制台每一步操作关联的 API 调用情况,并自动生成各语言版本的 API 代码,也可前往 API Explorer 进行在线调试。
云 API 3.0 提供了配套的开发工具集(SDK),支持多种编程语言,能更方便的调用 API。
- Tencent Cloud SDK 3.0 for Python: GitHub Gitee
- Tencent Cloud SDK 3.0 for Java: GitHub Gitee
- Tencent Cloud SDK 3.0 for PHP: GitHub Gitee
- Tencent Cloud SDK 3.0 for Go: GitHub Gitee
- Tencent Cloud SDK 3.0 for Node.js: GitHub Gitee
- Tencent Cloud SDK 3.0 for .NET: GitHub Gitee
- Tencent Cloud SDK 3.0 for C++: GitHub Gitee
- Tencent Cloud SDK 3.0 for Ruby: GitHub Gitee
6. 错误码
以下仅列出了接口业务逻辑相关的错误码,其他错误码详见 公共错误码。
错误码 | 描述 |
AuthFailure | CAM签名/鉴权错误。 |
AuthFailure.UnauthorizedOperation | 没有权限。 |
InternalError | 内部错误。 |
InvalidParameter | 参数错误。 |
InvalidParameterValue | 参数取值错误。 |
MissingParameter | 缺少参数错误。 |