1. 接口描述
接口请求域名: cfg.tencentcloudapi.com 。
推荐使用 API Explorer
API Explorer 提供了在线调用、签名验证、SDK 代码生成和快速检索接口等能力。您可查看每次调用的请求内容和返回结果以及自动生成 SDK 调用示例。
2. 输入参数
以下请求参数列表仅列出了接口请求参数和部分公共参数,完整公共参数列表见 公共请求参数。
参数名称 | 必选 | 类型 | 描述 |
Action | 是 | String | 公共参数,本接口取值:DescribeActionLibraryList。 |
Version | 是 | String | 公共参数,本接口取值:2021-08-20。 |
Region | 是 | String | 公共参数,详见产品支持的 地域列表。 |
Limit | 是 | Integer | 0-100 示例值:10 |
Offset | 是 | Integer | 默认值0 示例值:0 |
ObjectType | 是 | Integer | 对象类型ID 示例值:1 |
Filters.N | 否 | Array of ActionFilter | Keyword取值{"动作名称": "a_title", "描述": "a_desc", "动作类型": "a_type", "创建时间": "a_create_time", "二级分类": "a_resource_type"} |
Attribute.N | 否 | Array of Integer | 动作分类,1表示故障动作,2表示恢复动作 示例值:[1,2] |
ActionIds.N | 否 | Array of Integer | 筛选项 -动作ID 示例值:1 |
3. 输出参数
参数名称 | 类型 | 描述 |
Results | Array of ActionLibraryListResult | 查询结果列表 |
Total | Integer | 符合记录条数 示例值:1000 |
RequestId | String | 唯一请求 ID,由服务端生成,每次请求都会返回(若请求因其他原因未能抵达服务端,则该次请求不会获得 RequestId)。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 |
4. 示例
示例1 动作库列表查询
Host: cfg.tencentcloudapi.com
Content-Type: application/json
X-TC-Action: DescribeActionLibraryList
"Limit": 10,
"Offset": 0,
"Filters": [
"Keyword": "a_type",
"Values": [
"ObjectType": 1,
"Attribute": [
"Response": {
"RequestId": "cZ6m0xYnnDreBNJm",
"Results": [
"ActionName": "关机(测试)",
"Desc": "对CVM进行关机操作",
"ActionType": "平台",
"CreateTime": "2023-07-04 11:20:43",
"Creator": "系统",
"UpdateTime": "2023-07-04 11:20:43",
"RiskDesc": "高风险",
"ActionId": 1,
"AttributeId": 1,
"RelationActionId": 2,
"ActionCommand": "调用腾讯云对应产品的API接口",
"ActionContent": "调用云api StopInstances",
"ActionCommandType": 1,
"ActionDetail": "<p>调用云api <a href=\"https://cloud.tencent.com/document/product/213/15743\">StopInstances</a>关机</p>",
"ResourceType": "服务器资源",
"IsAllowed": true,
"ActionBestCase": "https://cloud.tencent.com/document/product/1500/74357",
"ObjectType": "CVM",
"MetricIdList": [
"ActionName": "开机",
"Desc": "对CVM进行开机操作",
"ActionType": "平台",
"CreateTime": "2022-11-29 18:08:46",
"Creator": "系统",
"UpdateTime": "2022-11-29 18:08:46",
"RiskDesc": "高风险",
"ActionId": 2,
"AttributeId": 2,
"RelationActionId": 1,
"ActionCommand": "调用腾讯云对应产品的API接口",
"ActionContent": "调用云api StartInstances",
"ActionCommandType": 1,
"ActionDetail": "<p>调用云api <a href=\"https://cloud.tencent.com/document/product/213/15735\">StartInstances</a>开机</p>",
"ResourceType": "服务器资源",
"IsAllowed": true,
"ActionBestCase": "",
"ObjectType": "CVM",
"MetricIdList": []
"ActionName": "重启",
"Desc": "重启",
"ActionType": "平台",
"CreateTime": "2023-05-24 15:33:39",
"Creator": "系统",
"UpdateTime": "2023-05-24 15:33:39",
"RiskDesc": "高风险",
"ActionId": 3,
"AttributeId": 1,
"RelationActionId": 0,
"ActionCommand": "调用腾讯云对应产品的API接口",
"ActionContent": "调用云api RebootInstances",
"ActionCommandType": 1,
"ActionDetail": "<p>调用云api <a href=\"https://cloud.tencent.com/document/product/213/15742\">RebootInstances</a>重启</p>",
"ResourceType": "服务器资源",
"IsAllowed": true,
"ActionBestCase": "https://tcloud4api.woa.com/document/product/1607/88863?!preview&!document=1",
"ObjectType": "CVM",
"MetricIdList": []
"ActionName": "CPU利用率高",
"Desc": "使用stress-ng压测工具压测,支持的linux发行版:Centos7.2及以上,CoreOS 1745.5.0及以上,Debian9.0及以上,Ubuntu 16.04.1及以上",
"ActionType": "平台",
"CreateTime": "2022-11-29 18:08:46",
"Creator": "系统",
"UpdateTime": "2022-11-29 18:08:46",
"RiskDesc": "高风险",
"ActionId": 4,
"AttributeId": 1,
"RelationActionId": 0,
"ActionCommand": "#!/bin/bash\n\nuser=$(whoami)\nif [ !$user == 'root' ]\nthen\n sudo -i\nfi\n\nfunction command_exists(){\n if command -v $1 > /dev/null 2>&1; then\n return 1\n else\n return 0\n fi\n}\n\necho -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n\nos_desc=$(cat /etc/*release)\n# echo $os_desc\n\ndeclare -A os_dic\nos_dic=([CentOS]=\"yum install stress-ng -y\" \\\n [CoreOS]=\"docker pull alexeiled/stress-ng\" \\\n [Debian]=\"apt-get install -y stress-ng\" \\\n [Ubuntu]=\"apt-get install -y stress-ng\")\n\nos_name='N/A'\n\nfor key in $(echo ${!os_dic[*]})\ndo\n if [[ $os_desc =~ $key ]]\n then\n os_name=$key\n echo $key\n fi\ndone\n\nif [ $os_name == 'N/A' ]\nthen\n echo \"Unsupported Linux distributions\"\n exit 1\nfi\n\n# os_name=$(cat /etc/*release | awk 'NR==1{print($1)}')\n\necho -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\necho \"installing stress-ng...\"\ncommand_exists stress-ng\n\nif [[ $? -eq 0 ]]\nthen\n ${os_dic[$os_name]}\n echo -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n echo \"Checking the installation status...\"\n command_exists stress-ng\n if [[ $? -eq 0 && $os_name != 'CoreOS' ]]\n then\n echo -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n echo \"Fail to install\"\n exit 1\n else\n echo -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n echo \"stress-ng has already installed\"\n fi\nelse\n echo -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n echo \"stress-ng has already installed\"\nfi\n\necho -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\necho \"Starting to perform stress test.\"\nif [ $os_name == \"CoreOS\" ]\nthen\n docker run --rm alexeiled/stress-ng -c 0 -l {{percentage}} --timeout {{timeout}}\nelse\n stress-ng -c 0 -l {{percentage}} --timeout {{timeout}}\nfi\n\nif [[ !$? -eq 0 ]]\nthen\n echo -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n echo \"failed\"\n exit 1\nelse\n echo -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n echo \"completed\"\n exit 0\nfi",
"ActionContent": "#!/bin/bash\n\nuser=$(whoami)\nif [ !$user == 'root' ]\nthen\n sudo -i\nfi\n\nfunction command_exists(){\n if command -v $1 > /dev/null 2>&1; then\n return 1\n else\n return 0\n fi\n}\n\necho -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n\nos_desc=$(cat /etc/*release)\n# echo $os_desc\n\ndeclare -A os_dic\nos_dic=([CentOS]=\"yum install stress-ng -y\" \\\n [CoreOS]=\"docker pull alexeiled/stress-ng\" \\\n [Debian]=\"apt-get install -y stress-ng\" \\\n [Ubuntu]=\"apt-get install -y stress-ng\")\n\nos_name='N/A'\n\nfor key in $(echo ${!os_dic[*]})\ndo\n if [[ $os_desc =~ $key ]]\n then\n os_name=$key\n echo $key\n fi\ndone\n\nif [ $os_name == 'N/A' ]\nthen\n echo \"Unsupported Linux distributions\"\n exit 1\nfi\n\n# os_name=$(cat /etc/*release | awk 'NR==1{print($1)}')\n\necho -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\necho \"installing stress-ng...\"\ncommand_exists stress-ng\n\nif [[ $? -eq 0 ]]\nthen\n ${os_dic[$os_name]}\n echo -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n echo \"Checking the installation status...\"\n command_exists stress-ng\n if [[ $? -eq 0 && $os_name != 'CoreOS' ]]\n then\n echo -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n echo \"Fail to install\"\n exit 1\n else\n echo -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n echo \"stress-ng has already installed\"\n fi\nelse\n echo -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n echo \"stress-ng has already installed\"\nfi\n\necho -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\necho \"Starting to perform stress test.\"\nif [ $os_name == \"CoreOS\" ]\nthen\n docker run --rm alexeiled/stress-ng -c 0 -l {{percentage}} --timeout {{timeout}}\nelse\n stress-ng -c 0 -l {{percentage}} --timeout {{timeout}}\nfi\n\nif [[ !$? -eq 0 ]]\nthen\n echo -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n echo \"failed\"\n exit 1\nelse\n echo -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n echo \"completed\"\n exit 0\nfi",
"ActionCommandType": 0,
"ActionDetail": "<p>使用tat通道下发stress-ng命令进行压测</p>\n<p>命令内容:stress-ng -c 0 -l {{percentage}} --timeout {{timeout}}</p>\n<p><a href=\"https://cloud.tencent.com/document/api/1340/52676\">tat官方文档</a></p>\n<p><a href=\"https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Reference/stress-ng\">stress-ng官方文档</a></p>\n",
"ResourceType": "CPU资源",
"IsAllowed": true,
"ActionBestCase": "",
"ObjectType": "CVM",
"MetricIdList": []
"ActionName": "内存利用率高",
"Desc": "使用stress-ng压测工具压测,支持的linux发行版:Centos7.2及以上,CoreOS 1745.5.0及以上,Debian9.0及以上,Ubuntu 16.04.1及以上",
"ActionType": "平台",
"CreateTime": "2022-11-29 18:08:46",
"Creator": "系统",
"UpdateTime": "2022-11-29 18:08:46",
"RiskDesc": "高风险",
"ActionId": 7,
"AttributeId": 1,
"RelationActionId": 0,
"ActionCommand": "#!/bin/bash\n\nuser=$(whoami)\nif [ !$user == 'root' ]\nthen\n sudo -i\nfi\n\nfunction command_exists(){\n if command -v $1 > /dev/null 2>&1; then\n return 1\n else\n return 0\n fi\n}\n\necho -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n\nos_desc=$(cat /etc/*release)\n# echo $os_desc\n\ndeclare -A os_dic\nos_dic=([CentOS]=\"yum install stress-ng -y\" \\\n [CoreOS]=\"docker pull alexeiled/stress-ng\" \\\n [Debian]=\"apt-get install -y stress-ng\" \\\n [Ubuntu]=\"apt-get install -y stress-ng\")\n\nos_name='N/A'\n\nfor key in $(echo ${!os_dic[*]})\ndo\n if [[ $os_desc =~ $key ]]\n then\n os_name=$key\n echo $key\n fi\ndone\n\nif [ $os_name == 'N/A' ]\nthen\n echo \"Unsupported Linux distributions\"\n exit 1\nfi\n\n# os_name=$(cat /etc/*release | awk 'NR==1{print($1)}')\n\necho -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\necho \"installing stress-ng...\"\ncommand_exists stress-ng\n\nif [[ $? -eq 0 ]]\nthen\n ${os_dic[$os_name]}\n echo -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n echo \"Checking the installation status...\"\n command_exists stress-ng\n if [[ $? -eq 0 && $os_name != 'CoreOS' ]]\n then\n echo -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n echo \"Fail to install\"\n exit 1\n else\n echo -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n echo \"stress-ng has already installed\"\n fi\nelse\n echo -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n echo \"stress-ng has already installed\"\nfi\n\necho -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\necho \"Starting to perform stress test\"\nif [ $os_name == \"CoreOS\" ]\nthen\n docker run --rm alexeiled/stress-ng --vm-bytes $(awk '/MemAvailable/{printf \"%d\\n\", $2 * 0.01*{{percentage}};}' < /proc/meminfo)k --vm-keep -m 1 -t {{timeout}}\nelse\n avaliable_mem=$(awk '/^MemAvailable:/{printf \"%d\\n\", $2;}' < /proc/meminfo)\n free_mem=$(awk '/^MemFree:/{printf \"%d\\n\", $2;}' < /proc/meminfo)\n buffer=$(awk '/^Buffers:/{printf \"%d\\n\", $2;}' < /proc/meminfo)\n cache=$(awk '/^Cached:/{printf \"%d\\n\", $2;}' < /proc/meminfo)\n if [ -n \"$avaliable_mem\" ]\n then\n stress-ng --vm-bytes $[$avaliable_mem*{{percentage}}/100]k --vm-keep -m 1 -t {{timeout}}\n else\n stress-ng --vm-bytes $[($free_mem+$buffer+$cache)*{{percentage}}/100]k --vm-keep -m 1 -t {{timeout}}\n fi\nfi\n\nif [[ !$? -eq 0 ]]\nthen\n echo -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n echo \"Failed\"\n exit 1\nelse\n echo -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n echo \"Completed\"\n exit 0\nfi",
"ActionContent": "#!/bin/bash\n\nuser=$(whoami)\nif [ !$user == 'root' ]\nthen\n sudo -i\nfi\n\nfunction command_exists(){\n if command -v $1 > /dev/null 2>&1; then\n return 1\n else\n return 0\n fi\n}\n\necho -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n\nos_desc=$(cat /etc/*release)\n# echo $os_desc\n\ndeclare -A os_dic\nos_dic=([CentOS]=\"yum install stress-ng -y\" \\\n [CoreOS]=\"docker pull alexeiled/stress-ng\" \\\n [Debian]=\"apt-get install -y stress-ng\" \\\n [Ubuntu]=\"apt-get install -y stress-ng\")\n\nos_name='N/A'\n\nfor key in $(echo ${!os_dic[*]})\ndo\n if [[ $os_desc =~ $key ]]\n then\n os_name=$key\n echo $key\n fi\ndone\n\nif [ $os_name == 'N/A' ]\nthen\n echo \"Unsupported Linux distributions\"\n exit 1\nfi\n\n# os_name=$(cat /etc/*release | awk 'NR==1{print($1)}')\n\necho -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\necho \"installing stress-ng...\"\ncommand_exists stress-ng\n\nif [[ $? -eq 0 ]]\nthen\n ${os_dic[$os_name]}\n echo -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n echo \"Checking the installation status...\"\n command_exists stress-ng\n if [[ $? -eq 0 && $os_name != 'CoreOS' ]]\n then\n echo -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n echo \"Fail to install\"\n exit 1\n else\n echo -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n echo \"stress-ng has already installed\"\n fi\nelse\n echo -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n echo \"stress-ng has already installed\"\nfi\n\necho -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\necho \"Starting to perform stress test\"\nif [ $os_name == \"CoreOS\" ]\nthen\n docker run --rm alexeiled/stress-ng --vm-bytes $(awk '/MemAvailable/{printf \"%d\\n\", $2 * 0.01*{{percentage}};}' < /proc/meminfo)k --vm-keep -m 1 -t {{timeout}}\nelse\n avaliable_mem=$(awk '/^MemAvailable:/{printf \"%d\\n\", $2;}' < /proc/meminfo)\n free_mem=$(awk '/^MemFree:/{printf \"%d\\n\", $2;}' < /proc/meminfo)\n buffer=$(awk '/^Buffers:/{printf \"%d\\n\", $2;}' < /proc/meminfo)\n cache=$(awk '/^Cached:/{printf \"%d\\n\", $2;}' < /proc/meminfo)\n if [ -n \"$avaliable_mem\" ]\n then\n stress-ng --vm-bytes $[$avaliable_mem*{{percentage}}/100]k --vm-keep -m 1 -t {{timeout}}\n else\n stress-ng --vm-bytes $[($free_mem+$buffer+$cache)*{{percentage}}/100]k --vm-keep -m 1 -t {{timeout}}\n fi\nfi\n\nif [[ !$? -eq 0 ]]\nthen\n echo -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n echo \"Failed\"\n exit 1\nelse\n echo -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n echo \"Completed\"\n exit 0\nfi",
"ActionCommandType": 0,
"ActionDetail": "<p>使用tat通道下发stress-ng命令进行压测</p>\n<p>命令内容:stress-ng --vm-bytes $(awk '/MemAvailable/{printf \"%d\\n\", $2 * 0.01*{{percentage}};}' < /proc/meminfo)k --vm-keep -m 1 -t {{timeout}}</p>\n<p><a href=\"https://cloud.tencent.com/document/api/1340/52676\">tat官方文档</a></p>\n<p><a href=\"https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Reference/stress-ng\">stress-ng官方文档</a></p>",
"ResourceType": "内存资源",
"IsAllowed": true,
"ActionBestCase": "",
"ObjectType": "CVM",
"MetricIdList": []
"ActionName": "磁盘分区使用率高",
"Desc": "使用stress-ng压测工具压测,支持的linux发行版:Centos7.2及以上,CoreOS 1745.5.0及以上,Debian9.0及以上,Ubuntu 16.04.1及以上",
"ActionType": "平台",
"CreateTime": "2022-11-29 18:08:46",
"Creator": "系统",
"UpdateTime": "2022-11-29 18:08:46",
"RiskDesc": "高风险",
"ActionId": 8,
"AttributeId": 1,
"RelationActionId": 0,
"ActionCommand": "#!/bin/bash\n\nuser=$(whoami)\nif [ !$user == 'root' ]\nthen\n sudo -i\nfi\n\nfunction command_exists(){\n if command -v $1 > /dev/null 2>&1; then\n return 1\n else\n return 0\n fi\n}\n\necho -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n\nos_desc=$(cat /etc/*release)\n# echo $os_desc\n\ndeclare -A os_dic\nos_dic=([CentOS]=\"yum install stress-ng -y\" \\\n [CoreOS]=\"docker pull alexeiled/stress-ng\" \\\n [Debian]=\"apt-get install -y stress-ng\" \\\n [Ubuntu]=\"apt-get install -y stress-ng\")\n\nos_name='N/A'\n\nfor key in $(echo ${!os_dic[*]})\ndo\n if [[ $os_desc =~ $key ]]\n then\n os_name=$key\n echo $key\n fi\ndone\n\nif [ $os_name == 'N/A' ]\nthen\n echo \"Unsupported Linux distributions\"\n exit 1\nfi\n\n# os_name=$(cat /etc/*release | awk 'NR==1{print($1)}')\n\necho -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\necho \"installing stress-ng...\"\ncommand_exists stress-ng\n\nif [[ $? -eq 0 ]]\nthen\n ${os_dic[$os_name]}\n echo -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n echo \"Checking the installation status...\"\n command_exists stress-ng\n if [[ $? -eq 0 && $os_name != 'CoreOS' ]]\n then\n echo -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n echo \"Fail to install\"\n exit 1\n else\n echo -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n echo \"stress-ng has already installed\"\n fi\nelse\n echo -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n echo \"stress-ng has already installed\"\nfi\n\necho -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\necho \"Starting to perform stress test.\"\nif [ $os_name == \"CoreOS\" ]\nthen\n cd {{dir}} && docker run --rm alexeiled/stress-ng --iomix 1 --iomix-bytes `df -k {{dir}} | awk 'NR==2{printf(\"%d\\n\", ($3+$4)*0.01*{{percentage}}-$3)}'`k -t {{timeout}}\nelse\n cd {{dir}} && stress-ng --iomix 1 --iomix-bytes `df -k {{dir}} | awk 'NR==2{printf(\"%d\\n\", ($3+$4)*0.01*{{percentage}}-$3)}'`k -t {{timeout}}\nfi\n\nif [[ !$? -eq 0 ]]\nthen\n echo -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n echo \"Failed\"\n exit 1\nelse\n echo -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n echo \"Completed\"\n exit 0\nfi",
"ActionContent": "#!/bin/bash\n\nuser=$(whoami)\nif [ !$user == 'root' ]\nthen\n sudo -i\nfi\n\nfunction command_exists(){\n if command -v $1 > /dev/null 2>&1; then\n return 1\n else\n return 0\n fi\n}\n\necho -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n\nos_desc=$(cat /etc/*release)\n# echo $os_desc\n\ndeclare -A os_dic\nos_dic=([CentOS]=\"yum install stress-ng -y\" \\\n [CoreOS]=\"docker pull alexeiled/stress-ng\" \\\n [Debian]=\"apt-get install -y stress-ng\" \\\n [Ubuntu]=\"apt-get install -y stress-ng\")\n\nos_name='N/A'\n\nfor key in $(echo ${!os_dic[*]})\ndo\n if [[ $os_desc =~ $key ]]\n then\n os_name=$key\n echo $key\n fi\ndone\n\nif [ $os_name == 'N/A' ]\nthen\n echo \"Unsupported Linux distributions\"\n exit 1\nfi\n\n# os_name=$(cat /etc/*release | awk 'NR==1{print($1)}')\n\necho -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\necho \"installing stress-ng...\"\ncommand_exists stress-ng\n\nif [[ $? -eq 0 ]]\nthen\n ${os_dic[$os_name]}\n echo -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n echo \"Checking the installation status...\"\n command_exists stress-ng\n if [[ $? -eq 0 && $os_name != 'CoreOS' ]]\n then\n echo -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n echo \"Fail to install\"\n exit 1\n else\n echo -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n echo \"stress-ng has already installed\"\n fi\nelse\n echo -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n echo \"stress-ng has already installed\"\nfi\n\necho -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\necho \"Starting to perform stress test.\"\nif [ $os_name == \"CoreOS\" ]\nthen\n cd {{dir}} && docker run --rm alexeiled/stress-ng --iomix 1 --iomix-bytes `df -k {{dir}} | awk 'NR==2{printf(\"%d\\n\", ($3+$4)*0.01*{{percentage}}-$3)}'`k -t {{timeout}}\nelse\n cd {{dir}} && stress-ng --iomix 1 --iomix-bytes `df -k {{dir}} | awk 'NR==2{printf(\"%d\\n\", ($3+$4)*0.01*{{percentage}}-$3)}'`k -t {{timeout}}\nfi\n\nif [[ !$? -eq 0 ]]\nthen\n echo -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n echo \"Failed\"\n exit 1\nelse\n echo -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n echo \"Completed\"\n exit 0\nfi",
"ActionCommandType": 0,
"ActionDetail": "<p>使用tat通道下发stress-ng命令进行压测</p>\n<p>命令内容:stress-ng --iomix 1 --iomix-bytes `df -k {{dir}} | awk 'NR==2{printf(\"%d\\n\", ($3+$4)*0.01*{{percentage}}-$3)}'`k -t {{timeout}}</p>\n<p><a href=\"https://cloud.tencent.com/document/api/1340/52676\">tat官方文档</a></p>\n<p><a href=\"https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Reference/stress-ng\">stress-ng官方文档</a></p>\n",
"ResourceType": "磁盘资源",
"IsAllowed": true,
"ActionBestCase": "",
"ObjectType": "CVM",
"MetricIdList": []
"ActionName": "内核故障",
"Desc": "会触发实例重启",
"ActionType": "平台",
"CreateTime": "2022-11-29 18:08:46",
"Creator": "系统",
"UpdateTime": "2022-11-29 18:08:46",
"RiskDesc": "高风险",
"ActionId": 9,
"AttributeId": 1,
"RelationActionId": 24,
"ActionCommand": "echo -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\" && echo 'inject kernel error success!' && echo -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\" && sleep 5 && echo -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\" && echo c > /proc/sysrq-trigger &",
"ActionContent": "echo -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\" && echo 'inject kernel error success!' && echo -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\" && sleep 5 && echo -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\" && echo c > /proc/sysrq-trigger &",
"ActionCommandType": 0,
"ActionDetail": "<p>使用tat通道下发内核故障命令</p>\n<p>命令内容:echo c > /proc/sysrq-trigger</p>\n<p><a href=\"https://cloud.tencent.com/document/api/1340/52676\">tat官方文档</a></p>",
"ResourceType": "CPU资源",
"IsAllowed": true,
"ActionBestCase": "",
"ObjectType": "CVM",
"MetricIdList": []
"ActionName": "磁盘IO负载",
"Desc": "使用stress-ng压测工具压测,支持的linux发行版:Centos7.2及以上,CoreOS 1745.5.0及以上,Debian9.0及以上,Ubuntu 16.04.1及以上",
"ActionType": "平台",
"CreateTime": "2022-11-29 18:08:46",
"Creator": "系统",
"UpdateTime": "2022-11-29 18:08:46",
"RiskDesc": "高风险",
"ActionId": 10,
"AttributeId": 1,
"RelationActionId": 0,
"ActionCommand": "#!/bin/bash\n\nuser=$(whoami)\nif [ !$user == 'root' ]\nthen\n sudo -i\nfi\n\nfunction command_exists(){\n if command -v $1 > /dev/null 2>&1; then\n return 1\n else\n return 0\n fi\n}\n\necho -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n\nos_desc=$(cat /etc/*release)\n# echo $os_desc\n\ndeclare -A os_dic\nos_dic=([CentOS]=\"yum install stress-ng -y\" \\\n [CoreOS]=\"docker pull alexeiled/stress-ng\" \\\n [Debian]=\"apt-get install -y stress-ng\" \\\n [Ubuntu]=\"apt-get install -y stress-ng\")\n\nos_name='N/A'\n\nfor key in $(echo ${!os_dic[*]})\ndo\n if [[ $os_desc =~ $key ]]\n then\n os_name=$key\n echo $key\n fi\ndone\n\nif [ $os_name == 'N/A' ]\nthen\n echo \"Unsupported Linux distributions\"\n exit 1\nfi\n\n# os_name=$(cat /etc/*release | awk 'NR==1{print($1)}')\n\necho -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\necho \"installing stress-ng...\"\ncommand_exists stress-ng\n\nif [[ $? -eq 0 ]]\nthen\n ${os_dic[$os_name]}\n echo -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n echo \"Checking the installation status...\"\n command_exists stress-ng\n if [[ $? -eq 0 && $os_name != 'CoreOS' ]]\n then\n echo -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n echo \"Fail to install\"\n exit 1\n else\n echo -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n echo \"stress-ng has already installed\"\n fi\nelse\n echo -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n echo \"stress-ng has already installed\"\nfi\n\necho -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\necho \"Starting to perform stress test.\"\nif [ $os_name == \"CoreOS\" ]\nthen\n docker run --rm alexeiled/stress-ng --vm-bytes {{bytes_num}}{{bytes_unit}} --hdd {{io_process_num}} --vm-keep -t {{timeout}}\nelse\n stress-ng --vm-bytes {{bytes_num}}{{bytes_unit}} --hdd {{io_process_num}} --vm-keep -t {{timeout}}\nfi\n\nif [[ !$? -eq 0 ]]\nthen\n echo -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n echo \"Failed\"\n exit 1\nelse\n echo -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n echo \"Completed\"\n exit 0\nfi",
"ActionContent": "#!/bin/bash\n\nuser=$(whoami)\nif [ !$user == 'root' ]\nthen\n sudo -i\nfi\n\nfunction command_exists(){\n if command -v $1 > /dev/null 2>&1; then\n return 1\n else\n return 0\n fi\n}\n\necho -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n\nos_desc=$(cat /etc/*release)\n# echo $os_desc\n\ndeclare -A os_dic\nos_dic=([CentOS]=\"yum install stress-ng -y\" \\\n [CoreOS]=\"docker pull alexeiled/stress-ng\" \\\n [Debian]=\"apt-get install -y stress-ng\" \\\n [Ubuntu]=\"apt-get install -y stress-ng\")\n\nos_name='N/A'\n\nfor key in $(echo ${!os_dic[*]})\ndo\n if [[ $os_desc =~ $key ]]\n then\n os_name=$key\n echo $key\n fi\ndone\n\nif [ $os_name == 'N/A' ]\nthen\n echo \"Unsupported Linux distributions\"\n exit 1\nfi\n\n# os_name=$(cat /etc/*release | awk 'NR==1{print($1)}')\n\necho -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\necho \"installing stress-ng...\"\ncommand_exists stress-ng\n\nif [[ $? -eq 0 ]]\nthen\n ${os_dic[$os_name]}\n echo -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n echo \"Checking the installation status...\"\n command_exists stress-ng\n if [[ $? -eq 0 && $os_name != 'CoreOS' ]]\n then\n echo -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n echo \"Fail to install\"\n exit 1\n else\n echo -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n echo \"stress-ng has already installed\"\n fi\nelse\n echo -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n echo \"stress-ng has already installed\"\nfi\n\necho -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\necho \"Starting to perform stress test.\"\nif [ $os_name == \"CoreOS\" ]\nthen\n docker run --rm alexeiled/stress-ng --vm-bytes {{bytes_num}}{{bytes_unit}} --hdd {{io_process_num}} --vm-keep -t {{timeout}}\nelse\n stress-ng --vm-bytes {{bytes_num}}{{bytes_unit}} --hdd {{io_process_num}} --vm-keep -t {{timeout}}\nfi\n\nif [[ !$? -eq 0 ]]\nthen\n echo -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n echo \"Failed\"\n exit 1\nelse\n echo -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n echo \"Completed\"\n exit 0\nfi",
"ActionCommandType": 0,
"ActionDetail": "<p>使用tat通道下发stress-ng命令进行压测</p>\n<p>命令内容:stress-ng --vm-bytes {{bytes_num}}{{bytes_unit}} --hdd {{io_process_num}} --vm-keep -t {{timeout}}</p>\n<p><a href=\"https://cloud.tencent.com/document/api/1340/52676\">tat官方文档</a></p>",
"ResourceType": "IO资源",
"IsAllowed": true,
"ActionBestCase": "",
"ObjectType": "CVM",
"MetricIdList": []
"ActionName": "内存OOM",
"Desc": "使用stress-ng压测工具压测,支持的linux发行版:Centos7.2及以上,CoreOS 1745.5.0及以上,Debian9.0及以上,Ubuntu 16.04.1及以上",
"ActionType": "平台",
"CreateTime": "2023-07-04 11:20:43",
"Creator": "系统",
"UpdateTime": "2023-07-04 11:20:43",
"RiskDesc": "高风险",
"ActionId": 11,
"AttributeId": 1,
"RelationActionId": 0,
"ActionCommand": "#!/bin/bash\n\nuser=$(whoami)\nif [ !$user == 'root' ]\nthen\n sudo -i\nfi\n\nfunction command_exists(){\n if command -v $1 > /dev/null 2>&1; then\n return 1\n else\n return 0\n fi\n}\n\necho -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n\nos_desc=$(cat /etc/*release)\n# echo $os_desc\n\ndeclare -A os_dic\nos_dic=([CentOS]=\"yum install stress-ng -y\" \\\n [CoreOS]=\"docker pull alexeiled/stress-ng\" \\\n [Debian]=\"apt-get install -y stress-ng\" \\\n [Ubuntu]=\"apt-get install -y stress-ng\")\n\nos_name='N/A'\n\nfor key in $(echo ${!os_dic[*]})\ndo\n if [[ $os_desc =~ $key ]]\n then\n os_name=$key\n echo $key\n fi\ndone\n\nif [ $os_name == 'N/A' ]\nthen\n echo \"Unsupported Linux distributions\"\n exit 1\nfi\n\n# os_name=$(cat /etc/*release | awk 'NR==1{print($1)}')\n\necho -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\necho \"installing stress-ng...\"\ncommand_exists stress-ng\n\nif [[ $? -eq 0 ]]\nthen\n ${os_dic[$os_name]}\n echo -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n echo \"Checking the installation status...\"\n command_exists stress-ng\n if [[ $? -eq 0 && $os_name != 'CoreOS' ]]\n then\n echo -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n echo \"Fail to install\"\n exit 1\n else\n echo -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n echo \"stress-ng has already installed\"\n fi\nelse\n echo -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n echo \"stress-ng has already installed\"\nfi\n\necho -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\necho \"Starting to perform stress test.\"\nif [ $os_name == \"CoreOS\" ]\nthen\n docker run --rm alexeiled/stress-ng --bigheap 10 --bigheap-growth 4K -t {{timeout}}\nelse\n stress-ng --bigheap 10 --bigheap-growth 4K -t {{timeout}}\nfi\necho \"Completed\"\n\n",
"ActionContent": "#!/bin/bash\n\nuser=$(whoami)\nif [ !$user == 'root' ]\nthen\n sudo -i\nfi\n\nfunction command_exists(){\n if command -v $1 > /dev/null 2>&1; then\n return 1\n else\n return 0\n fi\n}\n\necho -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n\nos_desc=$(cat /etc/*release)\n# echo $os_desc\n\ndeclare -A os_dic\nos_dic=([CentOS]=\"yum install stress-ng -y\" \\\n [CoreOS]=\"docker pull alexeiled/stress-ng\" \\\n [Debian]=\"apt-get install -y stress-ng\" \\\n [Ubuntu]=\"apt-get install -y stress-ng\")\n\nos_name='N/A'\n\nfor key in $(echo ${!os_dic[*]})\ndo\n if [[ $os_desc =~ $key ]]\n then\n os_name=$key\n echo $key\n fi\ndone\n\nif [ $os_name == 'N/A' ]\nthen\n echo \"Unsupported Linux distributions\"\n exit 1\nfi\n\n# os_name=$(cat /etc/*release | awk 'NR==1{print($1)}')\n\necho -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\necho \"installing stress-ng...\"\ncommand_exists stress-ng\n\nif [[ $? -eq 0 ]]\nthen\n ${os_dic[$os_name]}\n echo -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n echo \"Checking the installation status...\"\n command_exists stress-ng\n if [[ $? -eq 0 && $os_name != 'CoreOS' ]]\n then\n echo -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n echo \"Fail to install\"\n exit 1\n else\n echo -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n echo \"stress-ng has already installed\"\n fi\nelse\n echo -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\n echo \"stress-ng has already installed\"\nfi\n\necho -e \"[\"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"] \\c\"\necho \"Starting to perform stress test.\"\nif [ $os_name == \"CoreOS\" ]\nthen\n docker run --rm alexeiled/stress-ng --bigheap 10 --bigheap-growth 4K -t {{timeout}}\nelse\n stress-ng --bigheap 10 --bigheap-growth 4K -t {{timeout}}\nfi\necho \"Completed\"\n\n",
"ActionCommandType": 0,
"ActionDetail": "<p>使用tat通道下发stress-ng命令进行压测</p>\n<p>命令内容:stress-ng --bigheap 10 --bigheap-growth 4K -t {{timeout}}</p>\n<p><a href=\"https://cloud.tencent.com/document/api/1340/52676\">tat官方文档</a></p>",
"ResourceType": "内存资源",
"IsAllowed": true,
"ActionBestCase": "https://cloud.tencent.com/document/product/1500/81504",
"ObjectType": "CVM",
"MetricIdList": []
"ActionName": "空操作",
"Desc": "空操作,用于测试流程,不做实际注入操作",
"ActionType": "平台",
"CreateTime": "2022-11-29 18:08:46",
"Creator": "系统",
"UpdateTime": "2022-11-29 18:08:46",
"RiskDesc": "低风险",
"ActionId": 12,
"AttributeId": 1,
"RelationActionId": 13,
"ActionCommand": "调用腾讯云对应产品的API接口",
"ActionContent": "空操作",
"ActionCommandType": 1,
"ActionDetail": null,
"ResourceType": "其他",
"IsAllowed": true,
"ActionBestCase": "",
"ObjectType": "CVM",
"MetricIdList": []
"Total": 45
5. 开发者资源
腾讯云 API 平台
腾讯云 API 平台 是综合 API 文档、错误码、API Explorer 及 SDK 等资源的统一查询平台,方便您从同一入口查询及使用腾讯云提供的所有 API 服务。
API Inspector
用户可通过 API Inspector 查看控制台每一步操作关联的 API 调用情况,并自动生成各语言版本的 API 代码,也可前往 API Explorer 进行在线调试。
云 API 3.0 提供了配套的开发工具集(SDK),支持多种编程语言,能更方便的调用 API。
- Tencent Cloud SDK 3.0 for Python: GitHub Gitee
- Tencent Cloud SDK 3.0 for Java: GitHub Gitee
- Tencent Cloud SDK 3.0 for PHP: GitHub Gitee
- Tencent Cloud SDK 3.0 for Go: GitHub Gitee
- Tencent Cloud SDK 3.0 for Node.js: GitHub Gitee
- Tencent Cloud SDK 3.0 for .NET: GitHub Gitee
- Tencent Cloud SDK 3.0 for C++: GitHub Gitee
- Tencent Cloud SDK 3.0 for Ruby: GitHub Gitee
6. 错误码
以下仅列出了接口业务逻辑相关的错误码,其他错误码详见 公共错误码。
错误码 | 描述 |
InternalError | 内部错误。 |
InvalidParameter | 参数错误。 |
InvalidParameterValue | 参数取值错误。 |
MissingParameter | 缺少参数错误。 |
UnsupportedOperation | 操作不支持。 |