The TensorFlow Lite Model Maker library simplifies the process of adapting and c...
最后一起看下训练的结果日志,如下图所示,可以看到 testAcc = 93.86%,此处用的是双卡 2080Ti,比单卡来说,训练的 batch_size 更大...
为了解决 cifar100 val_acc 过低的问题,本质上是过拟合问题,所以特地去 papers with code 网站上看了下 cifar100 ben...
flower_photos 数据量比较小,所以 simple_cnn 可以在 trainset 上拟合到 0.99,意思就是数据复杂度 < 模型复杂度
When training with methods such as tf.GradientTape(), use tf.summary to log the ...
Return a list of physical devices visible to the host runtime.
In machine learning, to improve something you often need to be able to measure i...
70 年代以后随着互联网的高速发展,语料库越来越丰富以及硬件更新完善,自然语言处理思潮由理性主义向经验主义过渡,基于统计的方法逐渐代替了基于规则的方法。
当 AI 在某一个单点任务上的表现接近或者超越人类的时候,就会给行业带来巨大的商机。在视觉分类、检索、匹配、目标检测等各项任务上,随着相关算法越来越准确,业界也...
20 世纪50 年代中期到80 年代初期的感知器,20世纪80 年代初期至21世纪初期的专家系统,以及最近十年的深度学习技术,分别是三次热潮的代表性产物
我自己写的代码和该教程略有不一样,有三处改动,第一个地方是用归一化(均值为0,方差为1)代替数值缩放([0, 1]),代替的理由是能提升准确率
The Keras Tuner is a library that helps you pick the optimal set of hyperparamet...
This notebook classifies movie reviews as positive or negative using the text of...
TensorFlow is an end-to-end open source platform for machine learning
In the featurization tutorial we incorporated multiple features into our models,...
In the featurization tutorial we incorporated multiple features beyond just user...
One of the great advantages of using a deep learning framework to build recommen...
In this tutorial, we build a simple matrix factorization model using the MovieLe...