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Raft: 寻找可理解的共识算法(2)

发布2022-07-06 15:17:08
发布2022-07-06 15:17:08

5 The Raft consensus algorithm

Figure 2: A condensed summary of the Raft consensus algorithm (excluding membership changes and log compaction). The server behavior in the upper-left box is described as a set of rules that trigger independently and repeatedly. Section numbers such as §5.2 indicate where particular features are discussed. A formal specification [31] describes the algorithm more precisely.


Election Safety: at most one leader can be elected in a given term. §5.2 选举安全:在一个特定的任期内最多可以选出一名领导人。§5.2

Leader Append-Only: a leader never overwrites or deletes entries in its log; it only appends new entries. §5.3 Leader Append-Only:领导者从不覆盖或删除其日志中的条目;它只附加新条目。§5.3

Log Matching: if two logs contain an entry with the same index and term, then the logs are identical in all entries up through the given index. §5.3 日志匹配:如果两个日志包含一个具有相同索引和任期的条目,那么这两个日志的所有条目到给定索引都是相同的。§5.3

Leader Completeness: if a log entry is committed in a given term, then that entry will be present in the logs of the leaders for all higher-numbered terms. §5.4 领导者的完整性:如果一个日志条目在某一任期中被承诺,那么该条目将出现在所有更高编号任期的领导者的日志中。§5.4

State Machine Safety: if a server has applied a log entry at a given index to its state machine, no other server will ever apply a different log entry for the same index. §5.4.3 状态机安全:如果一个服务器在其状态机上应用了一个给定索引的日志条目,那么其他服务器将永远不会为同一索引应用不同的日志条目。§5.4.3

Figure 3: Raft guarantees that each of these properties is true at all times. The section numbers indicate where each property is discussed.


Raft is an algorithm for managing a replicated log of the form described in Section 2. Figure 2 summarizes the algorithm in condensed form for reference, and Figure 3 lists key properties of the algorithm; the elements of these figures are discussed piecewise over the rest of this section.


Raft implements consensus by first electing a distinguished leader, then giving the leader complete responsibility for managing the replicated log. The leader accepts log entries from clients, replicates them on other servers, and tells servers when it is safe to apply log entries to their state machines. Having a leader simplifies the management of the replicated log. For example, the leader can decide where to place new entries in the log without consulting other servers, and data flows in a simple fashion from the leader to other servers. A leader can fail or become disconnected from the other servers, in which case a new leader is elected.


Given the leader approach, Raft decomposes the consensus problem into three relatively independent subproblems, which are discussed in the subsections that follow:


• Leader election: a new leader must be chosen when an existing leader fails (Section 5.2).


• Log replication: the leader must accept log entries from clients and replicate them across the cluster, forcing the other logs to agree with its own (Section 5.3).


• Safety: the key safety property for Raft is the State Machine Safety Property in Figure 3: if any server has applied a particular log entry to its state machine, then no other server may apply a different command for the same log index. Section 5.4 describes how Raft ensures this property; the solution involves an additional restriction on the election mechanism described in Section 5.2.


After presenting the consensus algorithm, this section discusses the issue of availability and the role of timing in the system.


5.1 Raft basics

Figure 4: Server states. Followers only respond to requests from other servers. If a follower receives no communication, it becomes a candidate and initiates an election. A candidate that receives votes from a majority of the full cluster becomes the new leader. Leaders typically operate until they fail.


Figure 5: Time is divided into terms, and each term begins with an election. After a successful election, a single leader manages the cluster until the end of the term. Some elections fail, in which case the term ends without choosing a leader. The transitions between terms may be observed at different times on different servers.


A Raft cluster contains several servers; five is a typical number, which allows the system to tolerate two failures. At any given time each server is in one of three states: leader, follower, or candidate. In normal operation there is exactly one leader and all of the other servers are followers. Followers are passive: they issue no requests on their own but simply respond to requests from leaders and candidates. The leader handles all client requests (if a client contacts a follower, the follower redirects it to the leader). The third state, candidate, is used to elect a new leader as described in Section 5.2. Figure 4 shows the states and their transitions; the transitions are discussed below.


Raft divides time into terms of arbitrary length, as shown in Figure 5. Terms are numbered with consecutive integers. Each term begins with an election, in which one or more candidates attempt to become leader as described in Section 5.2. If a candidate wins the election, then it serves as leader for the rest of the term. In some situations an election will result in a split vote. In this case the term will end with no leader; a new term (with a new election) will begin shortly. Raft ensures that there is at most one leader in a given term.


Different servers may observe the transitions between terms at different times, and in some situations a server may not observe an election or even entire terms. Terms act as a logical clock [14] in Raft, and they allow servers to detect obsolete information such as stale leaders. Each server stores a current term number, which increases monotonically over time. Current terms are exchanged whenever servers communicate; if one server’s current term is smaller than the other’s, then it updates its current term to the larger value. If a candidate or leader discovers that its term is out of date, it immediately reverts to follower state. If a server receives a request with a stale term number, it rejects the request.


Raft servers communicate using remote procedure calls (RPCs), and the basic consensus algorithm requires only two types of RPCs. RequestVote RPCs are initiated by candidates during elections (Section 5.2), and Append Entries RPCs are initiated by leaders to replicate log entries and to provide a form of heartbeat (Section 5.3). Section 7 adds a third RPC for transferring snapshots between servers. Servers retry RPCs if they do not receive a response in a timely manner, and they issue RPCs in parallel for best performance.

Raft服务器使用远程过程调用(RPCs)进行通信,基本的共识算法只需要两种类型的RPCs。RequestVote RPCs由候选人在选举期间发起(第5.2节),Append Entries RPCs由领导者发起,用于复制日志条目并提供一种心跳形式(第5.3节)。第7节增加了第三个RPC,用于在服务器之间传输快照。如果服务器没有及时收到响应,它们会重试RPC,并且为了获得最佳性能,它们会并行地发出RPC。

5.2 Leader election

Raft uses a heartbeat mechanism to trigger leader election. When servers start up, they begin as followers. A server remains in follower state as long as it receives valid RPCs from a leader or candidate. Leaders send periodic heartbeats (AppendEntries RPCs that carry no log entries) to all followers in order to maintain their authority. If a follower receives no communication over a period of time called the election timeout, then it assumes there is no viable leader and begins an election to choose a new leader.

Raft使用心跳机制来触发领导者选举。当服务器启动时,它们开始是追随者。只要服务器收到来自领导者或候选人的有效RPC,它就一直处于跟随者状态。领导者定期向所有追随者发送心跳(AppendEntries RPCs,不携带任何日志条目),以保持他们的权威。如果追随者在一段被称为选举超时的时间内没有收到任何通信,那么它就认为没有可行的领导者,并开始选举以选择一个新的领导者。

To begin an election, a follower increments its current term and transitions to candidate state. It then votes for itself and issues RequestVote RPCs in parallel to each of the other servers in the cluster. A candidate continues in this state until one of three things happens: (a) it wins the election, (b) another server establishes itself as leader, or (c) a period of time goes by with no winner. These outcomes are discussed separately in the paragraphs below.

为了开始选举,追随者增加它的当前任期并过渡到候选状态。然后,它为自己投票,并向集群中的每个其他服务器发出RequestVote RPCs。候选者继续处于这种状态,直到发生三种情况之一。(a)它赢得了选举,(b)另一个服务器确立了自己的领导地位,或者(c)一段时间内没有赢家。这些结果将在下面的段落中分别讨论。

A candidate wins an election if it receives votes from a majority of the servers in the full cluster for the same term. Each server will vote for at most one candidate in a given term, on a first-come-first-served basis (note: Section 5.4 adds an additional restriction on votes). The majority rule ensures that at most one candidate can win the election for a particular term (the Election Safety Property in Figure 3). Once a candidate wins an election, it becomes leader. It then sends heartbeat messages to all of the other servers to establish its authority and prevent new elections.


While waiting for votes, a candidate may receive an AppendEntries RPC from another server claiming to be leader. If the leader’s term (included in its RPC) is at least as large as the candidate’s current term, then the candidate recognizes the leader as legitimate and returns to follower state. If the term in the RPC is smaller than the candidate’s current term, then the candidate rejects the RPC and continues in candidate state.

在等待投票的过程中,候选人可能会收到另一个服务器的AppendEntries RPC,声称自己是领导者。如果领导者的任期(包括在其RPC中)至少与候选人的当前任期一样大,那么候选人就会承认领导者是合法的,并返回到跟随者状态。如果RPC中的任期比候选者当前的任期小,那么候选者拒绝RPC,继续处于候选状态。

The third possible outcome is that a candidate neither wins nor loses the election: if many followers become candidates at the same time, votes could be split so that no candidate obtains a majority. When this happens, each candidate will time out and start a new election by incrementing its term and initiating another round of Request Vote RPCs. However, without extra measures split votes could repeat indefinitely.


Raft uses randomized election timeouts to ensure that split votes are rare and that they are resolved quickly. To prevent split votes in the first place, election timeouts are chosen randomly from a fixed interval (e.g., 150–300ms). This spreads out the servers so that in most cases only a single server will time out; it wins the election and sends heartbeats before any other servers time out. The same mechanism is used to handle split votes. Each candidate restarts its randomized election timeout at the start of an election, and it waits for that timeout to elapse before starting the next election; this reduces the likelihood of another split vote in the new election. Section 9.3 shows that this approach elects a leader rapidly.


Elections are an example of how understandability guided our choice between design alternatives. Initially we planned to use a ranking system: each candidate was assigned a unique rank, which was used to select between competing candidates. If a candidate discovered another candidate with higher rank, it would return to follower state so that the higher ranking candidate could more easily win the next election. We found that this approach created subtle issues around availability (a lower-ranked server might need to time out and become a candidate again if a higher-ranked server fails, but if it does so too soon, it can reset progress towards electing a leader). We made adjustments to the algorithm several times, but after each adjustment new corner cases appeared. Eventually we concluded that the randomized retry approach is more obvious and understandable.


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0 条评论
  • 5 The Raft consensus algorithm
    • 5.1 Raft basics
      • 5.2 Leader election
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