yum -y install httpd
yum -y install httpd-manual mod_ssl mod_perl mod_auth_mysql
yum -y install php php-mysql
yum -y install php-gd php-xml php-mbstring php-ldap php-pear php-xmlrp
yum install mariadb-server mysql
systemctl start mariadb
systemctl enable mariadb
$_DVWA[ 'recaptcha_public_key' ] = '6LdJJlUUAAAAAH1Q6cTpZRQ2Ah8VpyzhnffD0mBb';
$_DVWA[ 'recaptcha_private_key' ] = '6LdJJlUUAAAAAM2a3HrgzLczqdYp4g05EqDs-W4K';
ps -ef | grep httpd
chown apache:apache /var/www/html//DVWA-master/hackable/uploads/
chown apache:apache /var/www/html//DVWA-master/external/phpids/0.6/lib/IDS/tmp/phpids_log.txt
chown apache:apache /var/www/html//DVWA-master/config
; Whether to allow the treatment of URLs (like http:// or ftp://) as files.
; http://php.net/allow-url-fopen
allow_url_fopen = On
; Whether to allow include/require to open URLs (like http:// or ftp://) as files.
; http://php.net/allow-url-include
allow_url_include = On
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如有侵权,请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除。