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Benefits of Microservices Architecture

修改2021-04-01 18:00:05
修改2021-04-01 18:00:05

Microservices architecture enables a system to be divided into multiple smaller, individual and independent services. Every service present in the microservices architecture is robust, flexible, composable, and complete. These services run as an autonomous process and interact with each other through APIs. Moreover, each microservice of the system can be integrated with different programming languages and platforms.

Microservices makes it efficient to understand, test, and maintain applications that are built with a combination of independent components. It’s an excellent solution for improving workflow and productivity to develop large-scale applications or projects. Besides, with the distributed system offered in microservices, development teams find it easier to modify code, remove a set of code or add new features.

Read: "Why Microservices Architecture?"

Being a standalone module, service, or function, it has its own server instances and database. Not only that but it also entails load balancing capabilities that help the application to divide the workload into multiple replicas present on other server instances.

Advantages of Microservices Architecture

What are the advantages of Microservices Architecture? Still not sure if microservices architecture can be beneficial for you? No problem, we have compiled a list of all the benefits that microservices have to offer which will help you in making a logical decision in the future.

  • Microservices architecture provides high availability, resilience, reliability, and low latency(when application calls are redirected to the nearest deployment server).
  • The failure of one service is less likely to impact other parts of the application as each microservice runs autonomously from other services increasing its resilience.
  • In a microservice architecture, the availability of separate services is defined according to the uses of that service. That’s why, if one of the services requires high availability at any given moment, the required resources, containers, and the database will be allocated to that service efficiently while reducing any chances of crashes or downtime of the application.
  • If there is a memory leak in one service it will only remain in that service while other services will work normally.
  • The application usually has no downtime and its deployment process is smoother as it’s done service by service.

Read: SOA vs. Microservices: What's the Difference?

  • The web applications become independent of programming language and framework as every service can be developed independently.
  • Microservices enables a development team to become solely responsible for the development and deployment of related services of the application.
  • As the code being used frequently can be deployed on a function as a service (FaaS) platform, the service will give almost zero downtime and will have the agility to handle unusual spikes in requests.
  • The selection of cloud hosting plans and server instances is correlated to the usage frequency and use case of service hence, the dependability on a large server instance is abolished.
  • The distributed deployment eradicates the need for purchasing expensive server hosting or resources.
  • Applications built on microservices are nimble and agile.
  • It provides automated testability needed for continuous delivery and deployment.
  • Each service in a microservice architecture can be scaled independently through x-axis scaling and z-axis scaling.
  • The large-sized web applications when broken down into smaller services raise code readability.
  • With the small codebase, it becomes easier for the developers to easily understand and maintain the code while being highly productive.
  • The unintended impacts on code integration highly diminish.
  • The smaller services are simple to develop, test, integrate, and debug.
  • Lesser resource conflicts and bugs will be created while coding integration. Thus, the cost of testing and debugging also decreases.

Read: Monolithic vs Microservice Architecture

Microservices provide a distinctive modularization, it makes big solutions easier, provides flexibility to choose technologies, increases productivity, and offers a better approach for distributed teams. If you are planning to develop large software, require faster and autonomous delivery and deployment, want better scalability in the system, or need frequent updates in different services of the system, then microservices architecture is an ideal solution for you. Moreover, to develop a microservice-based application or software, it is important to hire developers or a development team who have acquired years of experience in the related field. If you still have any queries or concerns, don’t hesitate to get in touch with one of our IT consultants.


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  • Advantages of Microservices Architecture
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