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修改2021-01-28 18:10:07
修改2021-01-28 18:10:07



ClickUp首席执行官Zeb Evans对《电子商务时报》说:“生产力应用改变了企业的工作方式,使他们能够全面提高生产力和效率。”





生产力软件公司Doist的创始人兼首席执行官AmirSalihefendić向《电子商务时报》解释说:“没有正确使用生产力工具,就不会自动提高您的生产力。” “而且每个人都是不同的,所以对一个人有效的方法并不适用于每个人。”








“成功的生产力应用程序应该可以节省您的时间,” Evans补充说。“该应用程序需要允许组织内的所有人员和所有团队以对他们最有效的方式工作。为此,生产力应用程序显然也应该可靠,因为它在以下方面具有至关重要的作用:企业及其项目的生命。”


Salihefendić解释说:“如果您的员工按时完成工作,他们将拥有更好的工作/生活平衡和大脑空间,可以思考常规职责以外的其他挑战。” “这将增加产量并为您的公司节省资金。如果您的团队富有成效并致力于他们的工作,那么他们的工作质量和数量都会得到改善。”



“首先,提高办公室生产力的最佳方法是通过展示有效的项目和时间管理来对良好的行为进行建模,” Asana全球互动营销负责人兼认证专业组织者Joshua Zerkel向电子商务时报解释说。“为了实现真正的生产力,企业需要定义重要的事情,消除干扰,并赋予员工最佳工作的能力。”





在当代世界中,个人和企业都在努力使工作(尤其是远程工作)更具生产力和可持续性。 ClickUp的Evans表示:“生产力领域的未来是进一步整合和定制化之一。 “随着远程工作的进行,越来越多的团队正在采用这些工具,并且这种趋势只会随着工作的未来走向灵活的家庭和办公室环境而持续下去。






每年-尤其是这一年-每年都有机会评估有效的,无效的以及下一步要做的事情。 Zerkel说:“由于在过去十年中迅速采用了基于云的同类最佳工具,现代工作场所提供了前所未有的协作和创建方式。” “随着我们进入2021年,至关重要的是,公司必须通过明确的工作完成流程来解决远程工作问题,以便它们能够在来年蓬勃发展,并且比以前更具弹性和协调性。”

原文标题:Practicing Productivity to Empower the Workforce


The start of a new year often brings with it a renewed commitment to organizing, rethinking, and restructuring life and work.

The E-Commerce Times spoke with productivity experts to get their perspective on apps, platforms, and techniques that help organizations and individuals become more efficient.

"Productivity apps have changed the way businesses work and are enabling them to increase productivity and efficiency across the board," Zeb Evans, CEO of ClickUp, told the E-Commerce Times.

"This trend has certainly been spurred by the transition to remote work, but it was something we were already seeing in the years before as well.

"By aligning all work within one tool, businesses have begun to understand the power of creating better alignment across their entire organization and visibility into projects, processes and progress, and by moving these operations into digital platforms, it is opening up new flexibility in the workplace."

Choosing a System

Finding the right productivity system means understanding one's situation, goals, and needs -- and then using that system consistently until it starts to have beneficial results.

"No productivity tool will automatically increase your productivity if you don't use it correctly," Amir Salihefendić, founder and CEO of productivity software company Doist, explained to the E-Commerce Times. "And everyone is different, so what works for one person does not apply to everyone."

In order to help people come up with a productivity system that works for them, Doist has designed a quiz that analyzes an individual's particular preferences in order to recommend particular techniques.

"The results provide clarity into which productivity method works best for you based on your unique strengths, challenges and goals, and then offers helpful information and tips to better suit your working style," Salihefendić explained to the E-Commerce Times.

Time Management Tools

Apps and platforms can be used to boost the productivity of individuals within a company -- thus boosting the efficiency of a company as a whole.

"We built a platform that brings all elements of work into one place that works for all people and all teams within an organization," said Evans.

"Unlike other productivity tools that are opinionated about how people work and only work for specific teams or use cases, ClickUp is a fully-customizable productivity platform that replaces all other workplace apps across an organization and provides users with everything from project management to chat, docs, time management, wikis, goals and OKRs, and dashboards; and enables them to work how they want to work while getting rid of wasted time going back and forth between tools," he asserted.

Time management is, in fact, a key component of most systems aimed at improving productivity.

"A successful productivity app should save you time," Evans added. "The app needs to allow all people and all teams within an organization to work in the way that is most effective for them, in order to do this. Finally, a productivity app should also obviously be reliable, since it serves a critical function in the life of a business and its projects."

Improved productivity at work can, ideally, help employees achieve a better balance between work and life -- thus helping a business itself to succeed.

"If your employees complete their work on time, they have better work/life balance and the brain space to think through other challenges outside their regular responsibilities," explained Salihefendić. "This increases output and saves your company money. If your team is productive and dedicated to their work, both the quality and quantity of their work will improve."

Lead by Example

Often, experts say, effective productivity practices within a company start at the top and filter down into the organization's overall culture. It's important, therefore, for business leaders to take their own productivity and time management skills seriously.

"First and foremost, the best way to increase productivity around the office is to model good behavior by showing effective project and time management in action," Joshua Zerkel, head of global engagement marketing at Asana, and certified professional organizer, explained to the E-Commerce Times. "To achieve real productivity, businesses need to define what matters, remove distractions, and empower employees to do their best work."

Having clear goals, too, is a vital component of any productivity practice.

"For businesses looking to increase productivity, and ultimately overall business performance, it's important to create a well-defined set of goals that can be communicated from a ladder-up perspective," said Zerkel.

"Once expectations have been outlined, creating a subset of shorter-term goals helps provide a firm foundation, allowing managers to provide a clear vision for what tasks align with company-wide goals. This will, in turn, empower individuals to make informed decisions about what they need to prioritize based on what's going to really move the needle."

Future of Productivity

In the contemporary world, individuals and businesses alike are striving to make work -- and particularly remote work -- more productive and sustainable.

"The future of the productivity space is one of further consolidation and customization," said ClickUp's Evans. "More and more teams are adopting these tools in the wake of remote work, and this trend will only continue as the future of work moves towards a flexible home and office situation.

"As teams leverage more digital tools to stay aligned, it will be crucial that these tools provide more and more features in one place, so users don't have to manage multiple tools and waste time going back and forth managing all their work."

Ultimately, the productivity lessons of working remotely will have implications for working in an office, as well.

"While I think remote work is the future, I believe that asynchronous communication is an even more important factor in team productivity, whether your team is remote or not," said Salihefendić.

"With all the distractions and pings from tools today, it can feel impossible to get your best work done. People spend so much time inside meetings or email. Not only does async produce the best work results, it also lets people do more meaningful work and live freer, more fulfilled lives.

"We know that we are challenging the status quo, and that calm, asynchronous communication isn't the current norm. The pandemic has amplified working remotely, so perhaps, this is the paradigm shift needed to change things," he remarked.

New Year, New Opportunities

Each year -- and perhaps most especially this one -- brings with it the opportunity to evaluate what's worked, what hasn't, and what to do next.

"Thanks to rapid adoption of cloud-based, best-in-breed tools in the past decade, the modern workplace offers more ways than ever before to collaborate and create," said Zerkel.

"As we enter 2021, it will be essential that companies address remote work issues by adopting clear processes on how work gets done, so they can thrive in the year ahead and come out more resilient and aligned than before."


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  • Choosing a System
  • Time Management Tools
  • Lead by Example
  • Future of Productivity
  • New Year, New Opportunities
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