社区首页 >专栏 >电子商务在化妆品行业中表现出色


修改2020-12-25 14:49:33
修改2020-12-25 14:49:33





“是什么使我们与众不同的是,我们已经创建了一个已经由一个团队的数据科学家,化妆师和皮肤护理专家开发了一个专家在线美容评估,” Jaleh Bisharat,化妆品公司的共同创始人和CEO NakedPoppy,告诉对E -商务时报。



Bisharat解释说:“我们相信未来将是个性化。” “我看到了一个世界,总有一天,每个人都将购买自己独特的个性化美容店,而不必浪费时间在不适合他们的产品上。”


Dynamic Yield的客户成功总监Ben Malki向《电子商务时报》解释说:“营销人员可以向首次访问者展示一份调查问卷,以了解他们的喜好,就像店员一样。”






“个性化还可以帮助最大程度地减少产品退货,” Malki说。“由于不能重新销售和出售所购买的美容产品,因此,通过实施更高程度的个性化设置,可以为客户提供最适合其独特需求的产品。这不仅增加了产品满意度的可能性,而且降低了相关成本有回报。”



“化妆品公司都在全球电子商务景观幸运的少数人的一部分,在这个意义上,他们有非常高的利润率,解释说:” BURC Tanir,首席执行官Prisync,提供竞争对手的价格跟踪,并为电子商务动态定价引擎公司贸易业务。

“这实际上是在拥有不断增长的客户群的不断增长的市场中的一个巨大机会,在那里定价可以成为秘密的营销武器。这个领域的电子商务公司可以竞争性地调整价格,而丝毫不牺牲其可观的利润率。换句话说, ,他们可以在市场上保持具有竞争力的价格但有利可图的地位,以同时提高收入和利润。”


豪华包装公司Delta Global的首席执行官罗伯特·洛克耶(Robert Lockyer)对《电子商务时报》说:“使用再生塑料是环保化妆品包装的第一步。”



洛克耶说:“公司可以通过创建可重复使用的包装来促进循环经济。” “例如,香水瓶或化妆管可以清洗并作为装饰摆设展示。但是,这需要投资于高品质且具有视觉吸引力的包装,从而使外观与内部配方一样成为产品的一部分。 ”



Global-e北美首席执行官Matthew Merrilees向《电子商务时报》解释说:“ COVID-19加快了零售商对增强其在线形象和吸引全球购物者的需求。”



NakedPoppy的Bisharat说:“无接触购物的愿望不会很快消失。” “我认为消费者现在对任何种类的病毒或细菌如何传播都非常敏感,因此我预测人们将避免或尽量减少使用测试仪。


Cosmetics companies traditionally have relied on in-person retail sales to attract new customers and maintain existing clientele. The pandemic, however, has upended the cosmetics industry, bringing new challenges as well as a host of opportunities for companies that are agile and creative enough to take advantage.

The E-Commerce Times spoke with experts in cosmetic sales and e-commerce about trends in this dynamic and evolving industry.

Personalization Trends

One way that cosmetics companies can appeal to online customers is to provide increasingly personalized services.

"What sets us apart is we've created an expert online beauty assessment that's been developed by a team of data scientists, makeup artists and skin care specialists," Jaleh Bisharat, co-founder and CEO of the cosmetics company NakedPoppy, told the E-Commerce Times.

"Think of it as your online beauty consultant. Once you've taken your three-minute assessment, we use patent-pending technology to rate every product in our store just for you. This creates your personalized clean beauty boutique, featuring your perfect picks."

That kind of personalization can help bridge the gap between customers and an online store, approximating and perhaps surpassing the experience they might get at a physical makeup counter.

"We believe the future is in personalization," explained Bisharat. "I see a world in which some day everyone will shop their unique, personalized beauty boutique and not have to waste time on the products that are not for them."

Cosmetics companies can gather data about new customers and maintain information about existing ones to provide a unique online shopping experience tailored to each customer's needs.

"Marketers could display a survey for first-time visitors to learn more about their preferences, like a store associate would," Ben Malki, director of customer success for Dynamic Yield, explained to the E-Commerce Times.

"Then, using the information captured, such as whether they are interested in clean or vegan products or have sensitive skin, to serve up a more customized experience. Product recommendations can act as another helpful extension of the in-store staff."

This kind of personalization can also help to link customers' in-store experiences with their online shopping.

"For those who previously engaged with brands exclusively offline but are now starting to do so digitally, marketers from the beauty industry can combine offline transactions with their online activity," said Malki.

"This can be done by building a segment consisting of those who recently made a purchase offline and serving them with relevant content upon arriving to the site or opening an email, converting them into online shoppers more efficiently."

Ultimately, personalization can maintain and grow a customer base and also prevent revenue lost from returned and unusable products.

"Personalization can also help minimize product returns," noted Malki. "As purchased beauty products cannot be re-shelved and sold, by implementing a greater degree of personalization, customers can be matched with items that best suit their distinct needs. This not only increases the likelihood of product satisfaction, but also reduces the costs associated with returns."

Pricing and Packaging Beauty

The cosmetics industry is also being transformed by new trends in pricing and packaging. Smart pricing strategies, for instance, are helping companies to maintain an edge in a competitive e-commerce marketplace.

"Cosmetics companies are part of the lucky minority in the global e-commerce landscape, in the sense that they have really high margins," explained Burc Tanir, CEO of Prisync, a company that provides competitor price tracking and a dynamic pricing engine for e-commerce businesses.

"This is actually a great opportunity in a growing market with a growing customer base, where pricing can be a secret marketing weapon. E-commerce companies in this space can adjust their prices competitively without sacrificing their solid profit margins at all. In other words, they can maintain a competitively-priced yet profitable position in their market to grow their top-line and bottom-line at the same time."

Similarly, as consumers are becoming more eco-conscious, cosmetics companies are changing how their products are packaged and sold.

"The use of recycled plastics is a first step for environmentally-friendly cosmetics packaging," Robert Lockyer, CEO of Delta Global, a luxury packaging company, told the E-Commerce Times.

"Alongside this, recyclable packaging is also needed, as well as efforts to educate customers how items should be disposed of sustainably -- for instance, with clear labelling on bottles and tubes."

Reusable packaging has become another way that cosmetics companies can appeal to environmentally-minded consumers.

"Companies can promote a circular economy by creating packaging that can be reused," said Lockyer. "For example, perfume bottles or makeup tubes can be cleaned and displayed as decorative ornaments. However, this requires investment into high-quality and visually-appealing packaging, whereby the exterior becomes just as much a part of the product as the internal formula."

A New Complexion

The new world of cosmetics e-commerce is just that -- a global endeavor, no longer limited to customers within a specific country.

"COVID-19 has accelerated the need for retailers to strengthen their online presence and accessibility to global shoppers," Matthew Merrilees, CEO North America of Global-e, explained to the E-Commerce Times.

"While domestic e-commerce sales have increased, they're not necessarily enough to replace the current loss of brick-and-mortar, so retailers must increasingly take advantage of the enormous untapped potential of selling to international customers to expand their revenue."

The changes the pandemic has brought to the cosmetics industry will likely remain even after COVID-19 is over, and those companies that can adapt to the new realities of online cosmetics sales will be those that can survive and thrive in the future.

"The desire for no-touch shopping won't disappear any time soon," said NakedPoppy's Bisharat. "I think consumers are now sensitized to how viruses or bacteria of any kind can spread, and I predict that as a result, people will avoid or minimize the use of testers.

"Some will also maintain a residual preference to not have another person get near their face. What this means is any solution that helps her find and buy perfect-for-her cosmetics in no-touch fashion will have an advantage."


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  • 个性化趋势
  • 定价与包装美容
  • 新肤色
  • Personalization Trends
  • Pricing and Packaging Beauty
  • A New Complexion
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