社区首页 >专栏 >k8s源码-揭开scheduler的算法面纱(上)


发布2019-12-07 22:40:39
发布2019-12-07 22:40:39


1. 调度策略概览



CheckNodeUnschedulablePred (Node是否可调度) GeneralPred (检测资源是否充足,pod的host,port,selector是否匹配) HostNamePred (pod指定的node名称是否和node名称相同) PodFitsHostPortsPred (请求的pod的port,在该node上是否已经被占用) MatchNodeSelectorPred (NodeSelect匹配及亲和度匹配, label的匹配) PodFitsResourcesPred (资源检测) NoDiskConflictPred (检测挂载的卷和已经存在的卷是否有冲突) PodToleratesNodeTaintsPred (检测pod的容忍度能否容忍这个node上的污点 ) PodToleratesNodeNoExecuteTaintsPred CheckNodeLabelPresencePred (检测NodeLabel是否存在) CheckServiceAffinityPred (-) MaxEBSVolumeCountPred (过时) MaxGCEPDVolumeCountPred (过时) MaxCSIVolumeCountPred (检测Node的Volume数量是否超过最大值) MaxAzureDiskVolumeCountPred (过时) MaxCinderVolumeCountPred (过时) CheckVolumeBindingPred (检查该node的PV是否满足PVC) NoVolumeZoneConflictPred (Volume的Zone是否冲突) EvenPodsSpreadPred (node是否满足拓扑传播限制) MatchInterPodAffinityPred (检查是否打破pod Affinity与anti Affinity)

EqualPriority MostRequestedPriority RequestedToCapacityRatioPriority SelectorSpreadPriority ServiceSpreadingPriority InterPodAffinityPriority LeastRequestedPriority BalancedResourceAllocation NodePreferAvoidPodsPriority NodeAffinityPriority TaintTolerationPriority ImageLocalityPriority ResourceLimitsPriority EvenPodsSpreadPriority


预选和优选算法都在 pkg/scheduler/algorithm包下,在该包同级的包algorithmprovider注册默认算法(其实是将算法名字和function对应起来)的策略,调用的工厂类algorithm_factory进行注册。


2. 预选算法



for _, predicateKey := range predicates.Ordering() {
			var (
				fit     bool
				reasons []predicates.PredicateFailureReason
				err     error

			if predicate, exist := g.predicates[predicateKey]; exist {
				fit, reasons, err = predicate(pod, metaToUse, nodeInfoToUse)
				if err != nil {
					return false, []predicates.PredicateFailureReason{}, nil, err

				if !fit {
					// eCache is available and valid, and predicates result is unfit, record the fail reasons
					failedPredicates = append(failedPredicates, reasons...)
					// if alwaysCheckAllPredicates is false, short circuit all predicates when one predicate fails.
					if !alwaysCheckAllPredicates {
						klog.V(5).Infoln("since alwaysCheckAllPredicates has not been set, the predicate " +
							"evaluation is short circuited and there are chances " +
							"of other predicates failing as well.")


var (
	predicatesOrdering = []string{CheckNodeUnschedulablePred,
		GeneralPred, HostNamePred, PodFitsHostPortsPred,
		MatchNodeSelectorPred, PodFitsResourcesPred, NoDiskConflictPred,
		PodToleratesNodeTaintsPred, PodToleratesNodeNoExecuteTaintsPred, CheckNodeLabelPresencePred,
		CheckServiceAffinityPred, MaxEBSVolumeCountPred, MaxGCEPDVolumeCountPred, MaxCSIVolumeCountPred,
		MaxAzureDiskVolumeCountPred, MaxCinderVolumeCountPred, CheckVolumeBindingPred, NoVolumeZoneConflictPred,
		EvenPodsSpreadPred, MatchInterPodAffinityPred}

// Ordering returns the ordering of predicates.
func Ordering() []string {
	return predicatesOrdering

2.1 CheckNodeUnschedulablePred Node是否可调度

  • 所有算法的第一步是获取node信息,如果获取不到,则返回ErrNodeUnknownCondition,当一个node下线之后,是不是经常见到这个错误
  • 检查node的标签是否unschedulable
  • 检查tolerates和taint是否容忍调度


scheduler.RegisterMandatoryFitPredicate(predicates.CheckNodeUnschedulablePred, predicates.CheckNodeUnschedulablePredicate)


func CheckNodeUnschedulablePredicate(pod *v1.Pod, meta Metadata, nodeInfo *schedulernodeinfo.NodeInfo) (bool, []PredicateFailureReason, error) {
	if nodeInfo == nil || nodeInfo.Node() == nil {
		return false, []PredicateFailureReason{ErrNodeUnknownCondition}, nil

	// If pod tolerate unschedulable taint, it's also tolerate `node.Spec.Unschedulable`.
	podToleratesUnschedulable := v1helper.TolerationsTolerateTaint(pod.Spec.Tolerations, &v1.Taint{
		Key:    v1.TaintNodeUnschedulable,
		Effect: v1.TaintEffectNoSchedule,

	// TODO (k82cn): deprecates `node.Spec.Unschedulable` in 1.13.
	if nodeInfo.Node().Spec.Unschedulable && !podToleratesUnschedulable {
		return false, []PredicateFailureReason{ErrNodeUnschedulable}, nil

	return true, nil, nil

2.2 GeneralPred 检测资源是否充足,pod的host,port,selector是否匹配

这里又拆分为2步,调用了两个方法:noncriticalPredicates 和 EssentialPredicates

  • noncriticalPredicates:这里又调用了PodFitsResources方法,后面详细说明。
  • EssentialPredicates:基本所有的pod都需要预选的一步,包含3步:PodFitsHost, PodFitsHostPorts, PodMatchNodeSelector,后面会详细介绍每一个预选方法。


scheduler.RegisterFitPredicate(predicates.GeneralPred, predicates.GeneralPredicates)

func GeneralPredicates(pod \*v1.Pod, meta Metadata, nodeInfo \*schedulernodeinfo.NodeInfo) (bool, []PredicateFailureReason, error) {
	var predicateFails []PredicateFailureReason
	for \_, predicate := range []FitPredicate{noncriticalPredicates, EssentialPredicates} {
		fit, reasons, err := predicate(pod, meta, nodeInfo)
		if err != nil {
			return false, predicateFails, err
		if !fit {
			predicateFails = append(predicateFails, reasons...)

	return len(predicateFails) == 0, predicateFails, nil

// noncriticalPredicates are the predicates that only non-critical pods need.
func noncriticalPredicates(pod \*v1.Pod, meta Metadata, nodeInfo \*schedulernodeinfo.NodeInfo) (bool, []PredicateFailureReason, error) {
	var predicateFails []PredicateFailureReason
	fit, reasons, err := PodFitsResources(pod, meta, nodeInfo)
	if err != nil {
		return false, predicateFails, err
	if !fit {
		predicateFails = append(predicateFails, reasons...)

	return len(predicateFails) == 0, predicateFails, nil

// EssentialPredicates are the predicates that all pods, including critical pods, need.
func EssentialPredicates(pod \*v1.Pod, meta Metadata, nodeInfo \*schedulernodeinfo.NodeInfo) (bool, []PredicateFailureReason, error) {
	var predicateFails []PredicateFailureReason
	// TODO: PodFitsHostPorts is essential for now, but kubelet should ideally
	//       preempt pods to free up host ports too
	for \_, predicate := range []FitPredicate{PodFitsHost, PodFitsHostPorts, PodMatchNodeSelector} {
		fit, reasons, err := predicate(pod, meta, nodeInfo)
		if err != nil {
			return false, predicateFails, err
		if !fit {
			predicateFails = append(predicateFails, reasons...)

	return len(predicateFails) == 0, predicateFails, nil

2.3 HostNamePred pod指定的node名称是否和node名称相同


scheduler.RegisterFitPredicate(predicates.HostNamePred, predicates.PodFitsHost)

func PodFitsHost(pod *v1.Pod, meta Metadata, nodeInfo *schedulernodeinfo.NodeInfo) (bool, []PredicateFailureReason, error) {
	if len(pod.Spec.NodeName) == 0 {
		return true, nil, nil
	node := nodeInfo.Node()
	if node == nil {
		return false, nil, fmt.Errorf("node not found")
	if pod.Spec.NodeName == node.Name {
		return true, nil, nil
	return false, []PredicateFailureReason{ErrPodNotMatchHostName}, nil

2.4 PodFitsHostPortsPred 请求的pod的port,在该node上是否已经被占用


scheduler.RegisterFitPredicate(predicates.PodFitsHostPortsPred, predicates.PodFitsHostPorts)

func PodFitsHostPorts(pod *v1.Pod, meta Metadata, nodeInfo *schedulernodeinfo.NodeInfo) (bool, []PredicateFailureReason, error) {
	var wantPorts []*v1.ContainerPort
	if predicateMeta, ok := meta.(*predicateMetadata); ok && predicateMeta.podFitsHostPortsMetadata != nil {
		wantPorts = predicateMeta.podFitsHostPortsMetadata.podPorts
	} else {
		// We couldn't parse metadata - fallback to computing it.
		wantPorts = schedutil.GetContainerPorts(pod)
	if len(wantPorts) == 0 {
		return true, nil, nil

	existingPorts := nodeInfo.UsedPorts()

	// try to see whether existingPorts and  wantPorts will conflict or not
	if portsConflict(existingPorts, wantPorts) {
		return false, []PredicateFailureReason{ErrPodNotFitsHostPorts}, nil

	return true, nil, nil

2.5 MatchNodeSelectorPred NodeSelect匹配及亲和度匹配

  • 亲和度的检测源码也复制过来: 注册的地方及方法源码:如果没有指定亲和度,则直接返回true,如果不满足亲和度,则不会调度到该节点,如果实在updating等过程中导致不满足亲和度,不也不会驱逐该pod
scheduler.RegisterFitPredicate(predicates.MatchNodeSelectorPred, predicates.PodMatchNodeSelector)

func PodMatchNodeSelector(pod *v1.Pod, meta Metadata, nodeInfo *schedulernodeinfo.NodeInfo) (bool, []PredicateFailureReason, error) {
	node := nodeInfo.Node()
	if node == nil {
		return false, nil, fmt.Errorf("node not found")
	if PodMatchesNodeSelectorAndAffinityTerms(pod, node) {
		return true, nil, nil
	return false, []PredicateFailureReason{ErrNodeSelectorNotMatch}, nil

func PodMatchesNodeSelectorAndAffinityTerms(pod *v1.Pod, node *v1.Node) bool {
nodeAffinityMatches := true
	affinity := pod.Spec.Affinity
	if affinity != nil && affinity.NodeAffinity != nil {
		nodeAffinity := affinity.NodeAffinity
		// if no required NodeAffinity requirements, will do no-op, means select all nodes.
		// TODO: Replace next line with subsequent commented-out line when implement RequiredDuringSchedulingRequiredDuringExecution.
		if nodeAffinity.RequiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution == nil {
			// if nodeAffinity.RequiredDuringSchedulingRequiredDuringExecution == nil && nodeAffinity.RequiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution == nil {
			return true

		// Match node selector for requiredDuringSchedulingRequiredDuringExecution.
		// TODO: Uncomment this block when implement RequiredDuringSchedulingRequiredDuringExecution.
		// if nodeAffinity.RequiredDuringSchedulingRequiredDuringExecution != nil {
		// 	nodeSelectorTerms := nodeAffinity.RequiredDuringSchedulingRequiredDuringExecution.NodeSelectorTerms
		// 	klog.V(10).Infof("Match for RequiredDuringSchedulingRequiredDuringExecution node selector terms %+v", nodeSelectorTerms)
		// 	nodeAffinityMatches = nodeMatchesNodeSelectorTerms(node, nodeSelectorTerms)
		// }

		// Match node selector for requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution.
		if nodeAffinity.RequiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution != nil {
			nodeSelectorTerms := nodeAffinity.RequiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution.NodeSelectorTerms
			klog.V(10).Infof("Match for RequiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution node selector terms %+v", nodeSelectorTerms)
			nodeAffinityMatches = nodeAffinityMatches && nodeMatchesNodeSelectorTerms(node, nodeSelectorTerms)


2.6 PodFitsResourcesPred 资源检测

  • 该方法比较长,前面也提到过,概括起来是检测node资源是否充足,包括CPU,MEM,EphemeralStorage,GPU,允许的pod的数量等。
scheduler.RegisterFitPredicate(predicates.PodFitsResourcesPred, predicates.PodFitsResources)

func PodFitsResources(pod *v1.Pod, meta Metadata, nodeInfo *schedulernodeinfo.NodeInfo) (bool, []PredicateFailureReason, error) {
	node := nodeInfo.Node()
	if node == nil {
		return false, nil, fmt.Errorf("node not found")

	var predicateFails []PredicateFailureReason
	allowedPodNumber := nodeInfo.AllowedPodNumber()
	if len(nodeInfo.Pods())+1 > allowedPodNumber {
		predicateFails = append(predicateFails, NewInsufficientResourceError(v1.ResourcePods, 1, int64(len(nodeInfo.Pods())), int64(allowedPodNumber)))

	// No extended resources should be ignored by default.
	ignoredExtendedResources := sets.NewString()

	var podRequest *schedulernodeinfo.Resource
	if predicateMeta, ok := meta.(*predicateMetadata); ok && predicateMeta.podFitsResourcesMetadata != nil {
		podRequest = predicateMeta.podFitsResourcesMetadata.podRequest
		if predicateMeta.podFitsResourcesMetadata.ignoredExtendedResources != nil {
			ignoredExtendedResources = predicateMeta.podFitsResourcesMetadata.ignoredExtendedResources
	} else {
		// We couldn't parse metadata - fallback to computing it.
		podRequest = GetResourceRequest(pod)
	if podRequest.MilliCPU == 0 &&
		podRequest.Memory == 0 &&
		podRequest.EphemeralStorage == 0 &&
		len(podRequest.ScalarResources) == 0 {
		return len(predicateFails) == 0, predicateFails, nil

	allocatable := nodeInfo.AllocatableResource()
	if allocatable.MilliCPU < podRequest.MilliCPU+nodeInfo.RequestedResource().MilliCPU {
		predicateFails = append(predicateFails, NewInsufficientResourceError(v1.ResourceCPU, podRequest.MilliCPU, nodeInfo.RequestedResource().MilliCPU, allocatable.MilliCPU))
	if allocatable.Memory < podRequest.Memory+nodeInfo.RequestedResource().Memory {
		predicateFails = append(predicateFails, NewInsufficientResourceError(v1.ResourceMemory, podRequest.Memory, nodeInfo.RequestedResource().Memory, allocatable.Memory))
	if allocatable.EphemeralStorage < podRequest.EphemeralStorage+nodeInfo.RequestedResource().EphemeralStorage {
		predicateFails = append(predicateFails, NewInsufficientResourceError(v1.ResourceEphemeralStorage, podRequest.EphemeralStorage, nodeInfo.RequestedResource().EphemeralStorage, allocatable.EphemeralStorage))

	for rName, rQuant := range podRequest.ScalarResources {
		if v1helper.IsExtendedResourceName(rName) {
			// If this resource is one of the extended resources that should be
			// ignored, we will skip checking it.
			if ignoredExtendedResources.Has(string(rName)) {
		if allocatable.ScalarResources[rName] < rQuant+nodeInfo.RequestedResource().ScalarResources[rName] {
			predicateFails = append(predicateFails, NewInsufficientResourceError(rName, podRequest.ScalarResources[rName], nodeInfo.RequestedResource().ScalarResources[rName], allocatable.ScalarResources[rName]))

	if klog.V(10) {
		if len(predicateFails) == 0 {
			// We explicitly don't do klog.V(10).Infof() to avoid computing all the parameters if this is
			// not logged. There is visible performance gain from it.
			klog.Infof("Schedule Pod %+v on Node %+v is allowed, Node is running only %v out of %v Pods.",
				podName(pod), node.Name, len(nodeInfo.Pods()), allowedPodNumber)
	return len(predicateFails) == 0, predicateFails, nil

2.7 NoDiskConflictPred 检测挂载的卷和已经存在的卷是否有冲突

scheduler.RegisterFitPredicate(predicates.NoDiskConflictPred, predicates.NoDiskConflict)

func NoDiskConflict(pod *v1.Pod, meta Metadata, nodeInfo *schedulernodeinfo.NodeInfo) (bool, []PredicateFailureReason, error) {
	for _, v := range pod.Spec.Volumes {
		for _, ev := range nodeInfo.Pods() {
			if isVolumeConflict(v, ev) {
				return false, []PredicateFailureReason{ErrDiskConflict}, nil
	return true, nil, nil

2.8 PodToleratesNodeTaintsPred 检测pod的容忍度能否容忍这个node上的污点

  • 在CheckNodeUnschedulablePred已经调用过,这里又单独独立出来一个方法,最终调用的是v1helper的方法
  • 遍历node上的所有污点,逐个检测容忍度能否容忍污点。分3步: 1) 如果容忍度有effect,则检测容忍度和污点的effect是否相同,不相同则不能容忍; 2) key是否相同,不相同则不能容忍; 3) operator是否指定,如果指定为Exist,则能容忍,如果是Equal(空也是equal),则判断value是否相等。
scheduler.RegisterMandatoryFitPredicate(predicates.PodToleratesNodeTaintsPred, predicates.PodToleratesNodeTaints)

func PodToleratesNodeTaints(pod *v1.Pod, meta Metadata, nodeInfo *schedulernodeinfo.NodeInfo) (bool, []PredicateFailureReason, error) {
	if nodeInfo == nil || nodeInfo.Node() == nil {
		return false, []PredicateFailureReason{ErrNodeUnknownCondition}, nil

	return podToleratesNodeTaints(pod, nodeInfo, func(t *v1.Taint) bool {
		// PodToleratesNodeTaints is only interested in NoSchedule and NoExecute taints.
		return t.Effect == v1.TaintEffectNoSchedule || t.Effect == v1.TaintEffectNoExecute

func podToleratesNodeTaints(pod *v1.Pod, nodeInfo *schedulernodeinfo.NodeInfo, filter func(t *v1.Taint) bool) (bool, []PredicateFailureReason, error) {
	taints, err := nodeInfo.Taints()
	if err != nil {
		return false, nil, err

	if v1helper.TolerationsTolerateTaintsWithFilter(pod.Spec.Tolerations, taints, filter) {
		return true, nil, nil
	return false, []PredicateFailureReason{ErrTaintsTolerationsNotMatch}, nil

func (t *Toleration) ToleratesTaint(taint *Taint) bool {
	if len(t.Effect) > 0 && t.Effect != taint.Effect {
		return false

	if len(t.Key) > 0 && t.Key != taint.Key {
		return false

	// TODO: Use proper defaulting when Toleration becomes a field of PodSpec
	switch t.Operator {
	// empty operator means Equal
	case "", TolerationOpEqual:
		return t.Value == taint.Value
	case TolerationOpExists:
		return true
		return false

2.9 PodToleratesNodeNoExecuteTaintsPred 没找到对应调用的地方,是删除了?


func PodToleratesNodeNoExecuteTaints(pod *v1.Pod, meta Metadata, nodeInfo *schedulernodeinfo.NodeInfo) (bool, []PredicateFailureReason, error) {
	return podToleratesNodeTaints(pod, nodeInfo, func(t *v1.Taint) bool {
		return t.Effect == v1.TaintEffectNoExecute

2.10 CheckNodeLabelPresencePred 检测NodeLabel是否存在,没有对应实现方法


2.11 CheckServiceAffinityPred

关于ServiceAffinity的资料比较少,这里看代码及注释的意思是,如果svc的pod被调用到了某个node上,这个node上比如具有标签"region=shanghai",那这个svc剩下的pod也会调度到具有该标签的node上。这里有个svc affinity labels的概念,但API Reference1.16是没有ServiceAffinity这个字段的,跟踪了下调用链,发现是初始化default registry传进来的,暂时没弄清楚这里的关系。

func (s *ServiceAffinity) checkServiceAffinity(pod *v1.Pod, meta Metadata, nodeInfo *schedulernodeinfo.NodeInfo) (bool, []PredicateFailureReason, error) {
	var services []*v1.Service
	var pods []*v1.Pod
	if pm, ok := meta.(*predicateMetadata); ok && pm.serviceAffinityMetadata != nil && (pm.serviceAffinityMetadata.matchingPodList != nil || pm.serviceAffinityMetadata.matchingPodServices != nil) {
		services = pm.serviceAffinityMetadata.matchingPodServices
		pods = pm.serviceAffinityMetadata.matchingPodList
	} else {
		// Make the predicate resilient in case metadata is missing.
		pm = &predicateMetadata{pod: pod}
		pods, services = pm.serviceAffinityMetadata.matchingPodList, pm.serviceAffinityMetadata.matchingPodServices
	filteredPods := nodeInfo.FilterOutPods(pods)
	node := nodeInfo.Node()
	if node == nil {
		return false, nil, fmt.Errorf("node not found")
	// check if the pod being scheduled has the affinity labels specified in its NodeSelector
	affinityLabels := FindLabelsInSet(s.labels, labels.Set(pod.Spec.NodeSelector))
	// Step 1: If we don't have all constraints, introspect nodes to find the missing constraints.
	if len(s.labels) > len(affinityLabels) {
		if len(services) > 0 {
			if len(filteredPods) > 0 {
				nodeWithAffinityLabels, err := s.nodeInfoLister.Get(filteredPods[0].Spec.NodeName)
				if err != nil {
					return false, nil, err
				AddUnsetLabelsToMap(affinityLabels, s.labels, labels.Set(nodeWithAffinityLabels.Node().Labels))
	// Step 2: Finally complete the affinity predicate based on whatever set of predicates we were able to find.
	if CreateSelectorFromLabels(affinityLabels).Matches(labels.Set(node.Labels)) {
		return true, nil, nil
	return false, []PredicateFailureReason{ErrServiceAffinityViolated}, nil

2.12 MaxCSIVolumeCountPred 检测Node的Volume数量是否超过最大值

CSI 代表容器存储接口,Container Storage Interface, 这里主要检测node上挂载的Volume的数量是否已经超过最大值,如果没有,则返回True,如果已经大于最大值,则返回失败。

func (c *CSIMaxVolumeLimitChecker) attachableLimitPredicate(
	pod *v1.Pod, meta Metadata, nodeInfo *schedulernodeinfo.NodeInfo) (bool, []PredicateFailureReason, error) {
	// If the new pod doesn't have any volume attached to it, the predicate will always be true
	if len(pod.Spec.Volumes) == 0 {
		return true, nil, nil

	node := nodeInfo.Node()
	if node == nil {
		return false, nil, fmt.Errorf("node not found")

	// If CSINode doesn't exist, the predicate may read the limits from Node object
	csiNode, err := c.csiNodeLister.Get(node.Name)
	if err != nil {
		// TODO: return the error once CSINode is created by default (2 releases)
		klog.V(5).Infof("Could not get a CSINode object for the node: %v", err)

	newVolumes := make(map[string]string)
	if err := c.filterAttachableVolumes(csiNode, pod.Spec.Volumes, pod.Namespace, newVolumes); err != nil {
		return false, nil, err

	// If the pod doesn't have any new CSI volumes, the predicate will always be true
	if len(newVolumes) == 0 {
		return true, nil, nil

	// If the node doesn't have volume limits, the predicate will always be true
	nodeVolumeLimits := getVolumeLimits(nodeInfo, csiNode)
	if len(nodeVolumeLimits) == 0 {
		return true, nil, nil

	attachedVolumes := make(map[string]string)
	for _, existingPod := range nodeInfo.Pods() {
		if err := c.filterAttachableVolumes(csiNode, existingPod.Spec.Volumes, existingPod.Namespace, attachedVolumes); err != nil {
			return false, nil, err

	attachedVolumeCount := map[string]int{}
	for volumeUniqueName, volumeLimitKey := range attachedVolumes {
		if _, ok := newVolumes[volumeUniqueName]; ok {
			// Don't count single volume used in multiple pods more than once
			delete(newVolumes, volumeUniqueName)

	newVolumeCount := map[string]int{}
	for _, volumeLimitKey := range newVolumes {

	for volumeLimitKey, count := range newVolumeCount {
		maxVolumeLimit, ok := nodeVolumeLimits[v1.ResourceName(volumeLimitKey)]
		if ok {
			currentVolumeCount := attachedVolumeCount[volumeLimitKey]
			if currentVolumeCount+count > int(maxVolumeLimit) {
				return false, []PredicateFailureReason{ErrMaxVolumeCountExceeded}, nil

	return true, nil, nil

2.13 CheckVolumeBindingPred 检查该node的PV是否满足PVC

  • 如果没有PVC,直接返回True
  • 如果有PVC,则查看该node上是否有满足的PV 1) Volume Mode是否满足 2) Volume是否被删除 3) Node的亲和性是否满足PV的NodeAffinity 4) Volume是否已经绑定到其他PVC上了 5) Volume是否可用 6) Volume的label是否满足PVC的selector 6) 访问Mode是否满足
func (c *VolumeBindingChecker) predicate(pod *v1.Pod, meta Metadata, nodeInfo *schedulernodeinfo.NodeInfo) (bool, []PredicateFailureReason, error) {
	// If pod does not request any PVC, we don't need to do anything.
	if !podHasPVCs(pod) {
		return true, nil, nil

	node := nodeInfo.Node()
	if node == nil {
		return false, nil, fmt.Errorf("node not found")

	unboundSatisfied, boundSatisfied, err := c.binder.Binder.FindPodVolumes(pod, node)
	if err != nil {
		return false, nil, err

	failReasons := []PredicateFailureReason{}
	if !boundSatisfied {
		klog.V(5).Infof("Bound PVs not satisfied for pod %v/%v, node %q", pod.Namespace, pod.Name, node.Name)
		failReasons = append(failReasons, ErrVolumeNodeConflict)

	if !unboundSatisfied {
		klog.V(5).Infof("Couldn't find matching PVs for pod %v/%v, node %q", pod.Namespace, pod.Name, node.Name)
		failReasons = append(failReasons, ErrVolumeBindConflict)

	if len(failReasons) > 0 {
		return false, failReasons, nil

	// All volumes bound or matching PVs found for all unbound PVCs
	klog.V(5).Infof("All PVCs found matches for pod %v/%v, node %q", pod.Namespace, pod.Name, node.Name)
	return true, nil, nil

func FindMatchingVolume(
	claim *v1.PersistentVolumeClaim,
	volumes []*v1.PersistentVolume,
	node *v1.Node,
	excludedVolumes map[string]*v1.PersistentVolume,
	delayBinding bool) (*v1.PersistentVolume, error) {

	var smallestVolume *v1.PersistentVolume
	var smallestVolumeQty resource.Quantity
	requestedQty := claim.Spec.Resources.Requests[v1.ResourceName(v1.ResourceStorage)]
	requestedClass := v1helper.GetPersistentVolumeClaimClass(claim)

	var selector labels.Selector
	if claim.Spec.Selector != nil {
		internalSelector, err := metav1.LabelSelectorAsSelector(claim.Spec.Selector)
		if err != nil {
			// should be unreachable code due to validation
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("error creating internal label selector for claim: %v: %v", claimToClaimKey(claim), err)
		selector = internalSelector

	// Go through all available volumes with two goals:
	// - find a volume that is either pre-bound by user or dynamically
	//   provisioned for this claim. Because of this we need to loop through
	//   all volumes.
	// - find the smallest matching one if there is no volume pre-bound to
	//   the claim.
	for _, volume := range volumes {
		if _, ok := excludedVolumes[volume.Name]; ok {
			// Skip volumes in the excluded list

		volumeQty := volume.Spec.Capacity[v1.ResourceStorage]

		// filter out mismatching volumeModes
		if CheckVolumeModeMismatches(&claim.Spec, &volume.Spec) {

		// check if PV's DeletionTimeStamp is set, if so, skip this volume.
		if utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.StorageObjectInUseProtection) {
			if volume.ObjectMeta.DeletionTimestamp != nil {

		nodeAffinityValid := true
		if node != nil {
			// Scheduler path, check that the PV NodeAffinity
			// is satisfied by the node
			err := volumeutil.CheckNodeAffinity(volume, node.Labels)
			if err != nil {
				nodeAffinityValid = false

		if IsVolumeBoundToClaim(volume, claim) {
			// this claim and volume are pre-bound; return
			// the volume if the size request is satisfied,
			// otherwise continue searching for a match
			if volumeQty.Cmp(requestedQty) < 0 {

			// If PV node affinity is invalid, return no match.
			// This means the prebound PV (and therefore PVC)
			// is not suitable for this node.
			if !nodeAffinityValid {
				return nil, nil

			return volume, nil

		if node == nil && delayBinding {
			// PV controller does not bind this claim.
			// Scheduler will handle binding unbound volumes
			// Scheduler path will have node != nil

		// filter out:
		// - volumes in non-available phase
		// - volumes bound to another claim
		// - volumes whose labels don't match the claim's selector, if specified
		// - volumes in Class that is not requested
		// - volumes whose NodeAffinity does not match the node
		if volume.Status.Phase != v1.VolumeAvailable {
			// We ignore volumes in non-available phase, because volumes that
			// satisfies matching criteria will be updated to available, binding
			// them now has high chance of encountering unnecessary failures
			// due to API conflicts.
		} else if volume.Spec.ClaimRef != nil {
		} else if selector != nil && !selector.Matches(labels.Set(volume.Labels)) {
		if v1helper.GetPersistentVolumeClass(volume) != requestedClass {
		if !nodeAffinityValid {

		if node != nil {
			// Scheduler path
			// Check that the access modes match
			if !CheckAccessModes(claim, volume) {

		if volumeQty.Cmp(requestedQty) >= 0 {
			if smallestVolume == nil || smallestVolumeQty.Cmp(volumeQty) > 0 {
				smallestVolume = volume
				smallestVolumeQty = volumeQty

	if smallestVolume != nil {
		// Found a matching volume
		return smallestVolume, nil

	return nil, nil

2.14 NoVolumeZoneConflictPred Volume的Zone是否冲突


func (c *VolumeZoneChecker) predicate(pod *v1.Pod, meta Metadata, nodeInfo *schedulernodeinfo.NodeInfo) (bool, []PredicateFailureReason, error) {
	// If a pod doesn't have any volume attached to it, the predicate will always be true.
	// Thus we make a fast path for it, to avoid unnecessary computations in this case.
	if len(pod.Spec.Volumes) == 0 {
		return true, nil, nil

	node := nodeInfo.Node()
	if node == nil {
		return false, nil, fmt.Errorf("node not found")

	nodeConstraints := make(map[string]string)
	for k, v := range node.ObjectMeta.Labels {
		if k != v1.LabelZoneFailureDomain && k != v1.LabelZoneRegion {
		nodeConstraints[k] = v

	if len(nodeConstraints) == 0 {
		// The node has no zone constraints, so we're OK to schedule.
		// In practice, when using zones, all nodes must be labeled with zone labels.
		// We want to fast-path this case though.
		return true, nil, nil

	namespace := pod.Namespace
	manifest := &(pod.Spec)
	for i := range manifest.Volumes {
		volume := &manifest.Volumes[i]
		if volume.PersistentVolumeClaim != nil {
			pvcName := volume.PersistentVolumeClaim.ClaimName
			if pvcName == "" {
				return false, nil, fmt.Errorf("PersistentVolumeClaim had no name")
			pvc, err := c.pvcLister.PersistentVolumeClaims(namespace).Get(pvcName)
			if err != nil {
				return false, nil, err

			if pvc == nil {
				return false, nil, fmt.Errorf("PersistentVolumeClaim was not found: %q", pvcName)

			pvName := pvc.Spec.VolumeName
			if pvName == "" {
				scName := v1helper.GetPersistentVolumeClaimClass(pvc)
				if len(scName) > 0 {
					class, _ := c.scLister.Get(scName)
					if class != nil {
						if class.VolumeBindingMode == nil {
							return false, nil, fmt.Errorf("VolumeBindingMode not set for StorageClass %q", scName)
						if *class.VolumeBindingMode == storage.VolumeBindingWaitForFirstConsumer {
							// Skip unbound volumes
				return false, nil, fmt.Errorf("PersistentVolumeClaim was not found: %q", pvcName)

			pv, err := c.pvLister.Get(pvName)
			if err != nil {
				return false, nil, err

			if pv == nil {
				return false, nil, fmt.Errorf("PersistentVolume was not found: %q", pvName)

			for k, v := range pv.ObjectMeta.Labels {
				if k != v1.LabelZoneFailureDomain && k != v1.LabelZoneRegion {
				nodeV, _ := nodeConstraints[k]
				volumeVSet, err := volumehelpers.LabelZonesToSet(v)
				if err != nil {
					klog.Warningf("Failed to parse label for %q: %q. Ignoring the label. err=%v. ", k, v, err)

				if !volumeVSet.Has(nodeV) {
					klog.V(10).Infof("Won't schedule pod %q onto node %q due to volume %q (mismatch on %q)", pod.Name, node.Name, pvName, k)
					return false, []PredicateFailureReason{ErrVolumeZoneConflict}, nil

	return true, nil, nil

2.15 EvenPodsSpreadPred node是否满足拓扑传播限制

这个是1.16新加入的限制,拓扑传播限制, 但一些区域或者节点出现故障,可以进行限制pod被调度到这个故障区域里面。用户也可以自己定义拓扑区域。

func EvenPodsSpreadPredicate(pod *v1.Pod, meta Metadata, nodeInfo *schedulernodeinfo.NodeInfo) (bool, []PredicateFailureReason, error) {
	node := nodeInfo.Node()
	if node == nil {
		return false, nil, fmt.Errorf("node not found")

	var epsMeta *evenPodsSpreadMetadata
	if predicateMeta, ok := meta.(*predicateMetadata); ok {
		epsMeta = predicateMeta.evenPodsSpreadMetadata
	} else { // We don't have precomputed metadata. We have to follow a slow path to check spread constraints.
		// TODO(autoscaler): get it implemented
		return false, nil, errors.New("metadata not pre-computed for EvenPodsSpreadPredicate")

	if epsMeta == nil || len(epsMeta.tpPairToMatchNum) == 0 || len(epsMeta.constraints) == 0 {
		return true, nil, nil

	podLabelSet := labels.Set(pod.Labels)
	for _, c := range epsMeta.constraints {
		tpKey := c.topologyKey
		tpVal, ok := node.Labels[c.topologyKey]
		if !ok {
			klog.V(5).Infof("node '%s' doesn't have required label '%s'", node.Name, tpKey)
			return false, []PredicateFailureReason{ErrTopologySpreadConstraintsNotMatch}, nil

		selfMatchNum := int32(0)
		if c.selector.Matches(podLabelSet) {
			selfMatchNum = 1

		pair := topologyPair{key: tpKey, value: tpVal}
		paths, ok := epsMeta.tpKeyToCriticalPaths[tpKey]
		if !ok {
			// error which should not happen
			klog.Errorf("internal error: get paths from key %q of %#v", tpKey, epsMeta.tpKeyToCriticalPaths)
		// judging criteria:
		// 'existing matching num' + 'if self-match (1 or 0)' - 'global min matching num' <= 'maxSkew'
		minMatchNum := paths[0].matchNum
		matchNum := epsMeta.tpPairToMatchNum[pair]
		skew := matchNum + selfMatchNum - minMatchNum
		if skew > c.maxSkew {
			klog.V(5).Infof("node '%s' failed spreadConstraint[%s]: matchNum(%d) + selfMatchNum(%d) - minMatchNum(%d) > maxSkew(%d)", node.Name, tpKey, matchNum, selfMatchNum, minMatchNum, c.maxSkew)
			return false, []PredicateFailureReason{ErrTopologySpreadConstraintsNotMatch}, nil

	return true, nil, nil

2.16 MatchInterPodAffinityPred 检查是否打破pod Affinity与anti Affinity

  • 如果pod调度到该node上,该node的其他存在的pod的反亲和性是否满足
  • 如果pod调度到该node上,该pod的亲和性或者反亲和性是否满足
func (c *PodAffinityChecker) InterPodAffinityMatches(pod *v1.Pod, meta Metadata, nodeInfo *schedulernodeinfo.NodeInfo) (bool, []PredicateFailureReason, error) {
	node := nodeInfo.Node()
	if node == nil {
		return false, nil, fmt.Errorf("node not found")
	if failedPredicates, error := c.satisfiesExistingPodsAntiAffinity(pod, meta, nodeInfo); failedPredicates != nil {
		failedPredicates := append([]PredicateFailureReason{ErrPodAffinityNotMatch}, failedPredicates)
		return false, failedPredicates, error

	// Now check if <pod> requirements will be satisfied on this node.
	affinity := pod.Spec.Affinity
	if affinity == nil || (affinity.PodAffinity == nil && affinity.PodAntiAffinity == nil) {
		return true, nil, nil
	if failedPredicates, error := c.satisfiesPodsAffinityAntiAffinity(pod, meta, nodeInfo, affinity); failedPredicates != nil {
		failedPredicates := append([]PredicateFailureReason{ErrPodAffinityNotMatch}, failedPredicates)
		return false, failedPredicates, error

	if klog.V(10) {
		// We explicitly don't do klog.V(10).Infof() to avoid computing all the parameters if this is
		// not logged. There is visible performance gain from it.
		klog.Infof("Schedule Pod %+v on Node %+v is allowed, pod (anti)affinity constraints satisfied",
			podName(pod), node.Name)
	return true, nil, nil

3 后记



如有侵权,请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除。


如有侵权,请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除。

0 条评论
  • 1. 调度策略概览
  • 2. 预选算法
    • 2.1 CheckNodeUnschedulablePred Node是否可调度
    • 2.2 GeneralPred 检测资源是否充足,pod的host,port,selector是否匹配
    • 2.3 HostNamePred pod指定的node名称是否和node名称相同
    • 2.4 PodFitsHostPortsPred 请求的pod的port,在该node上是否已经被占用
    • 2.5 MatchNodeSelectorPred NodeSelect匹配及亲和度匹配
    • 2.6 PodFitsResourcesPred 资源检测
    • 2.7 NoDiskConflictPred 检测挂载的卷和已经存在的卷是否有冲突
    • 2.8 PodToleratesNodeTaintsPred 检测pod的容忍度能否容忍这个node上的污点
    • 2.9 PodToleratesNodeNoExecuteTaintsPred 没找到对应调用的地方,是删除了?
    • 2.10 CheckNodeLabelPresencePred 检测NodeLabel是否存在,没有对应实现方法
    • 2.11 CheckServiceAffinityPred
    • 2.12 MaxCSIVolumeCountPred 检测Node的Volume数量是否超过最大值
    • 2.13 CheckVolumeBindingPred 检查该node的PV是否满足PVC
    • 2.14 NoVolumeZoneConflictPred Volume的Zone是否冲突
    • 2.15 EvenPodsSpreadPred node是否满足拓扑传播限制
    • 2.16 MatchInterPodAffinityPred 检查是否打破pod Affinity与anti Affinity
    • 3 后记
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